Submissions and additional information received by the committee as at 20 June 2007

Access Card - Inquiry into Human Services (Enhanced Service Delivery) Bill 2007

Submissions and additional information received by the committee as at 20 June 2007

Sub No.  
1 Michael Skeggs  (PDF 12KB)
2 Kevin JR Murphy  (PDF 16KB)
3 Victor M Lambe  (PDF 15KB)
4 Robert H Bromwich  (PDF 257KB)
5 Datacard South Pacific (PDF 635KB)
6 Name Withheld (PDF 15KB)
7 Margery Street (PDF 24KB)
8 Gavin Street (PDF 15KB)
9 Festival of Light (PDF 28KB)
10 Humanist Society of Victoria (PDF 143KB)
11 Stephen Brown (PDF 76KB)
12 Australian General Practice Network (PDF 153KB)
13 Kerry Baker (PDF 11KB)
14 David Bath (PDF 16KB)
15 Name Withheld (PDF 12KB)
16 Benjamin D McGinnes (PDF 58KB)
17 Brian Rowe (PDF 252KB) Attachment (PDF 211KB)
18 Ms Graham (PDF 12KB)
19 GW & GL Manley (PDF 235KB)
20 Eaglehawk Limited (PDF 1362KB) - Originally submitted as confidential. Eaglehawk later requested that the submission be made public. The committee agreed to this request on 18 June 2007.  
21 Margaret McKay (PDF 187KB)
22 Vision Australia (PDF 45KB)
23 Women's Health Victoria (PDF 81KB)
24 Warren Holland (PDF 27KB)
25 Austroads (PDF 135KB)
26 Robert W Parry FCA (PDF 36KB)
  Attachment A (PDF 42KB)
Attachment B (PDF 12KB)
Attachment C (PDF 18KB)
27 N Phillips (PDF 14KB)
28 ACT Government (PDF 1077KB)
29 New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties Inc (NSWCCL) (PDF 88KB)
30 Australian Privacy Foundation (PDF 126KB)
31 Laurie Phillips (PDF 13KB)
32 Australian Smartcard Users' Forum (PDF 110KB)
33 Department of Veterans' Affairs (PDF 289KB)
34 Students' Representative Council, University of Sydney (PDF 162KB)
35 Liberty Victoria (PDF 507KB)
36 Department of Premier and Cabinet, Government of Western Australia (PDF 155KB)
37 Australian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association Ltd. (AEEMA) (PDF 70KB)
38 Australian Medical Association (AMA) (PDF 128KB)
39 Australian Government (PDF 2046KB)
39a Australian Government  (PDF 1034KB)
40 Ken Cuming (PDF 18KB)
41 Access Card No Way Campaign (PDF 100KB)
42 Consumers' Health Forum of Australia (PDF 40KB)
43 Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre (PDF 84KB)
  43a Attachment (PDF 160KB)  
Supplementary (PDF 3265KB)
44 Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) (PDF 670KB)
45 Lockstep Consulting Pty Limited (PDF 93KB)
46 Office of the Privacy Commissioner (PDF 161KB)
47 Health Issues Centre (PDF 194KB)
48 Office of the Victorian Privacy Commissioner (PDF 292KB)
49 Sexual Health and Family Planning Australia (PDF 40KB)
50 Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) (PDF 106KB)  
51 NSW Commissioner for Children and Young People (PDF 164KB)
52 Australian Bankers' Association Inc (PDF 60KB)
53 Electronic Frontiers Australian Inc (PDF 253KB)
54 Access Card Consumer and Privacy Taskforce (PDF 73KB)
  54A Discussion Paper No 1 (PDF 178KB)
54B Report No 1 (PDF 1590KB)
54C Submission Draft Bill (PDF 71KB)
54D Discussion Paper No 2 (PDF 83KB)
55 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner on behalf of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (PDF 64KB)
56 Abacus - Australian Mutuals (PDF 62KB)
57 Cedric Hingee (PDF 15KB)
58 Blind Citizens Australia (BCA) (PDF 43KB)
59 Defence Signals Directorate (PDF 159KB)
60 David Tones (PDF 37KB)
61 Australian Lawyers for Human Right (PDF 56KB)
62 Alastair Kinloch (PDF 947KB)
63 Non-Custodial Parents Party (PDF 29KB)
64 The Finance Sector Union of Australia (FSU) (PDF 78KB)
65 Dr Michael Head (PDF 24KB)
66 Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (PDF 76KB)
67 Margaret Dingle (PDF 16KB)
68 National Financial Services Federation Inc (PDF 60KB)

Additional information received

1 Answers to Questions on Notice received from the Attorney-General's Department
(PDF 11KB)  (PDF 16KB)  (PDF 12KB)  
2 Answers to Questions on Notice received from the Department of Human Services
(PDF 36KB)  (PDF 44KB)  (PDF 69KB)  (PDF 165KB)  
3 Answers to Questions on Notice received from the Australian Privacy Foundation
(PDF 92KB)  (PDF 2434KB)  (PDF 38KB)  (PDF 284KB)  (PDF 201KB)  (PDF 65KB)
4 Answer to a Question on Notice received from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PDF 12KB)
5 Answer to Questions on Notice received from the Victorian Privacy Commissioner (PDF 22KB)
6 Answer to Questions on Notice received from the National Archives of Australia
(PDF 21KB)  (PDF 25KB)
7 Answer to a Question on Notice received from the Australian Federal Police
(PDF 19KB)  (PDF 25KB)
8 Answer to Questions on Notice received from Professor Fels, Consumer and Privacy Taskforce
(PDF 17KB)
9 AUSTRAC Advice (PDF 13KB)
10 Answer to Questions on Notice received from ATO (PDF 24KB)
Related evidence
1 Answer received from Department of Human Services in response to a question on notice from Senator Stott Despoja at Supplementary Budget Estimates 2006-07 (PDF 90KB)

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Finance and Public Administration
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3439
Fax: +61 2 6277 5809