Submissions and additional information received by the Committee


1 Professor Hans Peter Dietz, Associate Professor Clara Shek and Dr Vivien Wong (plus three attachments)
2 Name Withheld 
3 Confidential
4 Name Withheld 
5 Name Withheld 
6 Name Withheld (plus an attachment)
7 Name Withheld (plus an attachment)
8 Name Withheld 
9 Confidential
10 Name Withheld 
11 Confidential
12 Dr Wendy Bonython and Mr Bruce Arnold 
13 Confidential
14 Confidential
15 Confidential
16 Australian College of Midwives 
17 Office of the Health Ombudsman 
18 Australasian Gynaecological Endoscopy and Surgery Society Ltd 
19 Department of Health 
20 Public Health Association of Australia 
21 Joint submission by Health Consumers Councils across Australia 
22 TFS Manufacturing (plus an attachment)
23 Johnson & Johnson Medical Pty Ltd (plus a supplementary submission)
24 NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation 
25 The Hon Roger Cook MLA, Deputy Premier, Western Australia (plus a supplementary submission)
26 Consumers Health Forum of Australia 
27 Confidential
28 Name Withheld 
29 Name Withheld 
30 Name Withheld 
31 Prostheses List Advisory Committee 
32 Urogynaecological Society of Australasia (plus fifteen attachments)
33 Boston Scientific Pty Ltd 
34 The Royal Women's Hospital 
35 Continence Foundation of Australia 
36 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (plus two supplementary submissions)
37 Scottish Mesh Survivors Group 
38 Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 
39 Women's Health and Research Institute of Australia 
40 Medical Technology Association of Australia 
41 nib health funds limited 
42 Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (plus four attachments)
43 Independent Private Hospitals of Australia 
44 Urogynaecology Departments, Mercy Hospital for Women, Monash Health (plus two attachments)
45 Maurice Blackburn Lawyers 
46 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 
47 Monash Health (plus an attachment)
48 International Society for Pelviperineology Australian Branch (plus five attachments and a supplementary submission)
49 National Association of Specialist Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 
50 Name Withheld 
51 Name Withheld 
52 Name Withheld 
53 Name Withheld 
54 Name Withheld 
55 Name Withheld 
56 Name Withheld 
57 Confidential
58 Name Withheld 
59 Name Withheld 
60 Name Withheld (plus an attachment)
61 Name Withheld 
62 Name Withheld 
63 Associate Professor Paul Duggan 
64 Confidential
65 Dr David Hodgson 
66 Name Withheld 
67 Name Withheld 
68 Name Withheld 
69 Confidential
70 Confidential
71 Name Withheld 
72 Name Withheld 
73 Ms Kath Sansom 
74 Confidential
75 Confidential
76 Name Withheld (plus an attachment)
77 Name Withheld 
78 Name Withheld 
79 Name Withheld (plus an attachment)
80 Name Withheld 
81 Name Withheld 
82 Name Withheld 
83 Name Withheld (plus an attachment)
84 Name Withheld (plus an attachment)
85 Name Withheld (plus an attachment)
86 Name Withheld 
87 Name Withheld 
88 Confidential
89 Name Withheld 
90 Name Withheld 
91 Name Withheld 
92 Name Withheld 
93 Name Withheld 
94 Confidential
95 Name Withheld 
96 Name Withheld 
97 Name Withheld 
98 Dr Michelle Atherton (plus three attachments)
99 Confidential
100 Dr Max Haverfield 
101 Name Withheld 
102 Name Withheld 
103 Name Withheld 
104 Name Withheld 
105 Name Withheld 
106 Name Withheld 
107 Confidential
108 Name Withheld 
109 Name Withheld 
110 Name Withheld 
111 Name Withheld 
112 Name Withheld 
113 Name Withheld 
114 Name Withheld (plus a supplementary submission)
115 Health Issues Centre (plus five attachments)
116 Name Withheld 
117 Name Withheld 
118 Name Withheld 
119 Name Withheld 
120 Name Withheld 
121 Name Withheld 
122 Name Withheld 
123 Name Withheld 
124 Confidential
125 Confidential
126 Confidential
127 Name Withheld 
128 Name Withheld 
129 Mrs Charlotte Korte (plus an attachment and two supplementary submissions)
130 Australian Pelvic Mesh Support Group 
131 Confidential
132 Name Withheld 
133 Name Withheld 
134 Name Withheld 
135 Confidential
136 Name Withheld 
137 Name Withheld (plus a supplementary submission)
138 Name Withheld 
139 Confidential
140 Confidential
141 Name Withheld 
142 Name Withheld 
143 Name Withheld 
144 Confidential
145 Dr Darren Gold (plus nine attachments and a supplementary submission)
146 Name Withheld 
147 Name Withheld 
148 Name Withheld 
149 Name Withheld 
150 Name Withheld 
151 Ms Sunny Hutson 
152 Ms Joanne Mannion 
153 Confidential
154 Associate Professor Christopher Maher 
155 Name Withheld 
156 Confidential
157 Confidential
158 Name Withheld 
159 Ms Harriett Desmond (plus a supplementary submission)
160 Name Withheld 
161 Confidential
162 Confidential
163 Name Withheld 
164 Name Withheld 
165 Name Withheld 
166 Name Withheld 
167 Ms Gale Pocock 
168 Name Withheld 
169 Confidential
170 Name Withheld 
171 Name Withheld 
172 Confidential
173 Name Withheld 
174 Confidential
175 Name Withheld 
176 Name Withheld 
177 Confidential
178 Name Withheld 
179 Name Withheld 
180 Name Withheld 
181 Name Withheld 
182 Name Withheld 
183 Confidential
184 Name Withheld 
185 Name Withheld 
186 Name Withheld 
187 Name Withheld 
188 Name Withheld 
189 Confidential
190 Name Withheld 
191 Confidential
192 Name Withheld 
193 Confidential
194 Name Withheld 
195 Name Withheld 
196 Name Withheld 
197 Name Withheld 
198 Name Withheld 
199 Name Withheld 
200 Confidential
201 Name Withheld 
202 Name Withheld 
203 Name Withheld 
204 Name Withheld 
205 Name Withheld 
206 Name Withheld 
207 Confidential
208 Name Withheld 
209 Name Withheld 
210 Name Withheld 
211 Name Withheld 
212 Name Withheld 
213 Name Withheld 
214 Name Withheld 
215 Name Withheld 
216 Name Withheld 
217 Name Withheld 
218 Name Withheld 
219 Name Withheld 
220 Name Withheld 
221 Name Withheld 
222 Name Withheld 
223 Ms Gwendoline Baxter 
224 Name Withheld 
225 Name Withheld 
226 Confidential
227 Name Withheld 
228 Name Withheld 
229 Name Withheld 
230 Name Withheld 
231 Name Withheld 
232 Name Withheld 
233 Name Withheld 
234 Name Withheld 
235 Name Withheld 
236 Name Withheld 
237 Name Withheld 
238 Confidential
239 Confidential
240 Name Withheld 
241 Name Withheld 
242 Ms Fiona Milner 
243 Confidential
244 Name Withheld 
245 Confidential
246 Ms Nola Pearse 
247 Name Withheld 
248 Name Withheld 
249 Name Withheld 
250 Name Withheld 
251 Name Withheld 
252 Name Withheld 
253 Name Withheld 
254 Name Withheld 
255 Name Withheld 
256 Name Withheld 
257 Name Withheld 
258 Name Withheld 
259 Ms Val Hutchinson 
260 Name Withheld 
261 Name Withheld 
262 Name Withheld 
263 Confidential
264 Name Withheld 
265 Name Withheld 
266 Name Withheld 
267 Name Withheld 
268 Name Withheld 
269 Name Withheld 
270 Name Withheld 
271 Name Withheld 
272 Name Withheld 
273 Name Withheld 
274 Confidential
275 Name Withheld 
276 Name Withheld 
277 Name Withheld 
278 Name Withheld 
279 Name Withheld 
280 Name Withheld 
281 Name Withheld 
282 Name Withheld 
283 Name Withheld 
284 Name Withheld 
285 Name Withheld 
286 Name Withheld 
287 Confidential
288 Name Withheld 
289 Name Withheld 
290 Name Withheld 
291 Name Withheld 
292 Name Withheld 
293 Name Withheld 
294 Name Withheld 
295 Name Withheld 
296 Name Withheld 
297 Name Withheld 
298 Name Withheld 
299 Name Withheld 
300 Name Withheld 
301 Name Withheld 
302 Name Withheld 
303 Name Withheld 
304 Name Withheld 
305 Name Withheld 
306 Name Withheld 
307 Name Withheld 
308 Name Withheld 
309 Name Withheld 
310 Name Withheld 
311 Name Withheld 
312 Name Withheld 
313 Name Withheld 
314 Name Withheld 
315 Name Withheld 
316 Name Withheld 
317 Name Withheld 
318 Name Withheld 
319 Name Withheld 
320 Name Withheld 
321 Name Withheld 
322 Name Withheld 
323 Name Withheld 
324 Name Withheld 
325 Name Withheld (plus an attachment)
326 Name Withheld 
327 Name Withheld 
328 Name Withheld 
329 Name Withheld 
330 Name Withheld 
331 Name Withheld 
332 Name Withheld 
333 Name Withheld 
334 Name Withheld 
335 Name Withheld 
336 Name Withheld 
337 Confidential
338 Name Withheld 
339 Name Withheld 
340 Name Withheld 
341 Name Withheld 
342 Name Withheld 
343 Name Withheld 
344 Confidential
345 Name Withheld 
346 Name Withheld 
347 Name Withheld 
348 Name Withheld 
349 Name Withheld 
350 Name Withheld 
351 Name Withheld 
352 Name Withheld 
353 Name Withheld 
354 Name Withheld 
355 Name Withheld 
356 Name Withheld 
357 Name Withheld 
358 Name Withheld 
359 Name Withheld 
360 Name Withheld 
361 Name Withheld 
362 Name Withheld 
363 Name Withheld 
364 Name Withheld 
365 Name Withheld 
366 Mrs Simone Dalton 
367 Name Withheld 
368 Name Withheld 
369 Name Withheld 
370 Confidential
371 Name Withheld 
372 Name Withheld 
373 Name Withheld 
374 Name Withheld 
375 Ms Eileen Hayes 
376 Name Withheld 
377 Name Withheld 
378 Name Withheld 
379 Name Withheld 
380 Name Withheld 
381 Name Withheld 
382 Name Withheld 
383 Name Withheld 
384 Name Withheld 
385 Name Withheld 
386 Dr Zufar Tameev 
387 Name Withheld 
388 Name Withheld 
389 Name Withheld 
390 Name Withheld 
391 Name Withheld 
392 Name Withheld 
393 Name Withheld 
394 Confidential
395 Name Withheld 
396 Name Withheld 
397 Name Withheld 
398 Name Withheld 
399 Name Withheld 
400 Name Withheld 
401 Name Withheld 
402 Confidential
403 Name Withheld 
404 Confidential
405 Mrs Jacqui Scott 
406 Confidential
407 Name Withheld 
408 Name Withheld 
409 Name Withheld 
410 Name Withheld 
411 Name Withheld 
412 Name Withheld 
413 Name Withheld 
414 Name Withheld 
415 Name Withheld 
416 Name Withheld 
417 Name Withheld 
418 Name Withheld 
419 Name Withheld 
420 Name Withheld 
421 Name Withheld 
422 Name Withheld 
423 Name Withheld 
424 Name Withheld 
425 Name Withheld 
426 Confidential
427 Name Withheld 
428 Name Withheld 
429 Name Withheld 
430 Name Withheld 
431 Name Withheld 
432 Name Withheld 
433 Name Withheld 
434 Name Withheld 
435 Name Withheld 
436 Name Withheld 
437 Name Withheld 
438 Name Withheld 
439 Name Withheld 
440 Name Withheld 
441 Name Withheld 
442 Confidential
443 Name Withheld 
444 Name Withheld 
445 Confidential
446 Name Withheld 
447 Name Withheld 
448 Name Withheld 
449 Name Withheld 
450 Name Withheld 
451 Name Withheld 
452 Name Withheld 
453 Dr Jane Manning 
454 Name Withheld 
455 Name Withheld 
456 Name Withheld 
457 Name Withheld 
458 Name Withheld 
459 Name Withheld 
460 Confidential
461 Name Withheld 
462 Name Withheld 
463 Name Withheld 
464 Name Withheld 
465 Confidential
466 Name Withheld 
467 Confidential
468 Confidential
469 Name Withheld 
470 Name Withheld 
471 Confidential
472 Name Withheld 
473 Name Withheld 
474 Name Withheld (plus an attachment)
475 Confidential
476 Confidential
477 Name Withheld 
478 Confidential
479 Confidential
480 Confidential
481 Analytica Ltd 
482 Name Withheld 
483 Name Withheld 
484 Name Withheld 
485 Name Withheld 
486 Confidential
487 Name Withheld 
488 Confidential
489 Name Withheld 
490 Name Withheld 
491 Confidential
492 Name Withheld 
493 Confidential
494 Name Withheld 
495 Name Withheld 
496 Name Withheld 
497 Name Withheld 
498 Name Withheld 
499 Name Withheld 
500 Name Withheld 
501 Name Withheld 
502 Confidential
503 Name Withheld
504 Confidential
505 Confidential
506 Name Withheld 
507 Confidential
508 Confidential
509 Name Withheld 
510 Name Withheld 
511 Name Withheld 
512 Name Withheld 
513 Name Withheld 
514 Dr Sally Wortley 
515 Name Withheld 
516 Faculty of Allied Health Profession, AIMST University (plus five attachments)
517 Name Withheld
518 Professor Peter Petros (plus an attachment)
519 Name Withheld 
520 Confidential
521 Name Withheld 
522 Name Withheld 
523 Name Withheld 
524 Name Withheld 
525 Name Withheld 
526 Confidential
527 Name Withheld 
528 Name Withheld
529 Name Withheld 
530 Name Withheld 
531 Name Withheld 
532 Name Withheld 
533 Ms Justine Watson 
534 Name Withheld 
535 Name Withheld (plus an attachment)
536 Name Withheld 
537 Confidential
538 Name Withheld 
539 Confidential
540 Name Withheld 
541 Name Withheld 
542 Name Withheld 
543 Name Withheld 
544 Confidential
545 Name Withheld 
546 Name Withheld 
547 Name Withheld (plus a supplementary submission)
548 Name Withheld 
549 Name Withheld 
550 Name Withheld 
551 Name Withheld 
552 Name Withheld 
553 Name Withheld 
554 Name Withheld 
555 Confidential

Additional Information

1 PHAA submission to the TGA consultation on mesh implants, from Public Health Association of Australia, received 7 September 2017
2 Article: MRI visibleFe3O4 polypropylene mesh: 3D reconstruction of spatial relation to bony pelvis and neurovascular structures, Int Urogynecol J (2017), from Dr Michelle Atherton, received 8 September 2017
3 Correspondence between Dr Tim Jeffery and the Therapeutic Goods Administration, from Dr Michelle Atherton, received 8 September 2017
4 Letter and invitation, from Associate Professor Christopher Maher, received 21 September 2017
5 Number of complications involving stress urinary incontinence vs pelvic organ prolapse mesh procedures within the group's membership, from Australian Pelvic Mesh Support Group, received 5 February 2018
6 Update on the work of the Committee in regard to the use of transvaginal mesh, from Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, received 6 February 2018

Answers to Questions on Notice

1 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 3 August public hearing, received from Department of Health, 1 September 2017
2 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 18 September public hearing, received from Urogynaecological Society of Australasia, 12 October 2017
3 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 18 September public hearing, received from Johnson & Johnson Medical, 18 October 2017
4 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 18 September public hearing, received from NSW Ministry of Health, 18 October 2017
5 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 18 September public hearing, received from Medical Technology Association of Australia, 24 October 2017
6 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 19 September public hearing, received from Toni, 19 September 2017
7 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 19 September public hearing, received from Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 16 October 2017
8 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 19 September public hearing, received from Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 18 October 2017
9 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 19 September public hearing, received from Department of Health, 24 October 2017
10 Answers to Questions taken on Notice during 19 September public hearing, received from Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 12 February 2018

Tabled Documents

1 Image of tissue anchor, tabled by Dr Michelle Atherton, at Perth public hearing, 25 August 2017
2 Example of document produced in response to FOI request, tabled by Dr Nicolas Tsokos, at Perth public hearing, 25 August 2017
3 Photographs: prolapse, tabled by Urogynaecological Society of Australasia, at Sydney public hearing, 18 September 2017
4 Statement, tabled by Australasian Gynaecological Endoscopy and Surgery Society, at Sydney public hearing, 18 September 2017
5 TGA Device Incident Report, tabled by TFS Manufacturing, at Sydney public hearing, 18 September 2017
6 TGA Section 41JA Notice requiring information/documents, tabled by TFS Manufacturing, at Sydney public hearing, 18 September 2017
7 Published article: Mesh, graft, or standard repair for women having primary transvaginal anterior or posterior compartment prolapse surgery: two parallel-group, multicentre, randomised, controlled trials (PROSPECT), The Lancet, 20 December 2016, tabled by Dr Darren Gold, at Sydney public hearing, 18 September 2017
8 Repair of damaged ligaments with tissue fixation system minisling is sufficient to cure prolapse in all three compartments: 5-year data, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, tabled by Dr Darren Gold, at Sydney public hearing, 18 September 2017
9 Paper: Is overactive bladder in the female surgically curable by ligament repair? Central European Journal of Urology, tabled by Dr Darren Gold, at Sydney public hearing, 18 September 2017
10 Images, tabled by Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, at Canberra public hearing, 19 September 2017


1 Correspondence clarifying evidence given at Melbourne public hearing on 3 August 2017, received from Department of Health, 25 August 2017
2 Correspondence clarifying evidence given at Melbourne public hearing on 3 August 2017, received from Mercy Urogynaecology Unit and Monash Pelvic Floor Unit, 29 August 2017
3 Correspondence clarifying evidence given at Melbourne public hearing on 3 August 2017, received from Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand, 8 September 2017
4 Correspondence responding to evidence given at Canberra public hearing on 19 September 2017, received from International Society for Pelviperineology, 20 September 2017

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