Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Public hearings

Monday, 20 February 2012 – Hermannsburg


Mr Garrard Anderson


Mr Mark Inkamala

Mr Daryl Kantawarra

Mr Rex Kantawarra

Ms Roxanne Kenny

Mr Selwyn Kloeden

Ms Ada Lechleitner

Ms Robby Leyden

Ms Mavis Malbunka

Mr Alan Nash

Mr Patrick Oliver

Mr Joseph Rontji

Ms Raelene Silverton

Ms Cassandra Williams

Ms Serena

Mr Windley

Tuesday, 21 February 2012 – Alice Springs


Central Land Council

Mr Julian Cleary

Ms Virginia Newell, Leasing Coordinator

Mr David Ross, Director

Ms Jayne Weeper, Senior Policy Officer

Central Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service

Mrs Mary Le Rossignol

Mr Mark O'Reilly

Ms Katie Robertson

Miss Shanna Satya

NPY Women's Council

Ms Andrea Mason, Coordinator

Mr Tommy Jungala, Private capacity

Intervention Rollback Action Group

Miss Barbara Shaw

Tangentyere Council

Mr Michael Klerck, Policy Officer

Mr Walter Shaw, Chief Executive Officer

Ms Patricia Turner, Manager, Early Childhood, Youth and Family Service Division

People's Alcohol Action Coalition

Ms Vicki Gillick, Policy Coordinator

Dr John Boffa, Spokesperson

Central Australian Aboriginal Congress

Dr John Boffa, Public Health Medical Officer

Ms Leshay Maidment, Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Mt Nancy and Bazzo Town Camps

Ms Eileen Hoosan, Secretary, Cenral Australian Aboriginal Alcohol Programs Unit; AMP

Miss Barbara Shaw, AMP

Northern Territory Council of Social Services

Ms Christa Bartjen-Westermann, Acting Coordinator

Ms Prue Gell, Policy Officer

Central Australian Aboriginal Strong Women's Alliance

Mrs Elaine Peckham, Director

Ms Eva Briscoe, Private capacity

Mr David Hewitt, Private capacity

Miss Valerie Martin, Private capacity


Wednesday, 22 February 2012 – Maningrida


Malabam Health Board

Mr Cyril Oliver, Acting Chief Executive Officer

Mr Reggie Wuridjal, Treasurer

Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation

Mr Peter Danaja, Deputy Chairman

Mr Luke Morrish, Chief Executive Officer

Mr Shane Namanurki, Board Member

Mr Matthew Ryan, Chairman

Babbarra Women's Centre

Ms Maria Harvey

Ms Mildred Kalakala

Ms Janet Marawarr

Ms Claire Summers

Ms Helen Williams

Maningrida Progress Association

Mr Dene Herreen, Committee Member

Mr Jimmy Tan, General Manager

Mr Robert Totten, Manager

Ms Helen William, Chairperson

Maningrida School

Ms Mavis Bangguna

Mr Andrew Dowadi

Mr Stuart Dwyer, Principal

Ms Robyn Rankin

Ms Heleana Wauchope

Ms Helen Williams

Aboriginal Leaders Group

Milingimbi Community

Mr Georg Gamarania, Traditional Owner Representative

Dalkarra, Ramingining and Guyapuyju Tribe

Mr Matthew Gaykamayu

Dhurili Clan Nation

Dr Djiniyini Gondarra OAM

Yirrkala and Gumatj Communities

Mrs Djapirri Mununggirritj, Spokesperson


Mr Peter Danaja, Deputy Chairman, Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation

Mr Matthew Ryan, Chairman, Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation

Mr Reggie Wuridjal, Treasurer, Malabam Health Board


Thursday, 23 February 2012 – Darwin


Catholic Education

Mr Michael Avery, Director

Somerville Community Services

Ms Marilyn Roberts, Family Services Manager

Uniting Church Northern Synod

Mr Peter Jones, General Secretary

Ms Siobhan Marren, Uniting Church Northern Synod

Northern Territory Coordinator General for Remote Services

Ms Olga Haven, Director General

Mr Peter Holt, Research Officer

Northern Land Council

Mr Kim Hill, Chief Executive Officer

Mr Ron Levy, Principal Legal Officer

North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency

Mr Alexander Clunies-Ross, Solicitor, Civil Law Section

Ms Priscilla Collins, Chief Executive Officer

Mrs Dorothy Fox, Chairperson

Mr Jonathon Hunyor, Principal Legal Officer

Mr George Norman, Deputy Chairperson

Ms Colleen Rosas, Director

Mr Jared Sharp, Advocacy Manager

Office of the Northern Territory Children's Commissioner

Dr Howard Bath, Northern Territory Children's Commissioner

Mr Adam Harwood, Senior Policy Officer

Indigenous Affairs Advisory Council

Ms Pat Brahim, Chair

Ms Priscilla Collins, Community Member


Mr Rodney Hoffman, Private capacity

Mr David Jan, Policy Development Manager, Local Government Association of the Northern Territory

Mr David Timber, Private capacity


Friday, 24 February 2012 – Darwin


Northern Territory Anti-Discriminator Commission

Mr Eddie Cubillo, Commisioner

Northern Territory Government

The Hon. Mr Paul Henderson, MLA, Chief Minister

The Hon. Ms Malarndirri McCarthy, MLA, Minister for Indigenous Development

Mr Gary Barnes, Chief Executive, Northern Territory Department of Education

Mr Micheile Brodie, Executive Director, Licensing, Regulation and Alcohol Strategy, Northern Territory Licensing Commission

Mr Ken Davies, Chief Executive, Northern Territory Department of Housing Local Government and Regional Services

Mr John McRoberts, Police Commissioner, Northern Territory Police

Mr Jeffrey Moffet, Chief Executive, Northern Territory Department of Health

Mr Maurie Ryan, Private capacity

Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation

Mr Tony Jack, Council Director

Ms Kirsty Kelly, Accountant

Mr Bill South, Chief Executive Officer

Aboriginal Rights Coalition

Ms Samantha Chalmers

Ms Patsy Rose

Mr Justin Tutty

Ms Joy White

Ms Sheila White

Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance of the Northern Territory

Mr David Cooper, Senior Policy Officer

Mr John Paterson, Chief Executive Officer


Thursday, 1 March 2012 – Canberra


Australian Human Rights Commission

Mr Michael Gooda, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner

Dr Helen Szoke, Race Discrimination Commissioner

National Congress of Australia's First Peoples

Ms Jody Broun, Co-Chair

Mr Les Malezer, Co-Chair

Jumbiunna Indigenous House of Learning

Ms Eva Cox, Adjunct Professorial Fellow

Australian Government Department Representatives

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations

Mr Matt Davies, Acting Group Manager, Engagement and Wellbeing Group

Ms Wenda Donaldson, Branch Manager, Smarter Schools Partnerships

Mr Robert Kominek, Director, School Enrolment and Attendance Measure

Ms Sandra Dandie, Director, Evaluation

Mr Rob Mason, Principal Government Lawyer

Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

Mr Michael Dillon, Deputy Secretary

Mr Brian Stacey, Group Manager, Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory

Mr Michael Lye, Group Manager, Families

Ms Elizabeth Hefren-Webb, Branch Manager, Welfare Payments Reform Branch

Mr Matthew James, Branch Manager, Performance Evaluation Branch

Ms Caroline Edwards, Branch Manager, Indigenous Policy

Ms Sally Moyle, Branch Manager, Land Reform

Ms Marian Moss, Branch Manager, Commercial and Indigenous Law

Attorney-General's Department

Ms Sarah Chidgey, Assistant Secretary, Criminal Law and Law Enforcement Branch

Ms Tara Inverarity, Director, Criminal Law Reform Section, Criminal Law and Law Enforcement Branch


Tuesday, 6 March 2012 – Canberra


Public Health Association of Australia

Ms Vanessa Lee, Vice-President (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health)

Ms Gabriel Moore, President, New South Wales Branch

Ms Melanie Walker, Acting Chief Executive Officer

Bankstown Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee

Miss Carol Carter, Deputy Chairperson

Mrs Suzanne Gillett, Community Member

Mrs Margaret Goneis, Chairperson

St Vincent de Paul Society National Council of Australia

Dr John Falzon, Chief Executive Officer

Queensland Council of Unions

Ms Amanda Richards, Assistant General Secretary

Ms Gwendoline Taylor, Indigenous Industrial Officer

National Welfare Rights Network

Ms Maree O'Halloran, President

Mr Gerard Thomas, Policy and Media Officer, Welfare Rights Centre, Sydney

Australian Council of Social Service

Dr Cassandra Goldie, Chief Executive Officer

Mr Simon Schrapel, President

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