

Primary Recommendation

Recommendation 21

4.150     That Commonwealth, State and Territory governments jointly commit as part of the fourth CSTDA to substantial additional funding to address identified unmet need for specialist disability services, particularly for accommodation services and support.

Chapter 3

Recommendation 1

3.25        That State and Territory governments provide a specific service that assists people with disability transferring between jurisdictions to negotiate programs and services to achieve a comparable level of support.

Recommendation 2

3.30        That the next CSTDA clearly recognise the complex and interacting needs of, and specialist services required by, people with dual and multiple diagnosis, and people with acquired brain injury.

Recommendation 3

3.65        That the next CSTDA should include –

Recommendation 4

3.66        That in the life of the next CSTDA, signatories agree to develop a National Disability Strategy which would function as a high level strategic policy document, designed to address the complexity of needs of people with disability and their carers in all aspects of their lives.

Recommendation 5

3.79        That the next CSTDA incorporate a nationally consistent assessment process to objectively and comprehensively determine the support and care needs of each person with a disability. These assessment processes should also assist people with disability by making determinations of eligibility for services and priority of need as well as facilitating access to appropriate services.

Recommendation 6

3.84        That the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments ensure that:

Recommendation 7

3.98        Given the reality that a large proportion of costs in disability services will always be wages and salaries of care providers, the Committee strongly recommends that the Commonwealth consider removing the efficiency dividend from the indexation formula for funds allocated through the CSTDA.

Recommendation 8

3.101     That the Commonwealth set an indexation level in line with the actual costs of delivering services. This rate should be applied as a minimum indexation rate by State and Territory Governments.

Recommendation 9

3.106     That the next CSTDA incorporate appropriate benchmarks and annual targets in relation to identified unmet need for specialist disability services.

Recommendation 10

3.111     That the next CSTDA ensure 'matched funding' commitments do not provide a disincentive for governments to provide additional funding for specialist disability services.

Recommendation 11

3.119     That the Commonwealth have responsibility in the lead up to the next CSTDA for developing an equitable distribution formula of Commonwealth base funding which takes into account differences between States and Territories in terms of potential population and costs of service delivery.

Recommendation 12

3.120     That, in addition to that funding "platform", arrangements be put in place to allow specific services or programs to be initiated on the basis of cost-sharing or matched funding between the Commonwealth and particular State and Territory governments which commit additional funding for specialist disability services.

Recommendation 13

3.134     That realistic outcomes based performance reporting requirements be added to the CSTDA.

Recommendation 14

3.135     That the Commonwealth take the lead in developing consistent cross-jurisdictional performance monitoring and reporting of specialist disability services to promote greater coordination and accountability between jurisdictions.

Chapter 4

Recommendation 15

4.44        That additional funding be made available under the next CSTDA to:

Recommendation 16

4.45        That the Commonwealth ensure that outcomes data is included in the CSTDA National Minimum Dataset.

Recommendation 17

4.103     That the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments implement a national equipment strategy as part of the next CSTDA.

Recommendation 18

4.108     That the next CSTDA include a commitment of additional funding for early intervention.

Recommendation 19

4.131     That the Commonwealth increase the number of places in the Disability Employment Network for people on the Disability Support Pension who do not have mutual obligation requirements.

Recommendation 20

4.136     That the importance of access to appropriate transport and Patient Assisted Travel Schemes for people with disabilities be reflected in the terms of the next CSTDA.

Recommendation 21

4.150     That Commonwealth, State and Territory governments jointly commit as part of the fourth CSTDA to substantial additional funding to address identified unmet need for specialist disability services, particularly for accommodation services and support.

Chapter 5

Recommendation 22

5.50        That funding arrangements and eligibility requirements should be made to allow supplemental aged care services to be made available to people with disabilities who are ageing, allowing them to age in place. Administrative funding arrangements should not impede access to aged care services for people with a disability who are ageing.

Recommendation 23

5.57        Access to generic services should continue to be a priority for the next CSTDA, particularly access to health care services.

Recommendation 24

5.69        That Commonwealth, State and Territory governments, as part of their commitment to life long planning for people with disabilities, ensure:

Chapter 6

Recommendation 25

6.30        That a review of alternative funding arrangements be undertaken through the research and development program of the next CSTDA which specifically considers, amongst other elements:

That the findings of the review be reported to the relevant Ministerial Council.

Chapter 7

Recommendation 26

7.10        That additional funding for research and development should be committed under the next CSTDA within agreed policy priorities.

Recommendation 27

7.21        That the Commonwealth defer the implementation of its restructure of the national disability advocacy program and incorporate planning for advocacy services, including carers advocacy, in the negotiation of the next CSTDA.

Recommendation 28

7.26        That the next CSTDA continue to incorporate a prominent role for disability and carer advisory bodies as well as the new National Disability and Carer Ministerial Advisory Council. These bodies should be able to provide advice to government on service delivery, progress made in meeting objectives and priorities and directions for research and development.

Recommendation 29

7.29        That Commonwealth, State and Territory governments ensure that people with disabilities and their families are not discouraged from accessing care services in their homes because of potential occupational health and safety liability.

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