1 |
Professor Hans Peter Dietz, Associate Professor Clara Shek
and Dr Vivien Wong (plus three attachments) |
2 |
Name Withheld |
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Confidential |
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Name Withheld |
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Name Withheld (plus an attachment) |
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Name Withheld (plus an attachment) |
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Confidential |
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Confidential |
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Dr Wendy Bonython and Mr Bruce Arnold |
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Confidential |
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Confidential |
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Australian College of Midwives |
17 |
Office of the Health Ombudsman |
18 |
Australasian Gynaecological Endoscopy and Surgery Society
Ltd |
19 |
Department of Health |
20 |
Public Health Association of Australia |
21 |
Joint submission by Health Consumers Councils across
Australia |
22 |
TFS Manufacturing (plus an attachment) |
23 |
Johnson & Johnson Medical Pty Ltd (plus a
supplementary submission) |
24 |
NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation |
25 |
The Hon Roger Cook MLA, Deputy Premier, Western
Australia (plus a supplementary submission) |
26 |
Consumers Health Forum of Australia |
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Confidential |
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Name Withheld |
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Name Withheld |
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Name Withheld |
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Prostheses List Advisory Committee |
32 |
Urogynaecological Society of Australasia (plus fifteen
attachments) |
33 |
Boston Scientific Pty Ltd |
34 |
The Royal Women's Hospital |
35 |
Continence Foundation of Australia |
36 |
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians
and Gynaecologists (plus two supplementary submissions) |
37 |
Scottish Mesh Survivors Group |
38 |
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners |
39 |
Women's Health and Research Institute of Australia |
40 |
Medical Technology Association of Australia |
41 |
nib health funds limited |
42 |
Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (plus
four attachments) |
43 |
Independent Private Hospitals of Australia |
44 |
Urogynaecology Departments, Mercy Hospital for Women, Monash
Health (plus two attachments) |
45 |
Maurice Blackburn Lawyers |
46 |
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health
Care |
47 |
Monash Health (plus an attachment) |
48 |
International Society for Pelviperineology Australian Branch
(plus five attachments and a supplementary submission) |
49 |
National Association of Specialist Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists |
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Associate Professor Paul Duggan |
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Dr David Hodgson |
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Ms Kath Sansom |
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Dr Michelle Atherton (plus three attachments) |
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Dr Max Haverfield |
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Health Issues Centre (plus five attachments) |
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Mrs Charlotte Korte (plus an attachment and two
supplementary submissions) |
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Australian Pelvic Mesh Support Group |
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Confidential |
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Name Withheld (plus a supplementary submission) |
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Confidential |
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Confidential |
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Confidential |
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Dr Darren Gold (plus nine attachments and a
supplementary submission) |
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Name Withheld |
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Ms Sunny Hutson |
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Ms Joanne Mannion |
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Confidential |
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Associate Professor Christopher Maher |
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Name Withheld |
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Confidential |
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Confidential |
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Ms Harriett Desmond (plus a supplementary submission) |
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Confidential |
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Ms Gale Pocock |
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Ms Gwendoline Baxter |
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Ms Fiona Milner |
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Confidential |
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Ms Nola Pearse |
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Ms Val Hutchinson |
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Confidential |
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Mrs Simone Dalton |
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Ms Eileen Hayes |
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Dr Zufar Tameev |
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Mrs Jacqui Scott |
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Dr Jane Manning |
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Analytica Ltd |
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Dr Sally Wortley |
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Faculty of Allied Health Profession, AIMST University (plus
five attachments) |
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Professor Peter Petros (plus an attachment) |
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Confidential |
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Ms Justine Watson |
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Confidential |
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Confidential |
1 |
PHAA submission to the TGA consultation on mesh implants,
from Public Health Association of Australia, received 7 September 2017 |
2 |
Article: MRI visibleFe3O4 polypropylene mesh: 3D
reconstruction of spatial relation to bony pelvis and neurovascular structures,
Int Urogynecol J (2017), from Dr Michelle Atherton, received 8 September 2017 |
3 |
Correspondence between Dr Tim Jeffery and the Therapeutic
Goods Administration, from Dr Michelle Atherton, received 8 September 2017 |
4 |
Letter and invitation, from Associate Professor Christopher
Maher, received 21 September 2017 |
5 |
Number of complications involving stress urinary
incontinence vs pelvic organ prolapse mesh procedures within the group's
membership, from Australian Pelvic Mesh Support Group, received 5 February
2018 |
6 |
Update on the work of the Committee in regard to the use of
transvaginal mesh, from Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health
Care, received 6 February 2018 |
1 |
Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 3 August public
hearing, received from Department of Health, 1 September 2017 |
2 |
Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 18 September
public hearing, received from Urogynaecological Society of Australasia, 12
October 2017 |
3 |
Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 18 September
public hearing, received from Johnson & Johnson Medical, 18 October 2017 |
4 |
Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 18 September
public hearing, received from NSW Ministry of Health, 18 October 2017 |
5 |
Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 18 September
public hearing, received from Medical Technology Association of Australia, 24
October 2017 |
6 |
Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 19 September
public hearing, received from Toni, 19 September 2017 |
7 |
Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 19 September
public hearing, received from Royal Australian College of General
Practitioners, 16 October 2017 |
8 |
Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 19 September
public hearing, received from Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 18 October 2017 |
9 |
Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 19 September
public hearing, received from Department of Health, 24 October 2017 |
10 |
Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 19 September
public hearing, received from Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 12 February 2018 |
1 |
Image of tissue anchor, tabled by Dr Michelle Atherton, at
Perth public hearing, 25 August 2017 |
2 |
Example of document produced in response to FOI request,
tabled by
Dr Nicolas Tsokos, at Perth public hearing, 25 August 2017 |
3 |
Photographs: prolapse, tabled by Urogynaecological Society
of Australasia, at Sydney public hearing, 18 September 2017 |
4 |
Statement, tabled by Australasian Gynaecological Endoscopy
and Surgery Society, at Sydney public hearing, 18 September 2017 |
5 |
TGA Device Incident Report, tabled by TFS Manufacturing, at
Sydney public hearing, 18 September 2017 |
6 |
TGA Section 41JA Notice requiring information/documents,
tabled by TFS Manufacturing, at Sydney public hearing, 18 September 2017 |
7 |
Published article: Mesh, graft, or standard repair for women
having primary transvaginal anterior or posterior compartment prolapse
surgery: two parallel-group, multicentre, randomised, controlled trials
(PROSPECT), The Lancet, 20 December 2016, tabled by Dr Darren Gold, at Sydney
public hearing,
18 September 2017 |
8 |
Repair of damaged ligaments with tissue fixation system
minisling is sufficient to cure prolapse in all three compartments: 5-year
data, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, tabled by Dr Darren
Gold, at Sydney public hearing, 18 September 2017 |
9 |
Paper: Is overactive bladder in the female surgically
curable by ligament repair? Central European Journal of Urology, tabled by Dr
Darren Gold, at Sydney public hearing, 18 September 2017 |
10 |
Images, tabled by Royal Australian and New Zealand College
of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, at Canberra public hearing, 19 September
2017 |