Parliamentary Departments

Parliamentary Departments

Index to questions on notice - (PDF 95KB)

Answers to Questions on Notice

QON Department Senator Topic PDF format Date answer received
P1 Senate Bernardi Departmental assets (PDF 41KB) 22/10/2009
P2 Senate Bernardi Senate centralised information database (PDF 96KB) 22/10/2009
P3 DPS Ferguson Passholder access to sliproads (PDF 33KB) 26/10/2009
P4 DPS Bernardi Approval to install new software in electoral offices (PDF 71KB) 26/10/2009
P5 DPS Bernardi New Parliament House of Australia website (PDF 52KB) 26/10/2009
P6 DPS Bernardi New Hansard production system costs (PDF 35KB) 26/10/2009
P7(a-b) DPS Fifield 2009 DPS Customer Survey (PDF 50KB) 26/10/2009
P8(a-d) DPS Fifield 2009 DPS Customer Survey (PDF 34KB) 26/10/2009
P9(a-b) DPS Ronaldson Suite MG8 (PDF 32KB) 26/10/2009

Additional information and letters of clarification received by the committee

Mr Harry Evans, Clerk, Department of the Senate, Report to Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee on Senate Committee Activities, received 14 October 2009. (PDF 1964KB)
Ms Roxanne Missingham, Parliamentary Librarian, Department of Parliamentary Services, letter correcting evidence given in the Supplementary Budget Estimates hearing on 19 October 2009, concerning the new parliamentary website, received 26 October 2009. (PDF 214KB)
Ms Therese Lynch, Assistant Secretary, Content Management, Department of Parliamentary Services, correspondence correcting evidence given in the Supplementary Budget Estimates hearing on 19 October 2009, concerning the new Hansard production system, received 28 October 2009. (PDF 214KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Finance and Public Administration
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3534
Fax: +61 2 6277 5809