Inquiry into the Exposure Draft of the Corporations Amendment Bill (No 2) 2005

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Inquiry into the Exposure Draft of the Corporations Amendment Bill (No 2) 2005

16 June 2005

© Commonwealth of Australia 2005
ISBN 0 642 71538 6

View the report as a single document - (PDF 344KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Members of the committee (PDF 131KB)
Terms of Reference (PDF 137KB)
Chapter One - The Inquiry (PDF 153KB)

Adoption of reference

Chapter Two - Issues (PDF 240KB)
Abolition of the "100 Member Rule"
Threshold for listing members resolutions at a general meeting
Distribution of Members' Statements
"Cherry-Picking" of Proxy Votes
Alternative means of voting at general meetings
Disclosure of proxy votes
Disclosure of information filed overseas
Labor Members Minority Report (PDF 156KB)
Removal of the ‘100 member rule’
Threshold for listing members' resolutions at general meetings
Distribution of member statements
Cherry Picking of Proxy Votes
Disclosure of Proxy Votes
Disclosure of Information Filed Overseas
Minority Report - Senator Andrew Murray, Australian Democrats (PDF 180KB)
Abolition of the '100 Member rule'
Threshold for listing members resolutions at a general meeting
Distribution of Members statements
Proxy votes
Cherry picking of proxy votes
Disclosure of proxy votes
Disclosure of information filed overseas
Appendix to Australian Democrats Minority Report
Shareholders in Some Public Companies
Appendix 1 - Submissions received (PDF 84KB)
Appendix 2 - Public hearing and witnesses (PDF 83KB)

For further information, contact

Committee Secretary
Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3583
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719