Terms of Reference

Palliative Care in Australia

Terms of Reference

The provision of palliative care in Australia, including:
(a) the factors influencing access to and choice of appropriate palliative care that meets the needs of the population, including:  
        (i) people living in rural and regional areas,  
        (ii) Indigenous people,  
        (iii) people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds,  
        (iv) people with disabilities, and  
        (v) children and adolescents;
(b) the funding arrangements for palliative care provision, including the manner in which sub-acute funding is provided and spent;
(c) the efficient use of palliative, health and aged care resources;
(d) the effectiveness of a range of palliative care arrangements, including hospital care, residential or community care and aged care facilities;
(e) the composition of the palliative care workforce, including:  
        (i) its ability to meet the needs of the ageing population, and  
        (ii) the adequacy of workforce education and training arrangements;
(f) the adequacy of standards that apply to the provision of palliative care and the application of the Standards for Providing Quality Palliative Care for all Australians;
(g) advance care planning, including:  
        (i) avenues for individuals and carers to communicate with health care professionals about end-of-life care,  
        (ii) national consistency in law and policy supporting advance care plans, and  
        (iii) scope for including advance care plans in personal electronic health records; and
(h) the availability and funding of research, information and data about palliative care needs in Australia.

This is not an inquiry into euthanasia. In order to be accepted, submissions should address the terms of reference.

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3515
Fax:+61 2 6277 5829
