Chapter 1

29th Report of the Senate Select Committee on Superannuation
Commonwealth Superannuation Bills
Table of Contents

Chapter 1


Origin of the reference

1.1 On 3 March 1998, the Selection of Bills Standing Committee resolved that the following Bills be referred to the Select Committee on Superannuation for inquiry and report by 26 March 1998:

Commonwealth Superannuation Board Bill 1997

Superannuation Legislation (Commonwealth Employment) Repeal and Amendment Bill 1997

Superannuation Legislation (Commonwealth Employment – Saving and Transitional Provisions) Bill 1997

1.2 The Committee subsequently sought and was granted an extension of time till 1 April 1998.

1.3 The Selection of Bills Committee provided the following reasons for the conduct of the inquiry:

The bills appear to implement a policy that is inconsistent with the approach in the Superannuation Freedom of Choice Bills. The Committee needs to consider whether these bills will leave workers worse off or not, and whether they will involve additional costs for public sector workers.

Conduct of the inquiry

1.4 The Committee sought submissions from a number of organisations nominated by the Committee members and conducted a public hearing in Canberra on Tuesday 24 March 1998.

1.5 Four submissions were received (see Appendix A) and the names of those who gave evidence at the public hearing are listed in Appendix B.

1.6 The Committee expresses its appreciation to those who made submissions and gave oral evidence.