Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts portfolio

Budget Estimates 2010-2011 - (May 2010)

Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts portfolio

Index of questions on notice


Index of questions on notice 

Tuesday, 25 and Wednesday, 26 May 2010 (PDF 234KB)

Tabled documents

Tabled 25 and 26 May 2010


 Ms Kruk, Secretary, amended statements of cash flows for the  National National Maritime Museum and the Australian Film,   Television and Radio School

(PDF 348KB)
Senator Ludlam, graph indicating water quality monitoring data at Ranger mine (PDF 121KB)
Minister Wong, Australia's Biodiversity and Climate Change, Summary for policy makers 2009 (PDF 1181KB)

Mr Early, Deputy Secretary
Speech by Minister Garrett to the Centre for International & Public Law, ANU, 28 April 2010, Australia's ambition for the worldwide conservation of whales
Position paper: The Future of the International Whaling Commission: An Australian Proposal

(PDF 2274KB)

(PDF 741KB)

Mr Freeman, Chief Executive, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Opening Statement – The Basin Plan (PDF 1088KB)

Answers to questions on notice   

Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts


Answers to general questions that cross all departmental outcomes/programs qons 142-145, 147-154
 (PDF 207KB)
qon 146 (PDF 223KB)
qons 155-172 (PDF 239KB)
Outcome 1: The conservation and protection of Australia's terrestrial and marine biodiversity and ecosystems through supporting research, developing information, supporting natural resource management, regulating matters of national environmental significance and managing Commonwealth protected areas
Bureau of Meteorology (PDF 43KB)
Director of National Parks (PDF 770KB)
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (PDF 31KB)
Office of the Supervising Scientist (PDF 11KB)
Program 1.1:  Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and the Environment (PDF 58KB)
Program 1.2: Environmental Regulation, Information and Research qons 23-44 (PDF 130KB)
qons 45-68, 94 (PDF 506KB)
Outcome 4: Adaptation to climate change, wise water use, secure water supplies and improved health of rivers, waterways and freshwater ecosystems by supporting research, and reforming the management and use of water resources
Murray-Darling Basin Authority (PDF 47KB)
Program 4.1: Water Reform (PDF 343KB)
Outcome 5: Participation in, and access to, Australia's culture and heritage through developing and supporting cultural expression, and protecting and conserving Australia's heritage
Australia Council (PDF 9KB)
Australian National Maritime Museum (PDF 8KB)
National Film and Sound Archive  (PDF 14KB)
National Gallery of Australia (PDF 32KB)
National Library of Australia (PDF 8KB)
National Museum of Australia (PDF 11KB)
Screen Australia (PDF 314KB)
Program 5.1: Arts and Cultural Development (PDF 101KB)
Program 5.2: Conservation and Protection of Australia's Heritage (PDF 54KB)

For further information, contact:

Research/Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818
Email: eca.sen@aph.gov.au