Report 418 : Review of Auditor-General's Reports Nos. 22 to 38 (2009/10)

Report 418 : Review of Auditor-General's Reports Nos. 22 to 38 (2009/10)

1 December 2011

© Commonwealth of Australia 2011

ISBN 978-0-642-79398-0 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-0-642-79399-7 (HTML version)

View the report as a single document - (PDF 1.8MB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Preliminary pages (PDF 415KB)
Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF 194KB)

Background to the review
The Committee’s report

Chapter 2 Audit Report No. 07 2009-10 Administration of Grants by the National Health and Medical Research Council (PDF 343KB)

Changes to the NHMRC since 2006
Increased funding for NHMRC grant programs 2000-08
The NHMRC grant process
Deed of Agreement with Administering Institutions
Previous audit coverage
The Audit
Overall audit conclusion
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Research areas
Conflict of interest
Assessment and selection of grants
Administering Institutions
Hospitals and smaller institutions
Post-award grant management

Chapter 3 Audit Report No. 08 2009-10 The Australian Taxation Office’s Implementation of the Change Program: a strategic overview (PDF 400KB)

Planning of the Change Program
The intent of the Change Program
Change Program governance
International experiences in implementing large scale ICT projects
Implementation progress and extensions to project scope
Change Program funding
The Audit
Overall audit conclusion
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Capacity of the new system
Systems architecture
Governance of the change program
Testing of the system
Funding and resources
IT contracts
Lessons learned

Chapter 4 Audit Report No. 10 2009-10 Processing of Incoming International Air Passengers (PDF 366KB)

The Audit
Overall audit conclusion
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Consistent implementation of primary line routine
Measuring passenger queue and processing time
Staff training and development
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) management
Effectiveness of the processing system
Appropriate processing of incoming passengers
Reasons for referrals
IT system breakdowns

Chapter 5 Audit Report No. 15 2009-10 AusAID’s Management of the Expanding Australian Aid Program (PDF 335KB)

The Audit
Overall audit conclusion
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Local staff
Staff turnover
Country strategies
Non-monitored activities
Multi-year programming framework
Publication of reports
Departmental and administered expenditure

Chapter 6 Auditor Report No. 20 2009-1 The National Broadband Network Request for Proposal Process (PDF 310KB)

The Audit
Overall audit conclusion
The Committee’s review
Identification and evaluation of risk
Specialist advisers
Reducing likelihood of a successful outcome
Options to change RFP
Telstra’s bid
Lessons learned

Chapter 7 Audit Report No. 26 2009-10 Administration of Climate Change Programs (PDF 304KB)

Australian Government response to climate change
Projects funded under grant programs
Rebate schemes
Previous Audit
Audit objectives and scope
Audit scope
Overall audit conclusions
ANAO recommendation
The Committee’s review
Risk identification and management
Assessment process
Demand driven programs
Performance reporting
Grants Policy Unit

Chapter 8 Audit Report No. 27 2009-10 Coordination and Reporting of Australia’s Climate Change Measures (PDF 353KB)

The Audit
Overall audit conclusion
ANAO recommendation
The Committee’s review
National Framework for Australian Climate Change Science
UNFCCC recommendations
Quality data collection
Abatement measurement guidelines
‘Business as usual’ factors

Chapter 9 Audit Report No. 31 2009-10 Management of the AusLink Roads to Recovery Program (PDF 297KB)

AusLink R2R Programs
The Audit
Overall audit conclusions
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Expenditure maintenance requirements
Data quality
Strategic planning
Specificity of recommendations

Chapter 10 Audit Report No. 33 2009-10 Building the Education Revolution – Primary Schools for the 21st Century (PDF 55KB)

The Audit
Overall audit conclusion
The Committee’s review
Program rules
Value for money
Non-government schools
Monitoring data
Local labour
Progress to date

Appendix A – List of Submissions (PDF 102KB)
Appendix B – List of Public Hearings (PDF 147KB)