Chapter One - The Inquiry

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Chapter One - The Inquiry


1.1      An exposure draft of the Corporations Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2005 was released on the Treasury website on 7 February 2005, along with an exposure draft explanatory memorandum. Treasury called for written comments on the exposure draft by 1 April 2005.

1.2      The bill proposes a number of changes to corporate governance and shareholder participation arrangements for corporations governed by the Corporations Act 2001. A number of the proposed changes arise from previous reports of this Committee (and its predecessors), and from reports of the Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (CAMAC).

1.3      In particular, the bill proposes to:

Adoption of reference

1.4      At a private meeting on 16 February 2005, the Committee agreed to the following terms of reference for this inquiry.

The Committee will consider:

  1. the need for the proposed amendments;
  2. the impact of the proposed amendments on corporate governance;
  3. the impact on shareholder participation of the bill, including proposed amendments to the '100-member rule';
  4. the impact of the proposed amendments to rules for proxy voting;
  5. possible alternative approaches; and
  6. any related matter.

1.5      The Committee agreed to a closing date for submissions of 8 April 2005, in order to allow submitters to provide, to this Committee, modified versions of the submissions made to Treasury. A list of the submissions received appears at Appendix 1.

1.6      The Committee held one hearing on this reference, in Canberra, on 28 April 2005. Witnesses who appeared before the Committee at that hearing are listed at Appendix 2. Copies of the Hansard transcript are tabled for the information of the Senate and the House of Representatives. They are also available through the internet at

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