Coalition Senators Additional Comments

Coalition Senators are supportive of this bill which is based on improved choice and flexibility in supporting parents to achieve a healthy work and family life balance.
Many of the measures in this bill were proposed by the previous Coalition government in the Enhanced Paid Parental Leave reforms announced in March 2022.
The Coalition has a track record of supporting paid parental leave and the flow on benefit of increasing women’s workforce participation – which rose to record highs under the previous Coalition government.
Through the course of the inquiry, it was clear that concerns remain – particularly amongst small, often family-owned businesses – that the potential impact on costs of changes in this area, on top of other changes to the Industrial Relations system, will be burdensome.
This is particularly true given the tightness of many labour markets in Australia.
It is important that the government provides support to employers, especially small and family business, to ensure their obligations are clear, the administrative burden of the change is minimal, and to allow these businesses to minimise the potential economic impact these changes may have on 1 July 2023.
Coalition Senators will continue to engage with small and family business to ensure that the engine room of the Australian economy remains economically strong and growing.
Senator Slade Brockman
Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

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