Members of the committee

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Members of the committee

Senator Grant Chapman, Chairman
Ms Anna Burke MP, Deputy Chair
Senator George Brandis
Senator Kate Lundy
Senator Andrew Murray
Senator Penny Wong
Mr Kerry Bartlett MP
Mr Chris Bowen MP
The Hon Jackie Kelly MP
Mr Stewart McArthur MP


Dr Anthony Marinac, Acting Secretary
Mr Alex Olah, Principal Research Officer
Dr Philip Larkin, House of Commons, United Kingdom
Ms Loes Slattery, Senior Research Officer
Ms Laurie Cassidy, Executive Assistant

Suite SG.64
Parliament House
Canberra  ACT  2600

T:   61 2 6277 3583
F:   61 2 6277 5719

Duties of the committee

Section 243 of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 sets out the duties of the committee as follows:

The Parliamentary Committee's duties are:

  1. to inquire into, and report to both Houses on:
    1. activities of ASIC or the Panel, or matters connected with such activities, to which, in the Parliamentary Committee's opinion, the Parliament's attention should be directed; or
    2. the operation of the corporations legislation (other than the excluded provisions), or of any other law of the Commonwealth, of a State or Territory or of a foreign country that appears to the Parliamentary Committee to affect significantly the operation of the corporations legislation (other than the excluded provisions); and
  2. to examine each annual report that is prepared by a body established by this Act and of which a copy has been laid before a House, and to report to both Houses on matters that appear in, or arise out of, that annual report and to which, in the Parliamentary Committee's opinion, the Parliament's attention should be directed; and
  3. to inquire into any question in connection with its duties that is referred to it by a House, and to report to that House on that question.

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