Inquiry into the provisions of bills to amend the Workplace Relations Act 1996

Inquiry into the provisions of bills to amend the Workplace Relations Act 1996

Workplace Relations Amendment (Genuine Bargaining) Bill 2002
Workplace Relations Amendment (Fair Dismissal) Bill 2002
Workplace Relations Amendment (Fair Termination) Bill 2002
Workplace Relations Amendment (Secret Ballots for Protected Action) Bill 2002
Workplace Relations Amendment (Prohibition of Compulsory Union Fees) Bill 2002

1 MAY 2002

1 Mr Adam Johnston (NSW) (Word format)   (PDF format)
2 Recruitment & Consulting Services Association (VIC) (Word format)    (PDF format)
3 Community Public Sector Union (CPSU) - State Public Services Federation Group (NSW) (Word format) (PDF format)
4 Australian Education Union (AEU) & National Tertiary Education Industry Union (NTEU) (VIC) (Word format) (PDF format)
5 Australian Liquor, Hospitality & Miscellaneous Workers Union (LHMU) (NSW)   (Word format)  (PDF format)
6 Shop, Distributive & Allied Employers Association (VIC)  (Word format - 1) (Word format - 2) (Word format - 3) (Word format - 4) (Word format - 5(PDF format -1) (PDF format - 2) (PDF format - 3(PDF format - 4)  (PDF format - 5)
7 Women's Electoral Lobby National Pay Equity Coalition (NSW) (Word format) (PDF format)
8 Restaurant & Catering Australia (NSW)     (Word format)     (Cover PDF format)  (PDF format)
9 ACTU (VIC)  (Word format)    (PDF format)
10 Justice & International Misson Unit, Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Victoria (VIC)  (Word format)   (PDF format)
11 Chamber of Commerce & Industry Western Australia (WA)  (Word format)  (PDF format )
12 Rail, Tram & Bus Union (NSW)  (Word format)   (PDF format)
13 Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC)  (VIC)    (Word format)     (PDF format)
14 Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia Ltd   (COSBOA)  (Word format)   (PDF format)
15 Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU) (VIC)        (PDF format only)   (PDF format only - supplementary submission 15A)
16 Australian Catholic Commission for Employment Relations (ACCER)    (Word format)   (PDF format)
17 ACCI (VIC)   (Word format - 1)    (Word format - 2attA)  (Word format - 3 attB )   (Word format - 4 attC )     (Word format - 5 attD)    (Word format - 6 attE)     (PDF format - 1)    (PDF format - 2 attA)   (PDF format - 3 attB)    (PDF format - 4 attC)    (PDF format - 5 attD)    (PDF format - 6 attE)   
18 Australian Retailers Association (NSW)   (Word format)    (PDF format)
19 Transport Workers' Union of Australia (VIC)   (Word format)    (PDF format)
20 National Union of Workers (VIC)   (Word format) 
21 Small Business Coalition (ACT)   (Word format)   (PDF format)
22 National Farmers' Federation (ACT)    (Word format)    (PDF format)
23 Independent Education Union of Australia (VIC)   (Word format)    (PDF format)
24 Australian Industry Group  (NSW)     (Word format)    (PDF format)
25 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (ACT)     (Word format)     (PDF format)
26 Australian Workers' Union (NSW) (Word format 1 - Introduction) (Word format 2 - Secret Ballot) (Word format 3 - Genuine Bargaining) (Word format 4 - Fair Dismissal) (PDF format 1 - Introduction) (PDF format 2 - Secret Ballot) (PDF format 3 - Genuine Bargaining) (PDF format 4 - Fair Dismissal)
27 Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union (CFMEU) (NSW)     (Word format)   (PDF format)

Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists & Managers (APESMA), Professional Officers Association (Victoria) (POAV) & Managers & Professionals Association (MPA) (VIC) (Word format)   (PDF format)

29 Office of Small Business, Department of Industry Tourism and Resources (Word format) (PDF format)
30 Job Watch Inc, (VIC)  (Word format)   (PDF format)
30A Job Watch Inc, (VIC)  (Word format)   (PDF format)