Chapter 6

Recommendation 1

6.16     The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth government issue a formal acknowledgement and expression of regret to former child migrants in accordance with recommendation 30 of the Lost Innocents report; and that this statement be issued in conjunction with, or as a part of, a broader Commonwealth apology to people who experienced abuse and/or neglect in institutional or out-of-home care as children.

Recommendation 2

6.21     The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth government issue a formal statement of acknowledgement and apology to children who suffered hurt and distress, or abuse and assault, in institutional care, in accordance with recommendation 1 of the Forgotten Australians report.

Recommendation 3

6.25     The Committee recommends that the Prime Minister write to relevant churches and religious agencies requesting that they provide formal statements concerning the need for such bodies to make reparation to children who suffered abuse and neglect in their care in the last century, and addressing in particular the issues of apology, redress and provision of services to care leavers, and the implementation of the recommendations of the Forgotten Australians report; the Committee further recommends that the Prime Minster cause the statements provided by churches and religious agencies to be collated and tabled in parliament.

Recommendation 4

6.38     The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth government pursue all available policy and political options to ensure that South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria establish redress schemes for people who suffered neglect and/or abuse in institutional settings or out-of-home care in the last century; and that the remaining States make provision to ensure continued receipt of redress claims.

Recommendation 5

6.39     The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth government pursue the establishment of State redress schemes through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) and other appropriate national forums.

Recommendation 6

6.45     The Committee recommends that churches take steps to ensure that processes for handling abuse allegations are consistent across all jurisdictions; and that such processes conform to recommendation 7 of the Forgotten Australians report.

Recommendation 7

6.48     The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth government provide further financial and other support for former child migrants to re-establish and develop family connections.

Recommendation 8

6.52     The Committee recommends that State governments which have not yet done so commit funding to the Child Migrants Trust (CMT) for at least the next three years.

Recommendation 9

6.63     The Committee recommends, in accordance with recommendation 33 of the Forgotten Australians report, that the Commonwealth and States commit, through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), to implementing a whole-of-government approach to the provision of programs and services for care leavers across policy areas such as health, housing and welfare and community services and other relevant policy areas.

Recommendation 10

6.64     The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth and State governments reconsider the previous responses to recommendations 25 to 28 of the Forgotten Australians report with a view to explicitly recognising and meeting the needs of older care leavers in the funding and development of health, housing, aged care and education programs; and ensuring that appropriate services are provided.

Recommendation 11

6.67     The Committee recommends, in accordance with recommendation 39 of the Forgotten Australians report, that the Commonwealth, in co-operation with State Governments, establish courses of study at selected tertiary institutions that focus on child protection and related issues, especially early childhood and family studies, psychology, conflict management, the impact of institutional care and social policy to address issues in these areas.

Recommendation 12

6.72     The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth government pursue the reform of national freedom of information (FoI) and privacy legislation to ensure that care leavers are not hindered in their access to information about their childhoods and families; and that current and future reviews of Commonwealth and State FoI regimes explicitly address this issue.

Recommendation 13

6.79     The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth government provide recurrent funding to the Alliance for Forgotten Australians (AFA) and Care Leavers Network Australia (CLAN) to enable these groups to continue providing adequate services to care leavers on a national basis.

Recommendation 14

6.80     The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth government provide funding to the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) to administer a fund for providing operating grants to care leaver advocacy and support groups.

Recommendation 15

6.91     The Committee recommends that the Ministerial Council for Police and Emergency Management (Police) develop and implement a national policy on the prosecution of, and data collection and sharing about, historical crimes of sexual and physical abuse of children in care; and that the establishment or further development of specialist State police units be considered as part of this policy development process.

Recommendation 16

6.94     The Committee recommends that the States consider establishing an annual remembrance day for care leavers, similar to that held by Queensland each year during Child Protection Week.

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