Table of Contents

29th Report of the Senate Select Committee on Superannuation
Commonwealth Superannuation Bills

Table of Contents

Membership of Committee

Chapter 1


Origin of the reference

Conduct of the inquiry

Chapter 2

The Bills

Superannuation Legislation (Commonwealth Employment) Repeal and Amendment Bill 1997

Commonwealth Superannuation Board Bill 1997

Superannuation Legislation (Commonwealth Employment – Saving and Transitional Provisions) Bill 1997

Chapter 3

Issues raised in evidence

Government commitment


Closure of the PSS

Lump sum superannuation payments on redundancy

Late preservation of benefits


Differential outcomes for APS employees

Accumulation funds

Fund selection process

Nature of default fund

Effect on mobility within the APS

Implications for national savings policy

Merger of CSS and PSS Boards


Chapter 4

Labor and Australian Democrat Senators' Majority Report


Chapter 5

Government Senators' report


Appendix A

List of Written Submissions

Appendix B

List of Witnesses at Public Hearing

Appendix C

List of Committee Reports