Terms of Reference

The factors affecting the supply of health services and medical professionals in rural areas

Terms of Reference

The factors affecting the supply and distribution of health services and medical professionals in rural areas, with particular reference to:

(a) the factors limiting the supply of health services and medical, nursing and allied health  professionals to small regional communities as compared with major regional and metropolitan centres;
(b) the effect of the introduction of Medicare Locals on the provision of medical services in rural areas;
(c) current incentive programs for recruitment and retention of doctors and dentists, particularly in smaller rural communities, including:
         (i) their role, structure and effectiveness,
         (ii) the appropriateness of the delivery model, and
         (iii) whether the application of the current Australian Standard Geographical Classification – Remoteness Areas classification scheme ensures appropriate distribution of funds and delivers intended outcomes; and
(d) any other related matters.

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3515
Fax:+61 2 6277 5829
