Terms of Reference

The Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade shall examine the conditions necessary to activate greater trade and investment with countries of the Pacific region to the benefit of Australia and our Pacific neighbours. The Committee shall have particular regard to:
the nature of Australia’s existing trade and investment relationships with Pacific island countries and the potential that is presented by the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations Plus (PACER Plus) for enhancing those relationships;
the opportunities to strengthen trade, investment, aid for trade and employment links between Australia and Pacific island countries and how they can be captured;
the barriers and impediments to trade and investment between Australia and Pacific island countries and how they can be mitigated;
the role and effectiveness of support structures and networks, including government, business, sport, Pacific diaspora communities in Australia, and areas of civil society, and how they can assist with identifying and capturing trade and investment opportunities for Australia and Pacific island countries; and
the views, norms and cultural practices relating to trade and investment in Australia and Pacific island countries and how differences can be accommodated.

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