
Submissions received by the Committee

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Page size:
 47 items in 3 pages
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Page size:
 47 items in 3 pages
1Mercury Information Security Services Pty Ltd (PDF 72 KB) 
2DroneShield (PDF 223 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 7797 KB) 
3Defence Teaming Centre (PDF 5563 KB) 
4Shoal Group (PDF 1843 KB) 
5Australian Sovereign Capability Alliance (PDF 135 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 4407 KB)  Attachment 2 (PDF 331 KB)  Attachment 3 (PDF 312 KB)  Attachment 4 (PDF 259 KB)  Attachment 5 (PDF 143 KB) 
6Sovereign Australian Prime Alliance (SAPA) (PDF 1148 KB) 
7Dr Rob Bourke (PDF 412 KB) 
8Jia-Yee Lee (PDF 110 KB) 
9University of Queensland (PDF 416 KB) 
10Australian National Audit Office (PDF 394 KB) 
11Queensland Government - Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (PDF 282 KB) 
12Department of Industry, Science and resources (PDF 123 KB) 
13Australian Academy of Science (PDF 157 KB) 
14Department of Finance (PDF 2184 KB) 
15Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU) (PDF 863 KB) 
16Thomas Global Systems Australia Pty. Ltd. (PDF 229 KB) 
17Rohde & Schwarz Australia (PDF 3977 KB) 
18Australian Industry and Defence Network (PDF 144 KB) 
19Public Safety Training and Response Group (PDF 891 KB) 
20The University of Adelaide (PDF 452 KB) 

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