Australia’s sanctions regime

REPORT - February 2025

List of recommendations

Recommendation 1

2.36The committee recommends that the Australian Government consider its application of thematic sanctions and explore ways to further strengthen consistency where appropriate.

Recommendation 2

2.58The committee recommends that, in circumstances where foreign policy objectives allow, the Australian Government, while continuing to make its own judgments concerning the imposition of sanctions, prioritise the alignment of sanctions with allies to maximise effectiveness and place greater emphasis on imposing such sanctions promptly.

Recommendation 3

2.59The committee recommends that the Australian Government consider establishing a mechanism for engagement with civil society on Australia’s sanctions regime.

Recommendation 4

3.37The committee recommends that the Australian Government work with its global partners to increase focus on sanctions enforcement and close loopholes which allow Iran and Russia to evade the financial impact of Australian sanctions.

Recommendation 5

3.38The committee recommends that the Australian Government continue to impose sanctions on Iranian officials involved in serious violations or serious abuses of human rights, including wrongful detention.

Recommendation 6

3.39The committee recommends that the Australian Government prioritise, in consultation with international partners and non-governmental Australian stakeholders, the development of methodologies to target and measure the effectiveness of Australia’s sanctions regime.

Recommendation 7

3.62The committee recommends that the Australian Government consider how to identify and locate all Russian and Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-associated assets in Australia which are currently subject to sanctions.

Recommendation 8

3.63The committee recommends that the Australian Government identify all Russian assets in Australia that are subject to sanctions, and consider what legislative and other changes are required to enable the transfer of these assets.
