The importance of the Indian Ocean rim for Australia's foreign, trade and defence policy

The importance of the Indian Ocean rim for Australia's foreign, trade and defence policy

14 June 2013

© Commonwealth of Australia 2013
ISBN 978-1-74229-842-9

View the report as a single document - (PDF 5941KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Members of the committee (PDF 249KB)
Acronyms and Abbreviations (PDF 8KB)
Executive Summary (PDF 160KB)
Chapter 1 - Introduction (PDF 300KB)

Terms of reference
Conduct of inquiry
   Visit to the Pilbara
Background to inquiry
Structure of report

Chapter 2 - Background: the Indian Ocean rim (PDF 380KB)

   Geographic and hydrographic definition
   Rim vs region

Part I
Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation—past, present and future—challenges and opportunities
Chapter 3 - OR-ARC—beginnings (PDF 282KB)

Proposed Indian Ocean Association for Regional Cooperation
   Launch of IOR-ARC, 1997
   Second meeting, 1999
   Third and fourth meetings, 2001 and 2003
   Fifth meeting, 2004
   Sixth meeting, 2006
   Seventh meeting, 2007—decade of talk
   Eighth meeting, 2008—Action Plan
   Ninth meeting, 2009—declaratory to action phase
   Tenth meeting, 2010—implementing spirit of revised IOR-ARC Charter
   Eleventh meeting, 2011—six priority areas
   Twelfth meeting, 2012—fifteenth anniversary

Chapter 4 - IOR-ARC (PDF 213KB)

The Troika
Profile and achievements
Forces hindering a regional organisation
   Other regional or subregional groupings
Forces favouring a regional organisation
   Common ground
   The ocean itself
   People-to-people links
   Collaboration with India
   Working with like-minded countries in the region
   Greater involvement of NGOs

Chapter 5 - IOR-ARC's prospects (PDF 142KB)

Australia's role in IOR-ARC
   Vision for the region
Views of government departments
   Australian Federal Police
   Resources, Energy and Tourism
   Future plans
Lessons from the Asia Pacific

Part II
Disaster risk reduction and development assistance
Chapter 6 - Natural disasters and climate change (PDF 315KB)

Disaster risk reduction
Australia's contribution
   The Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction
   Disaster risk reduction assistance
Climate change and disaster mitigation initiatives
   Developing countries and climate change
   IOR-ARC and disaster risk reduction

Chapter 7 - Food Security (PDF 244KB)

Australia's ODA to the Indian Ocean rim
Food Security in the Indian Ocean rim
Fisheries management
   Australia's contribution
   Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
   Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (SIOFA)
   Fisheries Support Unit
   Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
   Capacity constraints
   Broader security matters

Chapter 8 - Mining for development (PDF 195KB)

Helping resource-rich countries
   Mining for Development initiative
   Africa down under

Chapter 9 - Scientific research and technology development (PDF 270KB)

Research and the Indian Ocean rim
Role of research in Indian Ocean rim
   IOR-ARC and scientific research
Australia's contribution
   Australian Federal Police
Academic group—new centre in Western Australia

Part III
Defence and security in the Indian Ocean rim, including counter piracy and port state control
Chapter 10 - Defence and security in the Indian Ocean (PDF 1072KB)

Strategic significance of the Indian Ocean rim
   Significance for Australia
Naval presence in the Indian Ocean rim
   Growing influence of China—US pivot in the Indian Ocean rim
   India's growing significance
   Indian Ocean Naval Symposium
Bilateral versus multilateral approaches to defence and security in the Indian Ocean rim
Security risks to Australia's North West—protection of infrastructure
   Committee's visit to Pilbara region
   ADF presence and security risks in the North West
   Prevalence of piracy in the Indian Ocean
   Effect of piracy
Combating piracy in the Indian Ocean
   Australia's contribution counter-piracy measures
   Building local capacity

Chapter 11 - Port state control (PDF 359KB)

Background to regional port state control regimes
   Substandard ships
   Memoranda of understanding
Indian Ocean Memorandum of Understanding
Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
   Limited resources
   Capacity building

Part IV
Growing Australia in the Indian Ocean region – mineral exports, mining, trade and tourism
Chapter 12 - Mineral Exports and Mining in the Indian Ocean rim (PDF 685KB)

Australia's mineral exports to the Indian Ocean rim
   Iron ore
   Future growth
   Competition and investment opportunities
   Africa Down Under
   Investment opportunities
Partnerships and Synergies
   Corporate Interests

Chapter 13 - Trade, free trade agreements and tourism in the Indian Ocean rim (PDF 714KB)

Australia's trade in the Indian Ocean rim
   Commodities trade
   Education, tourism and export of services
   Foundations, Councils and Institutes—people-to-people links
Australia's approach to trade in the Indian Ocean rim
   Australia's key competitors in the Indian Ocean rim
   Other international interests beyond the Indian Ocean rim
IOR-ARC and trade

Chapter 14 - Conclusions and Recommendations (PDF 315KB)

Considering the Indian Ocean rim as a cohesive region
Committee view

Dissenting Report by Senator Scott Ludlam - Australian Greens Senator for Western Australia (PDF 78KB)
Appendix 1 - Public submissions (PDF 7KB)
Appendix 2 - Public hearings and witnesses (PDF 69KB)
Appendix 3 - Additional information, tabled documents, and answers to questions on notice (PDF 67KB)

For further information, contact:

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3535
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818