Terms of Reference

Australia's sanctions regime, with particular reference to:

a) an assessment of the consistency in application of Australia’s sanctions regime and in coordination with key partners and allies, including the identification of any gaps and time lags in their application;

b) consideration of the evidence on how sanctions regimes are targeting and addressing behaviour of designated individuals and entities;

c) consideration of specific measures to coordinate, collaborate, and harmonise sanctions with partners and allies, and multilaterally, including how different interests can be taken into account;

d) consideration of mechanisms to freeze and confiscate assets belonging to sanctioned persons/entities and how the proceeds can be used to benefit peoples and countries impacted by the behaviour of sanctioned individuals and entities;

e) consideration of opportunities for engagement by the Australian community, civil society, financial institutions and other organisations in Australia’s sanctions regime;

f) consideration of methods to assess the effectiveness of sanctions decisions and/or the extent to which sanctions are having the intended impact, and recommend any improvements;

g) consideration of how Australia’s sanctions regime could better align with Australia’s existing anti-corruption and crime measures, including to better target Australians involved in designated actions;

h) consideration of the role of sanctions in an increasingly complex global context, where geo-strategic competition is re-shaping our region; and

i) any other matters that are relevant to the effectiveness of Australia’s sanctions framework.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3535

Past Public Hearings

15 Nov 2024: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Report Tabled


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