Chapter 3 - Out-of-home care - Foster children
This chapter provides information about contemporary out-of-home
care for children in Australia.
It includes a discussion on the types of care available, details about changes
from institutional care to home-based and family care for children in need of
care, the number of children and young people accessing services and problems
and situations for children and young people in out-of-home care. Chapter 4 discusses
the foster carers and other people and organisations who provide various forms
of out-of-home care to children and young people.
Moves from children's institutional care to foster care
Foster care has now replaced institutionalisation. Multiple
placements have replaced the turnover of staff of the institutions. The high
cost of institutionalisation has been replaced [by] low cost under resourced
foster carers. Children still experience similar difficulties, system abuse,
lack of support when they leave, inadequate support while they are in care,
poor education and so on. The problems of children in care continue to be much
the same. Nothing has really changed.[257] Victoria,
we have a crisis in out-of-home care. We are losing carers. We have got
multiple placements. We have got a child protection system in crisis...[258]
As noted in Forgotten
Australians, from Australia's
earliest times until the 1960s alternative care for children whose families
were unable to care for them oscillated between the use of large institutions
such as orphanages and other forms of care such as foster care. Research in the
1950s and 1960s drew attention to the adverse effects of institutional care on
children. Other research on maternal deprivation linked emotional adjustment
and mental health to maternal love and care in childhood. As a result,
'government and non-government child welfare agencies reviewed their practices
towards children in the light of this emerging research'.[259] Governments looked to care by family
members or foster care rather than large institutions for children in need of
out-of-home care.
The move to foster care occurred at different times
across jurisdictions, with Western Australia
being the first State to encourage foster care in the late 1950s. In Queensland
the number of children in institutions declined from the 1960s. In Victoria
and New South Wales the
implementation of the policy favouring foster care was slower: the number of
children in institutional care increased throughout the 1950s and 1960s, but
declined rapidly from the early 1970s. In New South Wales
the last of the State institutions closed following the release of the Usher
report in 1992.[260] Centacare-Sydney
By the 1970s foster care was being encouraged as a preferred
model of out-of-home care and most Catholic orphanages in NSW were closed by
the mid-1980s.[261]
Currently, government policy and practice is to
maintain children within the family if possible and to place a child in
out-of-home care only if this will improve the outcome for the child. If it is
necessary to remove the child from his or her family, various options are
available. Ideally, foster care with early intervention and prevention support
could be used to help families temporarily and keep children out of the welfare
system. In reality, foster care is becoming long term for many families.
Children are entering care at a young age and staying there for longer periods
and the numbers of children in care are increasing.[262] Professor
Dorothy Scott
has noted that there is also a lack of stable residential care options which
are often the most appropriate care for 'high-risk children, that is, those
children with extremely anti-social behaviour'.[263]
Evidence is that children who have been in out-of-home
care: have poor life opportunities; miss out on an education; feature highly in
homeless populations and the juvenile justice system; do not always receive
adequate dental or medical care; often gravitate to substance abuse; and are
more likely than their contemporaries not in care, to have thought of or
attempted suicide. Sadly, many children and young people in care do not even
know why they are not with their families and may think that it is their own
fault they are in care.[264] At times
they are vulnerable to the actions of the very people who should be protecting
them but often they simply do not have the capacity or skills to voice their
concerns about any bad treatment.[265]
These above findings about outcomes for many out-of-home
care children are similar to those from the Committee's earlier report into
institutional care, Forgotten Australians,
relating to children who spent their childhoods in orphanages and other
institutions from Australia's
very earliest times until the 1970s. That report exposed many disturbing
accounts of abuse of children including neglect, separation from families and
deprivation of food, education and healthcare, all of which took a toll on the
children's emotional development, as noted in the report:
The long-term impact of a childhood spent in institutional care
is complex and varied. However, a fundamental, ongoing issue is the lack of
trust and security and lack of interpersonal and life skills that are acquired
through a normal family upbringing, especially social and parenting skills. A
lifelong inability to initiate and maintain stable, loving relationships was
described by many care leavers who have undergone multiple relationships and
failed marriages.
Their children and families have also felt the impact, which can
then flow through to future generations.
The legacy of their childhood experiences for far too many has
been low self esteem, lack of self confidence, depression, fear and distrust,
anger, shame, guilt, obsessiveness, social anxieties, phobias, and recurring
nightmares. Many care leavers have tried to block the pain of their past by
resorting to substance abuse through life-long alcohol and drug addictions.
Many turned to illegal practices such as prostitution, or more serious
law-breaking offences which have resulted in a large percentage of the prison
population being care leavers.
For far too many the emotional problems and depression have
resulted in contemplation of or actual suicide.
Care leavers harbour powerful feelings of anger, guilt and
shame; have a range of ongoing physical and mental health problems...and they
struggle with employment and housing issues.[266]
Contemporary out-of-home care
The Committee received wide-ranging evidence about Australia's
out-of-home care systems including that relating to the ever-increasing number
of children needing to be placed in care because of parental drug or substance
abuse, high levels of family violence and subsequent abuse and neglect, and
continuing difficulties in recruiting and keeping adequate numbers of foster
carers to meet emerging needs.
Types of out-of-home care
Out-of-home care is defined as out-of-home overnight
care for children and young people under 18 years of age where a State or
Territory makes a financial payment.[267]
Out-of-home care is either formally or informally arranged. Informal care
refers to arrangements made without intervention by statutory authorities or
courts. Formal care occurs following a child protection intervention (either by
voluntary agreement or court order). It can occasionally result from a Family Court
agreement. A large part of formal care is authorised by government departments
and provided directly or by non-government agencies under contract.[268]
Out-of-home care includes residential care, foster care
and relative/kinship care. Children in care can be placed in a variety of
living arrangements or placement types. The Australian Institute of Health and
Welfare (AIHW) uses the following categories in the national data collection:
- Home-based
care – where placement is in the home of a carer who is reimbursed for
expenses in caring for the child. The three categories of home-based care are:
- foster
care – where care is provided in the private home of a substitute family
which receives a payment that is intended to cover the child's living expenses;
- kinship
care – where the caregiver is a family member or a person with a
pre-existing relationship with the child;
- other home-based care – care in private homes that
does not fit into the above categories.
- Residential
care – where placement is in a residential building whose purpose is to
provide placement for children and where there are paid staff. This includes facilities
where there are rostered staff, where there is a live-in carer and where staff
are off-site (for example, a lead tenant or supported residence arrangement).
- Family
group homes – where placement is in a residential building which is owned
by the jurisdiction and which are typically run like family homes, have a
limited number of children and are cared for around-the-clock by resident
substitute parents.
- Independent
living – where children are living independently, such as those in private
boarding arrangements.
- Other –
where the placement type does not fit into the above categories or is unknown.[269]
The different types of placement in out-of-home care
can be seen in the diagram of out-of-home care arrangements in Victoria
at Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1:
Out-of-home care in Victoria

Department of Human Services, Public Parenting: A review of home-based care in Victoria, June 2003, p.12
Jurisdictions utilise each form of out-of-home care to
a different extent: compared with other jurisdictions, in 2003-04 Queensland
and South Australia had a
relatively high proportion of children in foster care (74 per cent and 78 per
cent respectively) and New South Wales
had a relatively high proportion of children placed with relatives or kin (56
per cent). In some jurisdictions there is a trend toward kinship care as it
reflects government policy that children should be placed with an adult to whom
a child has an established attachment as the preferred option. In Western
Australia placement in relative/kinship care
increased from 26 per cent of out-of-home care at June 2000 to 37 per cent at
June 2004. In the same period, relative/kinship care in the Northern
Territory increased from 15 per cent to 23 per cent. South
Australia had the lowest proportion of children in
relative/kinship care (16 per cent).[270]
Kinship care is often used by Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander communities to meet specific needs and fulfil cultural
obligations. The special needs of indigenous children and young people are
recognised in the Aboriginal Child Placement Principle which outlines the placement
preferences for indigenous children when they are placed outside their family.
Preference is given to placement with the child's extended family (which
includes indigenous and non-indigenous relatives/kin); within the child's
indigenous community; and finally, with other indigenous people. This principle
has been adopted by all Australian jurisdictions either in legislation or
policy. For example, in Queensland
the Principle is contained in section 83 of the Child Protection Act. The
proportion of indigenous children in out-of-home care at 30 June 2004 placed in accordance with the
principle ranged from 81 per cent in Western
Australia to 40.4 per cent in Tasmania.[271] In Queensland,
over 60 per cent of indigenous children were placed in accordance with the
principle and the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) inquiry recommended
that the compliance with the principle be periodically audited and reported on
by the new Child Guardian.[272]
Residential care is the less preferred option for
out-of-home care. However, the Victorian Department of Human Services noted: may not be possible to place children and young people in
home-based care, either because they display a significant level of challenging
behaviour and/or because they are part of a large sibling group. Hence, the
objective of residential care is to provide temporary, short or long term
accommodation to children and young people who are unable to be placed in
home-based care.[273]
Children may be placed in out-of-home care for short,
medium or long-term periods or permanently. Some children are placed in
out-of-home care under respite arrangements or shared care (the care is shared
between the family and another party). The AIHW noted that not all
jurisdictions can identify which children in out-of-home care are in respite
care. Children may also be placed in respite care while being placed with a
foster carer.[274]
Conduct of out-of-home care
State and Territory Governments are responsible for
funding out-of-home care. However, jurisdictions differ in the way the services
are provided with some relying solely on non-government organisations to
provide services and in other jurisdictions there is a mix of government and
non-government providers.
In Queensland
for example, out-of-home placements are organised by the Department of Child
Safety (previously the Department of Families) directly, or through a shared
family care agency on behalf of the Department. Placements for children with
complex psychological and behavioural problems may also be organised through
one of the agencies listed on the Department's register of preferred providers
of placement and support for children with complex needs.
Foster carers in Queensland
are a person to whom the Department has issued a certificate of approval as an
approved foster carer. The Department may also place the child with 'relative
carers' or 'limited approval carers'. A limited approval carer is a person who
has not been fully assessed or trained but is approved to care for a particular
child or young person, for a specific purpose, for a defined period of time.[275]
In Victoria, the report on current home-based care has
noted that Victorian 'home-based care comprises a complex set of arrangements
that involves a number of different stakeholders including the Department of
Human Services and its case (child protection) workers, CSOs [community service
organisations], caregivers and the client themselves'.[276]
Most home-based care in Victoria
is provided by CSOs which are responsible for assessment of referrals;
caregiver management; pre-placement planning; care management; placement
management; and post placement support. A service agreement contract between
the Department of Human Services and the various CSOs specifies the terms and
conditions under which the Department purchases services from CSOs and CSOs
deliver these services. CSOs receive an annualised unit price for negotiated annual
placement targets.
Most caregivers looking after children in Victoria
have a direct relationship with CSOs through the agency's management
arrangements and an arm's length relationship with a departmental case worker.
The Department retains direct responsibility for recruiting and supervising
kinship carers and establishing placements. The Department noted that despite moves
in the 1990s to outsource the provision of all foster care, 'the shift to
kinship care, and to a lesser extent permanent care, has meant that the
department again has a significant service provision role, with nearly half of
all home-based care placements provided by the Government'.[277]
The NSW Commission for Children and Young People noted
some potential difficulties with the use of service providers:
Purchasing service outcomes can pose challenges for funders. It
is difficult to implement in geographic or cultural communities where there is
only one agency available to provide the required essential service. If that
agency is unable to achieve the outcomes purchased, the funder has no option
but to continue funding the agency.
An unintended by-product of the tender process can be disruption
and distress to children and young people as a result of changing service
providers after an initial 'pilot' period or if the funder is dissatisfied with
the service provision and services are re-tendered.
In addition, while there may be a set of high level 'service
standards' funded agencies are required to comply with, funding may not enable
agencies to adequately meet their 'duty of care' to the children, young people
and families receiving services.[278]
Numbers and characteristics of
children in out-of-home care
The AIHW in producing data on out-of-home care has noted
differences between the States and Territories in the scope and coverage of the
data. For example, Victorian data includes children on permanent care orders as
the State makes an ongoing financial contribution for the care of these
The AIHW reported that trends in out-of-home care have
shown increasing numbers of children using these services. At 30 June 2004, there were 21 795
children in out-of-home care compared with 20 297 children at 30 June 2003. The number of children
in out-of-home care increased by 56 per cent between June 1996 and June 2004. The
AIHW noted that the number of children in out-of-home care increased in all
jurisdictions over this period with the exception of Tasmania.
The data for Tasmania no longer
includes a significant number of children who live with relatives under
informal care arrangements made with their parents. The AIHW stated that 'taking
these children into account, Tasmania
also experienced an increase in the number of children in out-of-home care'.[280]
There were 4.5 children per 1000 aged 0-17 years in
out-of-home care in Australia
at 30 June 2004. This is an
increase since 1997 when 3.0 children per 1000 were in out-of-home care. Over
the period the largest increases were experienced in NSW where rates increased
from 3.4 to 5.7 per 1000 children and in the Northern
Territory where they increased from 1.9 to 4.3. Figure
3.2 indicates the rates for each State and Territory at 30 June 2004. The AIHW stated that the reasons
for the variations across the jurisdictions 'are likely to include differences
in the policies and practices of community services departments in relation to
out-of-home care, as well as variations in the availability of appropriate care
options for children who are regarded as being in need of this service'.[281]
Figure 3.2: Rate of
children (per 1000) in out-of-home care in Australian States/Territories at 30 June

AIHW, Child
protection Australia 2003-04, Child Welfare Series no.36 (2005).
In evidence, the Western Australian Department for
Community Development also noted the increase in the number of children
entering out-of-home care and that children are entering at a younger age.[282] The Department stated:
...we are still seeing an increasing trend of children and young
people coming into care. The number of young people and children coming into
care increased by about eight per cent in the last financial year and eight per
cent in the previous year. In fact the increasing number of children coming
into care has been an issue that Treasury has raised with us.[283]
The AIHW reported the following characteristics of
children in out-of-home care at 30
June 2004:
- most (94 per cent) in out-of-home care were in
home-based care;
- 4 per cent were in residential care
Australia-wide, ranging from 1 per cent in Queensland to 9 per cent in Victoria;
- 1 per cent were in independent living
- of those in home-based care, 53 per cent were in
foster care; 40 per cent in relative/kinship care and 1 per cent in some other
type of home-based care;
- 23 per cent of the children in out-of-home care
were aged under 5 years, 31 per cent were aged 5-9 years, 33 per cent were
aged 10-14 years and 13 per cent were aged 15-17 years; and
- children in residential care were considerably
older than children in home-based care.[284]
Figure 3.3: Children
in out-of-home care – type of placement as of 30 June 2004

Source: AIHW, Child protection Australia 2003-04, Child Welfare Series no.36 (2005).
The Victorian report, Public Parenting, also provided information on trends in
out-of-home care within that State. Between 1997-98 and 2001-02 there was a
shift in placements towards kinship and permanent care (with growth rates of 55
per cent and 79 per cent respectively), and to a lesser extent, residential care
(an increase of 17 per cent) and away from foster care. While foster care
remains the leading form of out-of-home care, the number of clients fell by 15
per cent.[285]
The length of time that a child stays in out-of-home
care varies. The CREATE Foundation commented that while many children coming
into care are aged under five years, they tend to stay in care for short
periods before a return to their families, and may 'bounce in and out of the
system' for quite a period.[286] The AIHW
reported that at 30 June 2004
in most jurisdictions, at least half of the children had been in out-home-care
for less than 2 years. However, a relatively high proportion of children
had been in out-of-home care for five years or more, ranging from five per cent
in Tasmania to 34 per cent in Western
Across Australia,
indigenous children are six times more likely to be in out-of-home care than non-indigenous
children. In Victoria,
the rate of indigenous children in out-of-home care was 13 times the rate of
other children and in New South Wales
it was nine times the rate at 30 June
2004.[288] The Human Rights
and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) has indicated that:
The intergenerational effects of previous separations from
family and culture, poor socioeconomic status and cultural differences in
child-rearing practices are important reasons for this over-representation.[289]
Reasons why children enter
out-of-home care
As noted in chapter 3 of Forgotten Australians, over the years children and young people were
placed in out-of-home care for many reasons such as family dislocation from
domestic violence, divorce or mental illness; lack of assistance to single
parents; parents' inability to cope with their children; or as 'status
A Commonwealth study from the late 1970s identified
family finances, parental abuse or neglect of children, and children's
behavioural problems as factors which contributed to child welfare agencies'
decisions to place children in residential care.[290] From the 1970s, Australia
experienced significant social and economic changes leading to major changes in
families that are likely to have had different impacts on the need for
substitute care. The size of families in Australia
decreased, the number of births to teenage mothers decreased, women's roles in
families changed as more women entered the workforce, the number of one-parent
families increased and unemployment increased. At the same time, the
Commonwealth Government markedly increased its assistance to low-income
families and implemented new forms of assistance such as the supporting
mother's benefit to assist families in need.[291]
Nowadays however, welfare services' intervention to
remove children from their families 'is most likely to be due to allegations of
child abuse and neglect or harm to a child, rather than solely because of family
poverty as in earlier years'.[292]
Anglicare voiced alarm at 'the growing number of Australian children who
experience abuse at the hands of their family members at home'.[293] Catholic Welfare Australia
also stated:
There are occasions when the removal of Australian children from
their families may be warranted as part of a social welfare intervention
initiated by the state in an effort to look after the best interests of
individual children.[294]
According to the report, Public Parenting, 'in 2001-02, almost all children and young people
entering foster care had a history of protective involvement, which means that
the majority would have experienced some form of abuse or neglect'.[295] The AIHW has reported that the rise
in the number of children in care since 1998 'is consistent with the higher
number of child protection notifications that occurred in most jurisdictions
during the same period'.[296]
Drug and alcohol abuse among parents of children who
enter the out-of-home care system is endemic and is a critical issue
confronting child protection services. Victorian Government figures have shown a
significant increase since 1997-98 of substance abuse among the parents of
children and young people entering foster care.[297] It has also been shown that drug
abuse increases the risk of child abuse and neglect; figures from the 2002 NSW
Department of Community Services (DoCS) annual report reveal that up to 80 per
cent of all child abuse reports investigated by DoCS have concerns about drug
and alcohol-affected parenting.[298]
Evidence from the WA Department for Community
Development stated that its research indicated that 'approximately 70 per cent
of care and protection applications result from parental drug and alcohol abuse
in combination with other factors such as family violence and mental illness'.[299] Not surprisingly, the associated
lifestyle of drug-using parents may also make the home physically unsafe and
reduce the likelihood of parents' availability to care for young children, lead
to isolation from an extended family and expose the children to a wide network
of drug using adults.[300]
Evidence also showed the cyclical nature of out-of-home
care in families, as one care leaver advised:
The really interesting thing is that this goes in cycles. The
photo on the left is of my grandmother. She also grew up in an institution. My
mother grew up in an institution. I will share with you part of her life,
because her life was so much a part of my life.[301]
To some extent, the above sentiments about inter-generational
care were confirmed by the CREATE Foundation:
It is a bit of a gut feeling: there is not a whole lot of of the young mums being tracked have had their children go
into the care system in the five years since they left care. Obviously there
are some strong correlations there. That was just the tracking of a group that
left care in one year in New South Wales...there are some services in Western
Sydney that say that they are seeing their third generation of people who have
been in care. I think there is a link there but, especially without a lot of
research, I would never like to push that there is an intergenerational care
cycle, because young parents and older parents who have been in care certainly
do rise above it and do not go on to abuse and neglect their children.[302]
While family poverty may be less of a reason for
welfare services' intervention regarding children nowadays than in previous
eras, the majority of children in the care and protection system are from low
socio-economic families.[303] Evidence
to the Committee's 2004 inquiry into poverty and financial hardship showed
overwhelmingly that economic and social stress can lead parents to become less
nurturing and rejecting of their children and that children living in poverty
have a high incidence of abuse and neglect.[304]
Similar evidence has been presented to this inquiry and UnitingCare
Burnside confirmed the link between poverty
and associated problems and the placement of children in care:
Poorer parents get less relief from the constancy of child
rearing. They are less able to afford baby-sitting, quality childcare,
entertainment, social or sporting activities or go on stress-relieving
holidays. They tend to experience higher levels of conflict and family
disruption. They are more likely to live in substandard and crowded housing
where it is difficult to get a break from other family members. Parents in
poverty are more likely to experience ill health themselves and for their
children to be ill...Under these circumstances it is understandable that some
parents have a less informed or unrealistic understanding of parenting and
children's behaviour.[305]
Therefore, many families experience an array of
problems: family poverty and impoverishment are increased by parental substance
abuse because of the high cost of maintaining a drug habit and parents
experiencing domestic violence often have substance abuse problems. Further, children
of parents with a disability or multiple disabilities, particularly an
intellectual disability and mental illness, are significantly over-represented
in the child protection system. It is more likely that parents with a
disability will have at least one child if not more removed early in life and
approximately one in six children in out-of-home care will have a parent who
has a disability. People with Disability submitted that:
...evidence provided at the NSW Legislative Council inquiry into
disability services and the inquiry into child protection services demonstrate
that when family support programs and sufficient community-based mental health
services are provided to parents with disability, the outcomes for their
children are not significantly different from other children.[306]
In some situations a range of factors may lead to complex
problems for families where greater levels of intervention are required. As a consequence,
children may remain in out-of-home care for longer periods of time. The WA
Department for Community Development stated:
The increase [in numbers of children in out-of-home care] also
relates to the complexity of family situations with issues such as drug abuse
and so forth. That is driving the numbers higher because there are a lot of
issues to be resolved before the children can leave care and be back home, as
is our aim – to reunify parents and children.[307]
It has also been reported that the prevalence of
complex problems among the families of children entering care has increased
with the Victorian Department of Human Services reporting that between 1997-98
and 2001-02:
- parents experiencing domestic violence and
substance abuse increased by 56 per cent;
- parents with a psychiatric disability and
substance abuse increased by 50 per cent; and
- parents with an alcohol problem who experience
domestic violence increased by 71 per cent.[308]
Anglicare commented that:
Expanded programs to support families effectively to ensure
their children's safety and well-being through prevention and early
intervention programs are urgently needed. There is a need for more investment
in prevention and early intervention, including family support programs.[309]
The NSW Commission for Children and Young People
commented that many services which could prevent or reduce the severity of
abuse are family support services, which are directed towards parents,
especially those with 'risk' characteristics in their family make up. Other
services targeting children with learning and social difficulties or aggressive
tendencies are ideally suitable for delivery through childcare and schools.
The Commission went on to comment that a comprehensive
outline of frameworks to constructing services to alleviate the likelihood of
abuse was provided to the Commonwealth by a team of noted researchers and
academics in 1999 in the 'Pathways to prevention – developmental and early
intervention approaches to crime in Australia'. However, the Commission took
the view that 'there are obstacles to the provision of adequate preventative,
support and remedial services in Australia'. These obstacles include a lack of
resources as 'currently whether any jurisdiction can effectively respond to the
level of abuse and child exploitation in its community is doubtful'. There is
also poor coordination and effective use of resources. The Commission noted
that 'the system currently does not appear to provide value for its investment',
concluding that:
The Commission supports the view that the states are
constitutionally responsible for the provision of statutory child protection
services. However, the provision of statutory child protection services is only
possible when they are contextualised within a range of primary and secondary
programs and where there is a vision about the outcomes the national system is
to deliver.
The Commission's view is that the Commonwealth has a valid role
in providing some services and shared leadership to achieve the outcome of an
effective child protection system.[310]
As noted previously, indigenous children as well as
other care leavers, have a high need for out-of-home care services with key
reasons including:
- inadequate housing and living conditions;
- intergenerational effects of previous
separations from family and culture;
- cultural differences in child rearing practice;
- a lack of access to support services.[311]
The Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander
Child Care (SNAICC) has commented that child neglect is a result of parents and
families being unable, 'but not necessarily unwilling' to provide for their
children because of family poverty, unemployment, poor housing and family
stress. SNAICC stated:
The major contributor to the over representation of Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander children in the child welfare system and out of home
care is child neglect – not child abuse. In fact an Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander child who has been removed from home is less likely to have
been abused than a non Aboriginal child.[312]
The AIHW has indicated that there is no national data
available on the reasons why children are placed in out-of-home care. However,
a new data collection is currently being developed. More information will be
collected on the child and each placement the child has throughout their time
in out-of-home care.[313]
Issues facing out-of-home care
Many submissions pointed to the issues facing
out-of-home care as a result of the increased numbers of children in care and
their more complex problems. The Committee heard evidence that the system is 'chronically
stressed' and often overwhelmed by demands. Anglicare stated that 'the chronic
state of foster care across Australia
is a major underlying cause of unsafe and inadequate treatment of children in
institutions and fostering programs'.[314]
The WA Department for Community Development expressed
the view that problems in foster care are occurring across Australia:
To be honest, we are not the only jurisdiction in Australia
facing issues around the recruitment of carers and being able to cope with the
increase in the number of children in care and finding placements for them. If
we had the answer to that question, the kids and we would be a lot better off.[315]
Systems decisions that affect children
Various respondents noted systems' inadequacies which are
working against children's interests. The Children's Welfare Association of
Victoria (CWAV) referred to a study from 1994 by Cashmore et al that described
'systems abuse' as:
...preventable harm done to children in the context of policies or
programs which are designed to provide care or protection. Such abuse may
result from what individuals do or fail to do or from the lack of suitable
policies, practices or procedures within systems or institutions.[316]
Some evidence suggested that often short-term services are
being given priority over cohesive long-term planning and quality of care.[317] The foster care system is also said
to be too reactive and not necessarily aware of the importance of keeping
siblings together:
The placement system is so attuned to responding to crisis that
finding a safe place and a bed for the children takes priority over every other
consideration. This constant state of crisis in the care system is a barrier to
the physical, emotional and mental development and wellbeing of children in
The separation of a child from his/her parents and surroundings
may be traumatic and the additional separation of the child from siblings,
school and social networks compounds the negative experience of care.[319]
Some witnesses cited instances relating to governments'
failure to ensure that children were safe and well cared for. The mother of a child
in foster care advised of concerns that on occasions her son has gone to school
without lunch or money and the school has had to provide him with lunch. She
made the point that the NSW Department of Community Services had not acted in
response to her complaints.[320]
Other evidence described an instance of a child being placed
at the age of six months in what turned out to be a very abusive foster care environment,
with no legal or formal arrangements between his biological and foster parents.
In describing the many difficulties which he had experienced as a child, including
being constantly starved and beaten and witnessing similar treatment towards his
foster siblings, the young man advised that he found out at the age of 12 years
that he was adopted, from a Department of Community Services social worker. He
noted too that it was only through his brother's involvement with the police
that the Department 'accidentally' discovered his origins. He has since
ascertained via freedom of information requests that the Department had had no
records on him. This lack of government involvement or monitoring has caused
him distress as outlined below:
At 19, I was forced to change my birth what it is now...when
I applied for a health care card...the Government did not know who I was...The
answer I would really like to know is – how the hell could the Government not
know who I was for 10 years. Is there anybody else out there like me I wonder?
I am less than satisfied with the response I've received from the Government.
Everything I've discovered however has been from them although to this day I
have no idea how I came to be with my foster parents as a baby at six months of
age...Where is there accountability and duty of care.[321]
The NSW Commission for Children and Young People
highlighted the need to recognise the positive aspects of the current system of
child protection and out-of-home and alternative care, citing some of the system's
strengths in NSW, including:
...the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act
1998 is based upon principles of good
practice and key research messages;
the recent decision by DoCS to
move the organisation away from a forensic approach to child protection service
delivery to a more holistic assessments and strengths based approach is to be
the development of specialist out-of-home care teams and of
specialist workers/cross office teams for recruitment and support of foster
carers has occurred in some areas.[322]
Input by children
The Committee considers that it is timely to ensure
that children and young people in care can participate in decisions about their
lives and agrees with the rationale of the CREATE Foundation about involving
children and young people. That organisation's research shows that children in
care are often 'left out' with many of them not being informed about matters that
affect their lives such as a changed placement or who a new case worker might
That children and young people need to be heard was
well expressed by various people including an ex-ward who described her circumstances
of having 'missed the boat' in parts of life particularly with her career. As a
young person she recognised her need to achieve an education and pursue a
career but was frustrated in efforts to express her needs to people who could
help her:
There was worker to explain the 'care' system to me,
or what would happen, or expectations of either parties, or that I would have a
case plan drawn up etc. I was just doing time. I had no rights, no advocacy, no
representation...This attitude WAS NOT REPRESENTATIVE of society in general in the
early 1970s as much social change was occurring.[324]
While the above situation should have been anathema by
the 1970s given the prevailing social attitudes which emphasised pathways to
education and career opportunities for girls, the Committee is aware that similar
situations are still occurring. The CREATE Foundation advised the Committee
about life for some children in institutional care nowadays:
Across the care system young people are now being placed without
having had any conversation about where they would like to be placed or who
they would like to be placed with – whether in foster care, kinship care or any
other type of care. There is still a huge lack of conversation with young
people...There is a need for a real priority focus on education because the
education of far too many children and young people who have been in care has
been seriously broken up. Many of them will leave school quite early; many will
leave without year 10 or year 12 qualifications and many will leave having very
poor literacy and numeracy skills. For them to try to get back into education,
the door is often shut and there is no support to do that.[325]
The WA Department for Community Development
acknowledged that in the past 'the child has certainly not had the voice they
should have had', while parents have had active participation in conferences
and 'been respected by providing input and contributing to the decision making
process'. However, the department noted that in recent times, situations have
Children have had direct input in more recent times depending on
their age, development and understanding of the circumstances. I have
personally chaired case conferences where children as young as 10, 11 and 12
have actually participated as part of those forums.[326]
Children with high-care needs
Some children enter out-of-home care with high-care and
complex needs usually because of very damaging situations and experiences in
their lives, prior to care. Often it can be difficult for these children to
adapt to everyday foster care and they require attention and monitoring that
can only be provided in specialised, residential care by people who are
equipped to care for them:
Some of these kids are too damaged to slot into another family
without extra professional supports, like psychiatric evaluation and treatment,
physical rehabilitation and educational assistance. [327]
Some organisations described the extreme damage of many
young people and the people and specialist services that are required to care for
...[they are] often so damaged by their experiences of life and
the care system, that their lack of trust of all adults makes the task of
engaging, educating and helping them to begin to turn their lives around
difficult and sometimes almost impossible.[328]
...difficult, if not impossible, to care for [them] within the
foster care system as it is currently set up. There should be perhaps a
consideration of the professional foster care model.[329]
...The sort of person who could do respite foster care once a
fortnight is quite different from somebody who would take on what could almost
be a lifetime commitment of a relationship with a high-risk adolescent who is a
very damaged person...You cannot put a range of young people who have quite
complex needs and issues...together in the community and expect that they will
just meld in.[330]
One very experienced carer who has five children of her
own and who has cared for over 30 foster children submitted details of the lack
of support from the South Australian Department of Family and Youth Services (FAYS)
when she had responsibility for 'the most difficult child I ever met'. She
noted that FAYS' staff were 'out of touch' and inadequately
educated for the reality of caring for severely damaged children.[331]
The Committee was provided with examples where, from
very early ages, children's lives were interspersed with traumatic and
unsettling experiences which led to them becoming very hard to handle and
costly to keep in care. For example, 'Kim' was
placed in care on the day of her birth, remaining so until she turned 18 years.
She experienced many residential arrangements and harsh rules, lived with
paedophiles, sustained injuries in care, had no significant and consistent
adults in her life, and when a cottage closed down, she was forced out and
shunted elsewhere. Little wonder that she became a high-risk child requiring
around-the-clock care:
I got placed in a house and have one worker around the clock two
days on and two days off. Got along really well with them...We sat down and made
our own rules and I felt human when I was there. It cost about $10,000 a month
and I spent about 6 months there.[332]
Another 'high-risk' child was allegedly raped, on a
daily basis by his father and uncle. He says he was often taped up when this
happened, regularly beaten and kept in the laundry at night:
By the time he was five, he'd been through six foster families.
Then, he got lucky. He was placed with a woman who was prepared to change her
whole life to allow him to have one of his own.[333]
Evidence to the Committee highlighted that the provision
of care for high-risk children is hampered by difficulties in obtaining
suitable carers as well as the spin-off of financial cuts:
At the moment in Victoria
we are suffering productivity cuts, which will limit these self-funded
operations that we do which are already necessary. It is a very difficult
...I think it then becomes unreasonable to expect someone who is
in essence a volunteer to be a full-time carer, 24 hours a day, seven days a
week, on simply a reimbursement basis. But it does move the notion, the idea,
of foster care into another dimension.[335]
High costs of care for children
with emotional or behavioural problems
The cost of maintaining a high-risk adolescent in
residential care is expensive and more than one welfare organisation cited
examples. Anglicare stated 'for us to run a high-risk adolescent unit for four
young people aged 12 to 17 costs us about $230 000 per adolescent'.[336]
Figures on children requiring high levels of care show
that when it is necessary to accommodate such children and young people in
motels with several full-time workers, it can cost up to $100 000-$300 000
per year per child.[337]
Care requirements for young people who are at the
'extreme end of this difficult group' can involve expensive options of 'containment'
or 'lockdown':
In New South Wales,
some 400 'high-risk' children cost the Department of Community Services about
$60 million a year. A recent DoCS 'snapshot' indicates 182 kids are costing
more then $250 000 each a year, the highest coming in at $858 000.[338]
One highly-traumatised 15-year-old girl with a record
of displaying violent behaviour is said to require six carers to ensure that
she does not harm herself or other people:
At one stage this difficult arrangement of care, involving at
least six workers on shifts around the clock, was costing more than $15 000
a week; in fact he describes her as 'the million dollar kid'.[339]
Abuse and treatment of children in
foster care
The Committee received significant information and
stories about abuse of children in foster care, not dissimilar to themes
outlined about the bigger institutions and orphanages in Forgotten Australians. CBERSS made the point that:
...we not only catastrophically removed kids from families but we
subsequently punished them more...we are still doing it today. We are still
removing kids from families. We may not put them in institutional care – we
might put them in foster care and they go around and around – but the abuse
The theme that abuse continues and that the state has
neglected its duty of care towards children in its care is reflected often: 'if
the state was a birth parent, on many occasions the children would be removed'.[341]
Dr Maria Harries cited United States research showing
that 50 per cent of children in foster care have been sexually abused as well
as statistics showing that one in three to one in five children have been
abused yet they have not lived in institutional care. CBERSS noted that figures
are likely to under estimate the prevalence of child sex abuse given that
victims often do not report abuse because they fear negative consequences from
The Committee was advised that contemporary situations
are such that children are not necessarily safe in care, as the CREATE
Foundation noted:
We would also argue and recommend that there is vigorous
recruitment of people who work within institutional care and residential care
type places. The feedback we have had from young people is that the staff there
are not always professional in their manner of dealing with children and young
As well, a number of young people related stories of
harsh conditions in care in recent times including the following examples:
[There were] fights, harsh discipline towards the kids around me
from the supervisors that were there and low living standards.
People getting hit with towels and wooden spoons and things like
that, pretty much right in front of me. There would be someone at your table
mucking up and a supervisor would come out of nowhere and slam on the table,
and plates and everything would bounce up.[344]
The WA Department for Community Development
acknowledged that various abuse allegations had been raised with it through
children's advocacy groups such as: Watchmen In God's Service; Advocates for
Survivors of Child Abuse; Help All Little Ones; the Juvenile Justice
Association and the Family Support for Victims of Paedophiles. The Department
raises such concerns with the State Police.[345]
Sexual abuse in foster care featured in many
submissions though much of it related to earlier days. Descriptions of abuse in
evidence included situations of wives being complicit where their husbands
sexually abused foster children; government departments not acting to remedy
bad situations; good care becoming bad, and of children being abused over long
periods of time; and situations of humiliation where a child was treated like
an animal for 10-years and locked in kennels where he had to pilfer dog food to
survive, while another child was locked in a pitch-black garden shed with
spiders and mice and had to wear a nappy with a dummy in her mouth and parade
in front of children on the school bus.[346]
A common theme in evidence was that any outside
perceptions of abuse in the foster home would have been anathema, where from
the outside everything seemed to be stable, often in very good 'Christian'
homes. One former foster child outlined details of her life in the 'apparently
perfect placement' in a leafy Sydney
suburb. In reality, she was sexually, emotionally and physically abused for
years. Another person described her 'lucky' situation of 14 years 'stable'
care, where she and her sister appeared to be happy when in fact they were
isolated, lonely and terrified of a very controlling foster mother.[347]
As with children who experienced slave labour in institutions,
many outlines were given about the use of child slave labour by foster parents,
regardless of the era or the location. Often children were required to
undertake some unusual tasks, along with the drudgery of housework and domestic
If they had a party you had to stay up and clean up and be up
early and look after their children and keep them quiet till they got up...I used
to eat the left overs...I didn't want to go to Perisher Valley as their friends
used to come with their family and doing the washing under the house was cold.[348]
Some people have described situations of being treated
differently, working hard and receiving no love or family nurturing and
affection, or being isolated, both in the home and from other children at
school; and having excessively disciplinarian and inflexible dominating foster
parents.[349] One former foster child
told of her loss of identity when her foster mother made the decision to change
her name:
...I asked her not to change my name because that is all that I
own. It belongs to me. But like everybody else she did not listen either and
changed that to Rosemarie. But my name is Marie
Rose. Nobody ever listened they just did
whatever they wanted.[350]
The Committee also received positive stories as the
following excerpts show:
...I believe that my foster care experience was a positive one; I
was taken well care of and was treated like their natural child. My placement
broke down as a result of my need to establish myself as a young adult.[351]
...I went through quite a few public schools until I was placed at
a foster home. I am probably one of the luckiest people you will ever hear
about. It was a great home for me and I was there for eight years. I had a
great relationship and I still talk to them now.[352]
As well, some people described contrasting experiences
of foster homes:
We were then sent to Mrs Ingham's
place at Bendigo. I don't think we
could have found a better home. She was a great church woman and lived her
religion...She looked after us better than our own mother...We were then sent to a
woman a Mrs Bramley...The verandah, a cellar under the house and the backyard
were our home and we could sleep in the bedroom at night. In the cold weather
we were always cold and hungry...half starved and eaten by bed bugs. We were sent
to school with our head full of lice.[353]
Another person described one of her foster care
experiences as her 'first real family' and the 'happiest time of my young life'
which contrasted markedly with her later foster care where she was subjected to
horrific sexual abuse.[354]
Multiple placements
The Committee heard evidence that children and young
people in out-of-home care often experience many moves in their home and school
lives. Multiple placements have serious negative effects on young people's
emotions, educational and employment chances and long-term personality
development. Unfortunately, the following excerpt from a Radio National program
is indicative of the high number of placements experienced by some children:
I remember being really surprised when you said, in fact I
thought I'd misheard you, you said you had 80 different placements, I thought I
must have misheard and you'd said 18, because 80 seems like an awfully large
number for any kid.[355]
Resultant problems from the many moves can be wide
ranging and may include experiences of ongoing depression, anxiety, anti-social
attitudes, nightmares, fear of people, and lack of confidence, social skills
and identity. MacKillop Family Services commented that multiple placements can
be unavoidable, often because it can be difficult to find suitable carers for
children and young people with complex needs.[356]
One former foster child stated that: the age of six I had undergone seven failed placements, due
to the inability of the foster families to cope with a child whose needs were
so great for a loving family...I was declared unsuitable for immediate placement
and sent to the children's home.[357]
Child welfare practitioners are aware of the damaging
effects for children's development from all forms of inconsistency and
proponents of attachment theory have demonstrated that children need consistent
routines of care from one or two preferred attachment figures.[358] As well, if adults in the
out-of-home sector are to gain the trust of the children and young people and
therefore assist them, it is obvious that some semblance of stability is
In one case we helped a young teenage boy in relation to
criminal matters. In the eighteen-month period before he came to us he had in
excess of twenty foster places. One pair of initial foster parents had been
keen to look after him on a more permanent basis but lost interest after the
department delayed and procrastinated in getting back to them. The boy had been
so disappointed that it was very difficult for him to trust anyone again.
commonplace for young children who have been in care and protection, as they
experience what they see as betrayal.[359]
The multiple placements of children and young people in
out-of-home care is well documented. A Victorian Department of Human Services
report shows that of all clients in placement at 30 June 2001, seven per cent had had just one placement, 65 per
cent had had four or more placements and 11 per cent had 10 or more placements.
The impact of multiple placements on a developing child's behaviour and
educational attainment is substantial, often resulting in negative life patterns
including those related to instances of stealing, absconding and bullying.
Severe learning disorders can be a by-product of constant changes in a child's
carer. This can affect a young person's academic performance which of course is
compounded by constant changes in schools. A 1996 NSW study demonstrated that
80 per cent of children who lived at home with their families completed their
Higher School Certificate compared with 36 per cent of young people in
out-of-home care. The average number of schools attended by young people living
at home with their families was 2.3 compared with 5.4 schools for those in
out-of-home care.[360]
A 23-year-old man who had been moved around by DoCS 'every
three months – here, there and everywhere', described to the Committee, his
situation of not ever having been to school and being unable to read and write,
having difficulties in relating to people, never having had a job and being
unsure of what he wanted. He advised that if given the opportunity, he would
like to learn literacy and numeracy skills but felt unconfident that any employer
would give him a job.[361] Another young
man aged 22 years who had also experienced many institutional placements, told
the Committee that although he had done well at school, he had very little
confidence and was experiencing difficulties in gaining meaningful employment.
He considered that finding decent employment would be a key to assisting him:
I actually did all right in school. I did not finish year 12 but
I finished year 11. I was quite gifted in a couple of with
employment is the main thing. I need something behind me like a trade or
anything like that. I have nothing.[362]
Professor Dorothy
Scott emphasised that the multiple
placements of today's system can be more damaging than the relative stability
which some children and young people may have experienced in the old-type
institutions.[363] The Post Adoption
Resource Centre-Benevolent Society stated that many past mistakes in policies
and practices in the out-of-home care sector have not necessarily served as
lessons for contemporary policymakers:
...we continue to over burden and underpay those working in child
protection and out-of-home care, causing high staff turnover. Similarly, we
invest large sums of money into problematic 'time-saving' strategies such as
the DCS Helpline and into child protection, which works on short-term goals and
is crisis-driven, and fails to provide children with long-term futures. Time,
money and effort should be invested into supporting existing and coming foster
care placements to give children a better chance of stability and continuity.[364]
Adding to problems for children in out-of-home care can
be the lack of consistency with departmental caseworkers, usually the result of
a high turnover in workers. A 2002 CREATE Foundation survey of 143 children and
young people aged nine-18 years across Australia, found that 80 per cent of the
children and young people surveyed had a departmental caseworker, six per cent
were unsure if they had one and 14 per cent did not have one. Of the children
and young people who had a caseworker, 32 per cent had had more than five
workers while in care, 23 per cent said that they had the same caseworker for
three months or less and only 10 per cent had had the same departmental worker
since being in care. CREATE advised that the significant change in caseworker
numbers impacts negatively on their capacity to meet the needs of children and
young people in care. One young person noted:
I found [it] didn't work having so many case managers in such a
short period of time. [More than 5 in less than two years]. They never seemed
to respond to what I wanted, they didn't organise contact with my brothers. Since
I have had a stable case manager in the last few weeks it has been a lot better
because she has established contact with me and my brothers.[365]
The Committee recognises the complexity of the issue of
multiple placements which is symptomatic of a range of problems for families
including drug and substance addiction, unemployment and family breakdown,
which often lead to situations of children being placed into out-of-home care. At
times the anti-social behaviour of some children who have experienced abuse and
spent too long in abusive situations, escalates to a point where no carer is
able to provide care for them. In this context, Youth Off The Streets advised:
So young people are inappropriately placed. When they are
placed, there are insufficient resources on the ground to support those
placements. You can predict from that point onwards that inevitably they will
rotate in and out of foster care placements until they are deemed
'unfosterable'. Then, when they are teenagers, we see the result. Some may come
to us...Others end up on the streets as a result of the systems failure that they
have experienced throughout their care history.[366]
Therefore, a multi-faceted problem develops which can
only be addressed by a comprehensive multi-faceted response. Initiatives which
can be successful to address problems include early intervention programs to
assist people with their parenting and caring abilities. As well, other areas
that need to be addressed are those to engage more foster carers and to provide
them with support and also ensuring that children have access to education and
worthwhile employment.
Indigenous children are over represented in out-of-home
care. As well, systems breakdowns seem to be occurring regarding indigenous
children's placements. As mentioned, all jurisdictions have adopted the
Aboriginal Child Placement Principle regarding preferred placements of
indigenous children.
The Law Society of New South Wales submitted that there
is frequent failure to give proper effect to the principle. In particular, Aboriginal
or Torres Strait Islander children are not being identified as required by
legislation; indigenous children are not being placed in culturally-appropriate
out-of-home care; and no consultations are occurring with the welfare or
indigenous community groups that could assist in identifying suitable
placements. The Law Society stated:
...there is typically no real attempt to allow the child to
develop any understanding of the child's heritage and culture. Any plans
proposed by the Department are espoused in a general way and non-specific in
their services. There is frequently a reliance upon the foster carer doing the
right thing without any commitment by the Department and its Officers to ensure
the heritage and culture needs are followed through...indigenous siblings are
separated, sometimes into indigenous appropriate placements and sometimes not.
There is frequently a failure to provide regular contact not only between the
siblings but with their extended family members...That failure is both in breach
of the principles referred to and the objects of the Act which require a child
to know and develop a relationship with the child's family and in the wider
sense his or her community.[367]
SNAICC stated that:
...the continuing practice of placing children with non Indigenous
foster care constitutes a serious risk to the cultural identity of Indigenous
children in Australia.
In particular it places at risk their right to grow up in a community with
other members of their group, to enjoy their own culture, profess and practice
their own religion and use their own language.[368]
Families Australia
noted that while kinship care is very important to indigenous people for
indigenous children needing out-of-home care, a serious shortage of indigenous
carers is part of the reason why the Aboriginal Placement Principle is often
not adhered to.[369]
In response to the high number of indigenous children
in care, SNAICC has recommended a national commitment to Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander children including:
- the development of a National Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Family policy between indigenous organisations, the
Commonwealth and State and Territory Governments to reduce the number of
indigenous children being removed from home for child protection and poverty
related reasons; an expansion of the availability of Aboriginal and Islander
Child Care Agencies and Family Support Services; and an outline of targets for
reducing the current rates of child removal;
- the provision of improved access to family
support services to prevent family breakdowns and reduce the number of
indigenous children removed from their families by welfare authorities; and
- the implementation of recommendations from the Bringing them home inquiry, including
those related to the reform of the currents systems of child protection and
minimum standards of care, protection and support for Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander children in need of care.[370]
Children returning from out-of-home
care to abusive situations
The primary goal of out-of-home programs is to reunify
children and young people with their families, where this is in the best
interests of the children. However, with children being placed in out-of-home
care as a consequence of complex family problems, including parental substance abuse,
difficulties can be encountered in ensuring that children are returned to
suitable family situations.
The Committee received evidence about children being
returned from out-of-home care to abusive family homes, including instances where
parents are on drugs. Many care organisations acknowledge parents' rights to
request the return of their children but they highlighted the difficulties
associated both with assessing parents' suitability and being able to monitor
such situations. The CREATE Foundation stated:
If we say that, yes, the parent has to undertake a drug program,
we do not then go thoroughly enough into making sure that they have undertaken
that program, that they are clean and that these children are going to be safe
when they return to that home. And then, once they are back in that home, there
is no monitoring in the home to make sure that everything is going well and
there are no alarming characteristics.[371]
A parent with extensive experience of providing foster
care cited her first-hand experiences of returning a child to a home where he
would be exposed to abuse: is very have to send the child back to a situation
that you know the child does not want to return to, that you know is going to
be detrimental and where the child is probably going to end up back in your
care...this little boy's mum was given additional access time with him,
unsupervised, when it was patently obvious – and everybody knows – she was
abusing again.[372]
The difficulties of reunification are reflected in data
reported by the Victorian Department of Human Services. It was found that there
was a fairly high level of attempt at reunification with parents over a
five-year period. However, it was estimated that of children who enter
home-based care, 'only between about 20-30 per cent will be successfully
reunited with their parents over a five-year period'.[373] The WA Department for Community
Development noted that while a return to families is preferred, the Department
recognises that some children and young people will never return home due to
unresolved safety concerns at home. The department noted:
Repeated attempts at family preservation has meant some children
and young people experiencing frequent placement changes and broken
relationships as they move between parents and carers.[374]
The Committee heard that the parents and family members
of children in care are often marginalised or disempowered and that
insufficient attention and resources are given to ameliorating the damage to
children or to addressing the behaviour or parents' attitudes that led to their
children being placed in care. Mercy Community Services argued that governments
need to provide more services for behavioural and attitudinal problems to
ensure that parents are able to have their children returned at the earliest
and safest opportunity.[375]
Some organisations have called for funding to help keep
children with their families via intensive support services, and to ensure that
a child's removal from their family is in accord with permanency planning so
that the child is given opportunities to maintain contact and relationships
with significant members of their family, particularly with their siblings.
This is crucial in assisting children to develop a sense of stability and
Children and young people leaving
foster or out-of-home care
Each year, about 1700 Australians aged 15-17 years are
discharged from out-of-home care. Some return to the family home, others exit
care into independent living.[377] They
are one of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in society, yet, often they
do not receive support to help them to settle their lives or to find
accommodation and employment. Of particular concern is that many children and
young people enter out-of-home care with myriad problems and many depart the
system with additional problems. It seems to be a continuum of difficulties for
Young care leavers face barriers in accessing
educational, employment and other developmental and transitional opportunities.
As mentioned earlier, many could have experienced abuse and have had many
changes in carers, placements and schools and have no real assistance networks
as they move to independence.
As the following excerpt shows, some young people have
experienced abusive and unstable foster care conditions from which they often carry
'scars' for life:
At age 14 after leaving home for the 3rd time and
just not wanting to get hit anymore, I was 5 foot tall, wore size 6 kids
clothes and weighed just 5 stone. For the next 2 years, I was thrust between
foster family and any old place the department could place me in including
brief periods with juvenile offenders although I had done no wrong...I returned
home to my foster parents at 16 years of age for 18 months before being thrown
out of home in the middle of repeating year 12. A week later whilst I returned
to pick up my clothes, my foster mother threw the adoption papers in the bin.
This was just devastating and an action I can never forgive. I meant nothing to
my foster parents and they made it seem like it was somehow my fault...The abuse
that I suffered at the hands of my foster parents during my childhood has
scarred me for life...Fortunately I was never sexually abused, but my foster
mother was the best teacher in selfishness and deprivation...the pain will not go
away. I have absorbed myself in tasks to hide the pain. Later in life I will
have to deal with it, somehow and some day.[378]
The NSW Committee on Adoption and Permanent Care also
noted that often young people leave care with enormous emotional and
psychological baggage.[379] They may
have nowhere to live. Often their many years in refuges and lack of social
skills means that they are blacklisted from the private rental market, and
community and departmental housing waiting lists are often very long.[380] The 1996 NSW study of wards leaving
care in that State found that one year after leaving care, most participants
had unstable living arrangements and half were unemployed and had financial
A care leaver from the 1970s who endured difficulties, even
though it was easier in those days to find employment, described the situation now
for care leavers:
...many young people are leaving care, without finishing high
school, and without any training scheme for employment. They are effectively
unemployable in today's fiercely competitive market conditions, and they do not
have parents or family as a safety net. They literally have no place to go, and
cannot afford rent on the private rental market, and are chronically
vulnerable. Unlike Australia
in the 1970s...the HSC is now the relative equivalent of year 10...There is no
prospect for these people without educational resources.[382]
Given that young people often leave care without a
proper education, some are drawn to earning a living in the sex industry. In a
series of in-depth interviews, the non-government organisation, Child Wise,
spoke to 21 female and nine male sex industry workers, most of whom had left
school early; all of them had a drug addiction. Of particular concern is that
16 of these young people had been in the care of the State system and noted
that it had been while in the system's care, that they had been introduced to
sex work and other harmful high-risk activities.[383]
That young people are leaving care before they turn 18
years may also be adding to their problems and inability to deal with life in
contemporary society. For example, the Western Australian welfare agency,
Mofflyn, made the point that many children are remaining with their families
until they are in their mid to late 20s, and as such, that situation should
apply for some young people in foster care.[384]
Many factors are contributing to disadvantages for
young people leaving care, including a lack of post-care support. Evidence from
Dr Phillip
Mendes suggested that there is a major gap
in after-care services in most Australian
States and Territories, with some
individual non-government agencies providing assistance on an ad hoc and often unfunded basis.[385]
The Positive Justice Centre noted that while the 1989
Burdekin inquiry into homelessness found that 50 per cent of homeless children
had been in the care of the state, any acknowledgement of this does not appear
in any information about homelessness services such as the Supported
Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP).[386]
While welfare groups such as Berry Street Victoria acknowledged
that there are 'good people along the road' to assist young people leaving care,
it advised of a need for improvement in service provision and supports and
noted the need in Victoria
for better leaving-care supports, ideally comparable to what is available in
other Australian States and overseas:
...a simple thing would be rent assistance for young people when
they move out of residential care, rather than having to into the SAAP system...when
they are ready to leave care, where do they go? How do they gain housing, how
do we support them? They tend to move into the SAAP system, which is actually a
homelessness system. I find it quite abhorrent that we spend all these years
trying to support, nurture and develop young people who are very damaged and
then when they get to the end of their formal in-care time there is nothing but
the homelessness service.
...a lot of agencies, and individuals within agencies, offer the
sort of support...on an ad hoc basis. I really do feel very strongly that
Victoria needs to look seriously at a leaving care program and needs to be
prepared to support, as in other states and other countries, young people who
need that kind of after care up to the age of 25.[387]
Some groups advised, with a degree of ambivalence, of
their after-care support services for young people. In NSW, Centacare Catholic
Community Services has a State after-care service that deals only with people
who have been in care up to the age of 25 years. UnitingCare
Burnside provides a number of services
however it emphasised that like other agencies, its focus tends to be nowadays on
assisting families, children and young people before any need for out-of-home
care emerges.[388] Youth Off The
Streets cited details of its five-year quality improvement program with the NSW
Office of the Children's Guardian focusing on children's daily participation in
case planning and programs. This group has established semi-independent living
for young people who are about to exit care. It is developing a program
involving follow-up for at least two-three years, at the young person's
request. In describing the Youth Off the Streets' exit-care plan, Mrs
Power noted that the organisation would
prefer to have more counsellors and psychologists in order to meet service
...during the last 12 months we have established a
semi-independent living program recognising young people who are preparing to
exit care...This is a point at which we are obviously preparing them to go out
into the world but it is a point which I feel we may be letting down some of
the young people if they have not received adequate support and counselling and
their needs have not been addressed...We would like to be able to identify those
needs and continue to meet them. We are...developing an exit program which will
involve follow-up for at least two to three years, obviously at the young
person's request...A lot of young people come back 10 years later and bring in
their children, but what worries us as an agency are perhaps those who have left
us feeling that they did not have the best experience with us...I would like to
see a formal system of tracing young people when they leave us and perhaps more
family workers to begin to help them in that program of reintegrating into the
communities that they choose.[389]
In terms of government assistance for leaving-care
plans, Dr Mendes
made the point that there are no Commonwealth Government national leaving-care
benchmarks or legislation. He asserts that while the 1995 Standing Committee of
Community Services and Income Security Administrators endorsed out-of-home care
standards which included an obligation to develop exit plans for each young
person leaving care, many States have failed to implement these standards.[390] He also noted examples of overseas legislative
and program supports for care leavers including in the United
Kingdom and the United
As well, that after-care programs for young people
leaving care are conducted on an ad hoc
basis is perhaps demonstrated by the following. Some jurisdictions have
transitional and after-care programs for care leavers. Under the NSW Children and Young Persons (Care and
Protection) Act 1998, after-care
services for young people aged 15-25 years are in place, including an after-care
resource and advocacy centre. That State also has leaving-care services for
metropolitan and surrounding areas and a State-wide Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander Service.[392] Entitlements
to leaving care or after-care supports are not available under the Victorian Children and Young Persons Act 1989
other than post-placement support. However, the Victorian Department of Human
Services (DHS) provides support to care leavers aged 18 years to complete their
schooling. The DHS has trialled housing and support projects in the Gippsland
and Southern Metropolitan regions to address the incidence of homelessness
among care leavers.[393]
Western Australia's
Children and Community Services Act 2004
contains a range of transitional measures for out-of-home care leavers in that
State which will be available when the Act is fully proclaimed. This should
occur when the necessary preparatory work has been completed. Transitional
arrangements will include provisions for the Department for Community
Development to ensure that a child leaving care is provided with social
services that the department considers appropriate, having regard to a child's
needs as identified in his or her care plan. As well, the department must
ensure that a person who qualifies for assistance is provided with services to
assist the person to do any one or more of the following: obtain accommodation;
undertake education and training; obtain employment; obtain legal advice;
access health services; access counselling services.[394]
From a Commonwealth perspective, the Transition to Independent
Living Allowance (TILA) provides a one-off financial payment to disadvantaged
care leavers in making a transition to independent living.[395]
The evidence indicates very disturbing trends in
out-of-home care: that the number of children entering the system is increasing
and children have increasingly complex problems as a result of extremely
damaging family situations. Indigenous children are over-represented in the
out-of-home care system, with indigenous children being six times more likely
to be in out-of-home care than non-indigenous children. Often, the out-of-home
system is unable to provide adequate care for these high-care children. This is
exacerbated by multiple placements, multiple changes to caseworkers; lack of
adequate after-care services; and children returning to abusive situations.
The Committee also received evidence that many children
experience poor outcomes from their placement in out-of-home care: they have
poor educational attainment; limited life opportunities; feature highly in
homeless populations and the juvenile justice system; do not always receive
adequate dental or medical care; gravitate towards substance abuse; and are
more likely than their contemporaries not in care to have thought of or
attempted suicide.
The Committee considers that there is a need for
diversity in the provision of out-of-home care. Many children and young people
can have their needs met by standard foster, kinship or family-based care. The
Committee acknowledges however that for some people who are classified as 'high
risk', a level of care is required that can only be met by residential care
staffed by highly-trained professionals. Regardless of the category of children
and young people or their needs, care that would suit a young child will not
always apply in later childhood or adolescence. Therefore a continuum of
options will be required within each sphere of the foster care system.
The Committee also considers that residential care
staffed by specially-trained personnel is often the only way to care for
high-risk children but such options are often not available and are expensive.
However, given the costs and needs in maintaining high-risk children along with
the many problems inherent in the service system, it is relevant to consider a model
of therapeutic foster care that fits between general foster care and the full
residential institutional arrangements. This form of care is required for the
children and young people who require wide-ranging levels of support including
behaviour monitoring, health and educational assistance and counselling
Given the benefits of ensuring that children have
contact with their natural families, where appropriate, people with disability
who have children and young people, need assistance and support so that they
can carry out their everyday parenting and family activities. Greater
assistance is also required for already damaged young people leaving care and
attempting to live, for the first time, an independent life. There is a need to
ensure they have adequate education, life skills and financial support to
successfully make the transition from care to independence.
The Committee considers that there are obvious benefits
for all jurisdictions to co-operate and exchange information and it may be that
they can learn from each other regarding successful programs in the out-of-home
care sector, particularly when assisting very high-needs children.
The Committee acknowledges that many of the areas of
concern identified in the above discussion have been included in the National
Plan for Foster Children, Young People and Foster Carers as key areas for
action. In particular, the National Plan aims to strengthen case management,
and to implement national standards for the transition planning for children and
young people in foster care. The over-representation of indigenous children and
young people in foster care is also to be examined to identify possible areas
for action. A further key area for action is to investigate and develop
emerging models of foster care, including trends in relative/kinship care. The
Committee sees this area as being of fundamental importance as greater numbers
of children with more complex needs are entering the out-of-home care system.
While the National Plan has identified areas for
action, the Committee is mindful that identification is not only required:
implementation with long-term commitment from all stakeholders will be
necessary to introduce change to a system which is severely stretched and
Recommendation 5
3.125 The Commonwealth review the level of the Transition to
Independent Living Allowance (TILA) to ensure that it is adequate to meet the
needs of young people leaving care.
Recommendation 6
3.126 The Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments
consider new models for the schooling and education of children in out-of-home
care, particularly children who have been classified as high-risk children, for
example, schooling by specialist teachers trained in both education and child psychology.
Recommendation 7
3.127 That the strengthening of case management under the
National Plan be progressed as a matter of priority, in particular to attempt
to limit the turnover of caseworkers for children in out-of-home care.
Recommendation 8
3.128 That the introduction of national standards for
transition planning, particularly when leaving care, under the National Plan be
implemented as a matter of priority.