Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Public hearings and witnesses

Friday 17 August 2012—Canberra

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

BLOMFIELD, Mr William, Africa Branch

GORDON, Mr Ken, North Asia Goods Branch

LYNCH, Mr Bernard, Director, Iraq and Gulf States Section

NAMDARIAN, Mr Kayzad, South and Central Asia Branch

PIERCE, Mr Mark, South & Central Asia Branch

WATT, Ms Paula, Counter-Terrorism Branch

Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism

CONSTABLE, Ms Tania, Division Head, Resources Division

DOWIE, Mr Nicholas, General Manager, Tourism Policy Branch, Tourism Division

Roundtable Participants

BREWSTER, Dr David, Visiting Fellow, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University

DRYSDALE, Professor Peter David, Private capacity

JHA, Professor Raghbendra, Private capacity

MacINTYRE, Professor Andrew James, Dean, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University

PHILLIPS, Dr Andrew Bradley, Private capacity

TAYLOR, Dr Brendan Kevin, Head of Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University

WEIGOLD, Dr Auriol, Private capacity

Tuesday 2 October 2012 – Perth

Indian Ocean Research Group

RUMLEY, Professor Dennis, Chair

Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University

HAMEIRI, Dr Shahar, Senior Lecturer and Research Fellow

Department of State Development, Western Australian Government

GRINCERI, Ms Sonia, Acting Director, International Trade and Investment

NUNIS, Mr Giles, Deputy Director General, Resources and Industry Development

Future Directions International

HARTLEY, Major General John, Institute Director and CEO

LUKE, Mr Leighton, Research Manager, Indian Ocean Research Programme

McHUGH, Mr Liam, Research Manager, Northern Australia & Energy Security Research Programmes

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia

PEARSON, Mr James Hugo, Chief Executive

Wednesday 5 December 2012—Canberra


DAWSON, Ms Philippa, Group Manager, International Issues Branch

LANDERS, Mr David, General Manager, Growth and Emerging Markets


BELL, Mrs Juliet, Executive Manager, Global Engagement

YUNCKEN, Ms Liz, Europe, India and Middle East Adviser, International Development

Australia-Africa Mining Industry Group

HART, Mr Jeff, Special Adviser

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

CLARK, Mr Bryan, Director, Trade and International Affairs

Thursday 6 December 2012—Canberra


NICHOLS, Mr Paul, Assistant Director-General

RAUTER, Ms Lisa, Assistant Director-General

Geoscience Australia

BARNICOAT, Dr Andrew, Chief, Minerals and Natural Hazards Division

JASKA, Mr Daniel, Section Leader, Australian Tsunami Warning System

Bureau of Meteorology

CANTERFORD, Dr Ray, Division Head (Services)

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research

DIXON, Dr John, Principal Regional Coordinator, South Asia and Africa,

HEARN, Dr Simon Eric, Principal Adviser

Department of Defence

BIRRER, Mr Chris, Assistant Secretary, Major Powers and Global Interests

ROBERTS, Mr Frank, Head, Australian Defence Force Posture Review Implementation Team

SHOEBRIDGE, Mr Michael, First Assistant Secretary, Strategic Policy


PERIES, Mr Kavan, General Manager, Planning and Development, Telstra International Group

Friday 22 March 2013—Canberra

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

McCARTHY, Mr Adam, Assistant Secretary, Africa Branch

McCONVILLE, Mr Ian, Director, East, West and Regional Africa Section, Africa Branch

NAMDARIAN, Mr Kayzad, Acting Director, Indian Ocean Strategies Unit, South and Central Asia Branch

PIERCE, Mr Mark, Assistant Secretary, South and Central Asia Branch

SHANNON, Mr Peter, Assistant Secretary, Counter-Terrorism Branch

SUTIYONO, Ms Anna, Executive Officer, Counter-Terrorism Branch

Department of Infrastructure and Transport

DREEZER, Mr Steve, General Manager, Maritime, Identity and Surface Security Branch, Office of Transport Security

PALMER, Mr Michael John, Former Inspector of Transport Security

RETTER, Mr Paul Bernard, Executive Director, Office of Transport Security

SWAIN, Mr Christopher, Director, Strategic Policy and Legislation

Australian Federal Police

RAISER, Commander Errol, Manager, Special References

SCOTT, Commander Alan, Manager, Australian Peace and Stability Operations Management Centre

WHOWELL, Mr Peter Jon, Manager, Government Relations

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

BUCHANAN, Ms Kelly, Director, International Fisheries Section, Sustainable Resource Management Division

THOMPSON, Mr Ian George, First Assistant Secretary, Sustainable Resource Management Division

Private capacity


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