Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1 Introduction

Background to the review

1.1                   The Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA) has a statutory duty to examine all reports of the Auditor-General that are presented to the Australian Parliament, and report the results of its deliberations to both Houses of Parliament. In selecting audit reports for review, the Committee considers:

1.2                   Upon consideration of 37 audit reports presented to the Parliament by the Auditor-General between September 2009 and May 2010, the Committee selected nine reports for further scrutiny at public hearings.

1.3                   The audit reports reviewed by the JCPAA are listed below:

1.4                   The public hearings for the reports were held on:

1.5                   A list of witnesses who appeared at the public hearings is available at Appendix B.

The Committee’s report

1.6                   This report of the Committee’s examination draws attention to the main issues raised at the respective public hearings. Where appropriate, the Committee has commented on unresolved or contentious issues, and has made recommendations.

1.7                   The Committee’s report is structured as follows:

1.8                   The following appendices provide further information:

1.9                   A copy of this report is available on the Committee’s website at


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