B. List of Witnesses

Air Force Training - Singapore

Wednesday, 29 November 2017


Air Commodore Mark Green, Director-General Strategy and Planning, Air Force, Department of Defence

Commodore Peter Bowers, Director-General, Australian Defence Force Legal Services, Defence Legal, Department of Defence

Mr Scott Dewar, First Assistant Secretary, International Policy Division, Department of Defence

Deployment of personnel - Solomon Islands

Wednesday, 29 November 2017


Commander Amanda Kates, Manager Pacific, Australian Federal Police

Mr Howard Allen, Australian Federal Police Legal, Australian Federal Police

Commodore Peter Bowers, Director-General, Australian Defence Force Legal Services, Defence Legal, Department of Defence

Mr Bruce Soar, Acting Secretary, Melanesia Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Space Tracking - USA

Monday, 4 December 2017


Dr Anne Byrne, General Manager, Industry Transition Branch, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

Mr Rodney Harris, Assistant Manager, Industry Transition Branch, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

Dr Ed Kruzins, CSIRO NASA Operations & Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

Ms Kerry Fereday, Support Services Manager, CSIRO NASA Operations, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

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