Fair Market or Market Failure? A review of Australia's retailing sector

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Fair Market or Market Failure? A review of Australia's retailing sector

August 1999

© Commonwealth of Australia 1999
ISBN 0 642 71025 2

View the report as a single document - (PDF 1398KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Terms of reference (PDF 9KB)
Membership of the Committee (PDF 12KB)
Executive Summary (PDF 43KB)

Market share
Market cap
Strengthening the Trade Practices Act
Retail Industry Ombudsman
Code of Conduct

Abbreviations (PDF 7KB)
Recommendations (PDF 17KB)
Chapter 1 - Reasons for the inquiry (PDF 31KB)

Previous inquiries

Chapter 2 - The retailing sector (PDF 117KB)

Grocery retailing
  Brief history
  Present day market structure
The major chains
The independent retailers
  National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia
The wholesalers
  Davids Limited
  Australian Independent Wholesalers
  Foodland Associated Limited
Differences between the major chains and the independent sector

Chapter 3 - Main contentions (PDF 101KB)

  National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia (NARGA)
  Other independent retailers
  Davids Limited
  Foodland Associated Limited
Primary producers
  NSW Farmers Associated
  South Australian Farmers Federation
  Queensland Fruit and Vegetable Growers
Other organisations
  Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia
  Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association
  Coalition Against Major Chain Dominance
  Australia Consumers' Association
  Consumer Food Network
Government organisations
  Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
  Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
  Office of Small Business

Chapter 4 - Market share (PDF 47KB)

Market definition
National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
Australian Bureau of Statistics

Chapter 5 - Use of market power (PDF 237KB)

Market cap
Creeping acquisitions
Manufacturers and trading terms
Primary producers and supply contracts
Electricity and EFTPOS
Access to new sites
Access to new product lines
Social impacts
Corporate benevolence

Chapter 6 - Misuse of Market Power (PDF 73KB)

Predatory pricing
Unconscionable conduct

Chapter 7 - OECD Comparisons (PDF 97KB)

Concentration and regulation in OECD economies
  United States
  United Kingdom
  Southern Europe
  New Zealand
Overall regulations across OECD economies
Overall trends across OECD retailing sectors

Chapter 8 - The Future of the Retailing Sector (PDF 33KB)

New entries
Developments in Retailing
Technological developments
  Electronic Commerce and the Internet

Supplementary remarks to the report by Senator Andrew Murray: Australian Democrats (PDF 64KB)
Supplementary remarks to the report by Senator the Hon Ron Boswell: Leader of The National Party of Australia in the Senate (PDF 9KB)
Appendix 1 - Conduct of the Inquiry (PDF 12KB)
Appendix 2 - List of Submissions (PDF 61KB)
Appendix 3 - List of Additional Information (PDF 13KB)
Appendix 4 - Witnesses at Public Hearings (PDF 36KB)
Appendix 5 - Australian Bureau of Statistics Special Data Service Report* (PDF 329KB)
Appendix 6 - Time Line of Retail Grocery Trends (PDF 11KB)
Appendix 7 - House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology - Report: Finding a balance towards fair trading in Australia, May 1997 - Recommendations (PDF 40KB)
Appendix 8 - Productivity Commission - Draft Report: Impact of Competition Policy Reforms on Rural and Regional Australia, May 1999 - Comments relating to the retailing sector (PDF 19KB)
Appendix 9 - Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory Select Committee on Territory Prices - Report: Price, Quality and Choice: Striking a Fair Balance, Vol. 1, August 1999 Terms of Reference, Summary of Findings and Summary of Recommendations (PDF 37KB)
Appendix 10 - Industrial Commission of NSW - Report upon matters relating to the Management, Control and Operations of General Chain Stores in NSW, August 1939 - Terms of Reference (PDF 10KB)
Appendix 11 - Senate Select Committee on the Socio-Economic Consequences of the National Competition Policy - Terms of Reference and Executive Summary from the Interim Report: Competition Policy: Friend of Foe - Economic Surplus, Social Deficit?, August 1999 (PDF 29KB)
Appendix 12 - Small Business and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (PDF 24KB)

*PDF Format Only

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