The feasibility of, and options for, creating a national long service standard, and the portability of long service and other entitlements, with particular reference to:
- the number of Australians in insecure work;
- the extent and nature of labour market mobility;
- the objectives of portable long service leave schemes, and the key components that might apply;
- which sectors, industries or occupations may, or may not, benefit from such schemes;
- the operation of a portable long service scheme, including:
- how and by whom such schemes might be run,
- how such schemes could be organised, be it occupational, industrial or other,
- the appropriate role for the Commonwealth Government in facilitating portable long service leave schemes,
- the impact of varying state and territory long service leave arrangements on a potential national long service scheme administered by the Commonwealth, and No. 123—9 November 2015 3309
- the capacity to operate such schemes within or across jurisdictions, including recognition of service; and
- any other related matters.