Terms of Reference

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Terms of Reference

On 9 February 2005, the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services resolved to inquire into the Exposure Draft of the Corporations Amendment Bill (No.2) 2005. The Exposure Draft Bill seeks to amend the Corporations Act 2001. It is intended to facilitate increased shareholder participation in corporate governance, while reducing the costs of such participation. Specifically, it proposes changes to the '100-member' rule for calling meetings, and changes to proxy voting.

The Committee will consider:

  1. the need for the proposed amendments;
  2. the impact of the proposed amendments on corporate governance;
  3. the impact on shareholder participation of the Bill, including proposed amendments to the '100-member' rule;
  4. the impact of the proposed amendments to rules for proxy voting;
  5. possible alternative approaches; and
  6. any related matter.

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