Public Hearings

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Parliament House, Canberra


Department of Health and Ageing

ANDERSON, Ms Janet, First Assistant Secretary, Acute Care Division
BUTT, Mr David, Deputy Secretary
CREELMAN, Ms Alice, Assistant Secretary, Cancer and Palliative Care Branch, Population Health Division
DE BURGH, Mr Russell, Assistant Secretary, Office for an Ageing Australia, Ageing and Aged Care Division
PARAS, Mr Andy, Director, Cancer and Palliative Care Branch, Population Health Division
SMITH, Ms Ann, Assistant Secretary, National Partnership Agreement Branch, Acute Care Division
SMITH, Ms Carolyn, First Assistant Secretary, Ageing and Aged Care Division

National Disability Services

ANGLEY, Ms Philippa, National Policy Manager
BAKER, Dr Ken, Chief Executive

Cancer Council NSW

BATT, Ms Gillian Mary, Director, Cancer Information and Support Services

LifeCircle Australia Ltd

BATT, Ms Gillian Mary, Director
GOODWILL, Ms Brynnie, Chief Executive Officer

Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health    

BISHOP, Mr Michael, Life Member
WELLINGTON, Mr Rod, Chief Executive Officer

Australian Nursing Federation

BRYCE, Ms Julianne, Senior Federal Professional Officer
COULTHARD, Ms Robyn, Member
FOLEY, Ms Elizabeth, Federal Professional Officer
PIGOTT, Ms Catherine, Member

Palliative Care Australia

WHITE, Dr Ian, National Policy and Communications Manager
LUXFORD, Dr Yvonne, Chief Executive Officer

Palliative Care Nurses Australia           

HABERECHT, Mr John, President
MILLS, Mr Jason, National Committee Secretary


MALONE, Ms Geri Malone, National Professional Officer

Health Care Consumers Association ACT

SNELL, Ms Kerry, Consumer Representative Program Coordinator
STEVENS, Dr Adele, President

McMASTER, Dr Yvonne Helen, Private capacity

PASCHUK-JOHNSON, Mrs Oxana, Private capacity


Monday, 2 July 2012

Waratah Room, NSW Parliament House, Sydney


Royal Australasian College of Physicians

BOLITHO, Dr Leslie AM, President

Medical Oncology Group of Australia

BOYLE, Associate Professor Frances AM, Former Executive
FRANCIS, Ms Kay, Executive Officer

Catholic Health Australia           

CLARK, Professor Katherine Jane
LAVERTY, Mr Martin, Chief Executive Officer
PHILIP, Associate Professor Jennifer

Palliative Care New South Wales

CLEASBY, Mr Peter, President
HANSEN, Ms Linda, Chief Executive Officer


COLE, Associate Professor Andrew Malcolm Dermot, Chief Medical Officer
MACLEOD, Professor Roderick, Senior Staff Specialist in Palliative Care
MCVEY, Dr Peta, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Palliative Care
RAGUZ, Ms Angela, General Manager, Residential Care

Flinders University

CURROW, Professor David, Professor of Palliative and Supportive Services

Palliative Care Queensland         

ENGWIRDA, Mrs Fiona Ann, State Council Member, Consumer Representative
KRISTENSEN, Mr John-Paul, Chief Executive Officer
VORA, Associate Professor Rohan, President

Blue Care

PARKER, Associate Professor Deborah, Director, University of Queensland/Blue Care Research and Practice Development Centre
ROBINSON, Mrs Marie, Community Care Adviser

University of Notre Dame and St Vincents Sacred Heart

PHILLIPS, Professor Jane, Professor of Palliative Nursing

Australasian Chapter of Palliative Medicine

VORA, Associate Professor Rohan, President-Elect


Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Committee Room G6, Parliament of Victoria, Melbourne


St Vincent's Hospital

BOFFA, Ms Rebekah, Acting Co-Convenor, Special Interest Group, Tertiary Palliative Care, Caritas Christi Hospice

Centre for Palliative Care

BOUGHEY, Associate Professor Mark, Co-Deputy Director
PHILIP, Associate Professor Jennifer, Co-Deputy Director

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

BOURKE, Ms Jenni, Senior Clinician, Occupational Therapy Department
DOIDGE, Ms Olivia, Occupational Therapist

Peninsula Home Hospice

BOVENIZER, Ms Rachel, Chief Executive Officer

BURNET, Mr Richard, Private Capacity

Southern Metropolitan Region Palliative Care Consortium

BOVENIZER, Ms Rachel, Chair, Southern Metropolitan Region Palliative Care Consortium

Victorian Healthcare Association

CARR, Mr Trevor, Chief Executive

COLEMAN, Mr Gary, Private Capacity

Palliative Care Victoria

BOVENIZER, Ms Rachel, Board Member, Palliative Care Victoria
DREDGE, Ms Lesley, Policy and Projects Manager
WAANDERS, Mrs Odette, Chief Executive Officer

Victorian Healthcare Association

EVANGELISTA, Ms Eloisa, Research and Policy Officer

Eastern Palliative Care Association Inc.

HOGAN, Ms Louise, Manager Human Resources and Public Relations
MOODY, Ms Jeanette, Chief Executive Officer
PEDLEY, Ms Christine, Manager, Allied Health

Australia and New Zealand Paediatric Palliative Care Reference Group

HYNSON, Dr Jenny

McCARTNEY, Ms Kim, Private Capacity

Peninsula Health

MORGAN, Ms Deidre, Senior Occupational Therapist, Palliative Care

Very Special Kids

MURPHY, Ms Andrea, Executive Manager, Family Services

Leukaemia Foundation

SMITH, Mr Andrew, Registered Occupational Therapist

Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation

WAIGHT, Ms Cherie, Victorian Aboriginal Care Project Coordinator


Thursday, 5 July 2012

Balcony Room, South Australian Parliament, Adelaide


Silver Chain Group

CARMODY, Mr Stephen, Chief Operating Officer

University of Tasmania

CHEEK, Mrs Colleen, Rural Clinical School

Silver Chain Western Australia

COCKAYNE, Mr Mark, General Manager, Health; and Director, Hospice Care Service

Resthaven Inc.

JENKIN, Mr Peter, Nurse Practitioner Candidate
McKECHNIE, Ms Susan, Executive Manager, Community Services

Cancer Voices South Australia Inc.

MARKER, Ms Julie, Deputy Chair
YIALLOURIS, Mr Chris, Executive

Tasmanian Health Organisation—North West

ROUSE, Dr Allan

SA Health



Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Parliament House, Canberra


Department of Health and Ageing

BALMANNO, Ms Rachel, Acting First Assistant Secretary, Ageing and Aged Care Division
BUTT, Mr David, Deputy Secretary
CREELMAN, Ms Alice, Assistant Secretary, Cancer and Palliative Care Branch
McCARTER, Ms Sharon, Assistant Secretary, eHealth Division
SMITH, Ms Ann, Assistant Secretary, Acute Care Branch
SMYTH, Mr Nathan, First Assistant Secretary, Population Health Division
TRACEY-PATTE, Mr Keith, Assistant Secretary, Ageing and Aged Care Division

Palliative Care Australia

BLACKWELL, Dr Scott, President
LUXFORD, Dr Yvonne, Chief Executive Officer
WHITE, Dr Ian, National Policy and Communications Manager
YATES, Professor Patsy, President Elect

Pharmacy Guild of Australia

CUTHILL, Mr Harvey, National Councillor
LEAHY, Mr Denis, Committee Member, New South Wales Branch

Aged and Community Services Australia

MERSIADES, Mr Nicolas, Senior Aged Care Adviser
PORTER, Ms Wendy, Residential Care Manager, Western Australia

COTA Australia

ROOT, Ms Jo, National Policy Manager
YATES, Mr Ian, AM, Chief Executive

Amaranth Foundation

SANTAMARIA, Mr Gregory John, Director
WHYTE, Mrs Julianne Mary, Chief Executive Officer


Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Gumtree Room, Chifley Resort, Alice Springs


Central Australian Aboriginal Congress

AH CHEE, Ms Donna, Acting Chief Executive Officer
BOFFA, Dr John, Public Health Medical Officer

Purple House

BROWN, Ms Sarah, Chief Executive Officer, Western Desert Aboriginal Corporation and Manager

Northern Territory Department of Health

MIEGEL, Mr Fred, Clinical Nurse Manager, Territory Palliative Care, Central Australia


Monday, 13 August 2012

Parliament House, Canberra


Austin Health

SILVESTER, Associate Professor William, Director, Respecting Patient Choices

WILKINSON, Associate Professor Dominic, Private Capacity

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