Attorney-General's portfolio

Tabled documents

Tabled by Document Date tabled View
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Opening statement from Ms Elizabeth Tydd, A/g Australian Information Commissioner and Freedom of Information Commissioner 29 May 2024 78KB
Senator Paul Scarr List of Ministerial submissions made to Andrew Giles and Attorney-General Dreyfus - FOI 29 May 2024 38,850KB
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) Opening statement from Mr Brendan Thomas, Chief Executive Officer 29 May 2024 98KB
Senator Paul Scarr The Australian article - NSW Supreme Court judge Stephen Rothman urges Anthony Albanese to grant 'positive rights' to faith schools 29 May 2024 2,363KB
Attorney-General's Department  Correction to Ms Katherine Jones' response to letter from Senator Scarr and Senator Cash concerning judicial vacancies and appointments 30 May 2024 157KB
Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash Approaches to SEQoNs asked of all (or multiple) agencies 30 May 2024 886KB
Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash Review of the Environmental Defenders Office's conduct under the Commonwealth Simple Grant Agreement  30 May 2024 628KB
Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash Letter from Senator Cash and Senator Scarr to Ms Katherine Jones PSM, Secretary, Attorney-General's Department, in advance of Budget estimates 2024-25, dated 24 May 2024 30 May 2024 293KB
 Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash Letter from Ms Katherine Jones PSM, Secretary, Attorney-General's Department, to Senator Cash and Senator Scarr, dated 29 May 2024 30 May 2024 PDF 1,720KB
Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson  Media release - Australian Human Rights Commission - 'Commission President calls for human rights in Australia to be upheld in wake of Middle East conflict', dated 13 October 2023 31 May 2024  PDF 115KB 
Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson  Media article - Sky News - 'Anthony Albanese issues strongest condemnation yet of anti-Israel slogan 'from the river to the sea' in interview for Josh Frydenberg's new documentary', dated 7 May 2024  31 May 2024  PDF 85KB 
Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson  Media article - Sydney Morning Herald - 'Labor senators condemn 'river to the sea' chant in Fatima Payman rebuke', dated 16 May 2024   31 May 2024  PDF 294KB
Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson  Media article - The Australian - 'Sydney Uni loses its faculties: professor teaches Hamas mass rapes were a 'hoax'', dated 31 May 2024 31 May 2024  PDF 231KB

Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson

Transcript of an Instagram reel from Nazeem Hussain 31 May 2024 PDF 32KB
Senator Paul Scarr Media article - The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald - 'Race Discrimination Commissioner: Why ABC chiefs should back Laura Tingle for calling out racism', dated 30 May 2024. 31 May 2024 PDF 181KB
Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson Media article - The Sunday Telegraph - 'Jewish outrage over inflammatory social media posts from employee of human rights mediator', dated 5 May 2024 31 May 2024 PDF 157KB
Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson Tweet from Sara M. Saleh, dated 29 April 2024. 31 May 2024 PDF 111KB
Senator Paul Scarr Speech from the Hon Justice Duncan Kerr Chev LH, Dealing with Government Administrators, the Political System and the Media, dated 14 February 2024 31 May 2024 PDF 89KB
National Anti-Corruption Commission  Opening statement from Mr Philip Reed, Chief Executive Officer, National Anti-Corruption Commission, 31 May 224 31 May 2024 PDF 175KB
Senator Paul Scarr Transcript of proceedings in the Magistrates Court of Western Australia, Western Australia Police and Majod Jamshidi Doukoshkan, dated 20 February 2024 31 May 2024 PDF 347KB
Australian Federal Police Opening statement of Commissioner Reece Kershaw APM, Australian Federal Police 31 May 2024 PDF 93KB
Senator Nita Green Media release: Cairns City Chapter Mongols Outlaw Motorcycle Gang, myPolice Queensland Police News, dated 2 November 2023 31 May 2024 PDF 157KB
Senator Nita Green Media article: Leichardt MP Warren Entsch stands by award to Cairns City Mongols for work during cyclone, dated 22 February 2024 31 May 2024 PDF 126KB
Senator Paul Scarr Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 May 2024 in relation to the admission of new members to the United Nations  31 May 2024 PDF 201KB
Senator Paul Scarr Situation in the State of Palestine, Observations of Australia, International Criminal Court, dated 16 March 2020 31 May 2024 PDF 1,659KB
Senator James Paterson Examples of pro-Palestine protesters in media reporting and social media 4 July 2024 PDF 930KB
Senator David Shoebridge Correspondence from Dr Yvette Poudjom Djomani, President, African Australian Council ACT, to Mr Andrew Braddock MLA, in relation to an incident in which a Canberra resident of African decent was arrested and allegedly racially profiled by police 4 July 2024 PDF 478KB

Additional information

Tabled by Document Date tabled View
Attorney-General's Department  Typographic corrections in letter from Ms Katherine Jones PSM, Secretary, Attorney-General's Department, to Senator Scarr and Senator Cash, dated 29 May 2024 3 June 2024 PDF 247KB
National Anti-Corruption Commission Clarification of evidence provided at a public hearing on 31 May 2024 by Mr Philip Reed, Chief Executive Office, National Anti-Corruption Commission 4 July 2024 PDF 180KB
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Clarification of evidence provided at a public hearing on 29 May 2024 by Ms Elizabeth Tydd, Acting Information Commissioner, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner  15 July 2024  PDF 152KB
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Clarification of evidence provided at a public hearing on 29 May 2024 by Ms Carly Kind, Privacy Commissioner, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner  15 July 2024 PDF 225KB
Australian Human Rights Commission Clarification of evidence provided at a public hearing on 31 May 2024 by Mr Giridharan Sivaraman, Race Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission 15 July 2024 PDF 80KB
Australian Human Rights Commission Clarification of evidence provided at a public hearing on 31 May 2024 by Ms Leanne Smith, Chief Executive, Australian Human Rights Commission
15 July 2024 PDF 75KB
Australian Human Rights Commission  Clarification of evidence provided at a public hearing on 31 May 2024 by Ms Leanne Smith, Chief Executive, Australian Human Rights Commission 15 July 2024 PDF 75KB
Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions  Clarification of evidence provided at a public hearing on 31 May 2024 by Ms Raelene Sharp KC, Director, CDPP 15 July 2024 PDF 135KB
Administrative Appeals Tribunal Clarification of evidence provided at a public hearing on 31 May 2024 by Mr Michael Hawkins AM, Registrar, Administrative Appeals Tribunal 15 July 2024 PDF 137KB
Attorney-General's Department  Letter of clarification from Ms Sarah Chidgey PSM, Acting Secretary, Attorney-General's Department, in relation to evidence provided at a public hearings on 30-31 May 2024 17 July 2024 PDF 367KB