Appendix 4

Appendix 4

FaHCSIA answers to Questions on Notice #6

Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee

Inquiry into Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Bill 2011 and two related bills 

Canberra Hearing, Thursday 1 March 2012

Question No: FaHCSIA 6

Topic: Stronger Futures legislative measures                                    

Hansard Page: 33

Senator Crossin asked:

What I am asking you to provide for me is what is not in this legislation. I know we have repealed 2007, but I do not hear people saying, 'Compulsory leases are not there; that's a good thing.' Everyone is concentrating on what is there, and I think there is not any focus at all on what was there in 2007 and what, as a government, we are not taking forward beyond 1 July. We have changed it. We have listened to people's concerns, and therefore it is not in the legislation.

Mr Dillon:  Absolutely. For example, the original legislation had requirements for quite overwhelming or quite robust signs, and there was a lot of push-back from communities. That requirement has gone, but there are now provisions generally in the NTER for much more respectful signage, and we are actively working with communities and engaging with them about signage in their communities. Secondly, there are a range of other, more minor provisions that are no longer there. Perhaps I should just take it on notice and give you a list of the most significant ones.


The Northern Territory National Emergency Response Act 2007 will be repealed in full.

The following Northern Territory Emergency Response key measures will not be continued under the Stronger Futures legislation:

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