Home Affairs portfolio

Tabled documents

Tabled by Document Date tabled View
National Emergency Management Agency Opening statement from Mr Brendan Moon, Coordinator-General, National Emergency Management Agency 28 May 2024 303KB
Department of Home Affairs Opening statement from Ms Stephanie Foster PSM, Secretary, Department of Home Affairs 28 May 2024 141KB
Senator James Paterson Correspondence from Senator James Paterson addressed to Ms Stephanie Foster PSM, dated 14 May 2024 28 May 2024 491KB
Senator Varun Ghosh  Media article - 'Wood 'shocked' by allegations against agent', Dandenong Star Journal, 11 November 2022  28 May 2024  115KB 
Senator James Paterson  Freedom of information documents related to Ministerial Direction 99  28 May 2024  19 041KB 
Australian Border Force Opening Statement from Commissioner Michael Outram APM, Australian Border Force 29 May 2024 131KB
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation  Opening statement from Director-General Mr Mike Burgess, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation 29 May 2024 359KB

Additional information

Tabled by Document Date tabled View
National Emergency Management Agency Clarification to evidence provided at a public hearing on 28 May 2024 by Mr Brendan Moon, Coordinator-General, National Emergency Management Agency 1 July 2024 1412KB