Additional Comments – Coalition Senators

Additional Comments – Coalition Senators

Coalition support

All Senators know that the system of support for Australians with disability is broken. The evidence received by the Committee through more than 1,600 submissions made this point in every case.

The evidence received from witnesses again reinforced that the level of support a person with a disability receives depends on a number of factors including the state they live in, whether the disability is congenital or was acquired and, if acquired, whether it was in the workplace, a motor vehicle accident or some other context. Workers compensation and motor vehicle accident insurance provides coverage in some jurisdictions. But if you are born with a disability or acquire a disability later in life it can be a different story – waiting lists and queues. The result is that many people with a disability are left without the assistance they need.

In the words of the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Tony Abbott, “the NDIS is an idea whose time has come”.

The Coalition agrees Australia needs a new system of support based on need rather than rationing with the entitlement for support going to the individual. The individual needs to be at the centre and in charge, able to pick the supports, equipment and service providers of their choice. This is the vision of the Productivity Commission’s landmark report into long term care and support for people with disability. This is the vision of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

The Coalition has enthusiastically supported each milestone on the road to the NDIS:

The Leader of the Opposition, Mr Abbott, has demonstrated his personal commitment to Australians with disability and those who care for them by dedicating $540,000 raised by the 2012 Pollie Pedal charity bike ride to Carers Australia.  Along the 1,000 kilometre route Mr Abbott met with people with disability, carers and disability organisations. The next two Pollie Pedals will also be in partnership with and raise funds for Carers Australia.

Any comments the Coalition makes about the NDIS are offered in a constructive spirit - to help make the NDIS the best that it can be. The Coalition stands ready to work with the Government to see an NDIS delivered as soon as possible. The Coalition believes an NDIS can be delivered within the time frame recommended by the Productivity Commission by a prudent government that manages well.

Beyond partisanship

The NDIS is a person-centred and self-directed funding model. It is aligned to the objectives of empowering the individual, removing government from people’s lives and reducing red tape. The Coalition believes that the full implementation of an NDIS would be nothing short of a new deal for people with disabilities and their carers. We have to get this right.

Because the NDIS is a once-in-a-generation reform that will unfold over the life of several parliaments, it should be the property of the Parliament as a whole, on behalf of the Australian people, rather than that of any particular political party. To get this right will require a very high level of consultation and attention to detail not just now, not just in the launch sites, but from now until full implementation.

The NDIS should be beyond partisan politics. The Coalition has been disappointed when some members of the Government have claimed the NDIS represents quintessentially Labor values. It does not. The NDIS represents Australian values. A fair go. Helping those who face challenges for reasons beyond their control. No side of politics has a mortgage on these.

The Coalition has called for the establishment of a joint parliamentary committee, to be chaired by both sides of politics, to oversee the establishment and implementation of the NDIS.  A parliamentary oversight committee would lock in all parties and provide a non-partisan environment where issues of design and eligibility could be worked through co-operatively.

Mr George Christensen, the Member for Dawson has, had a motion in the House to establish this committee for some time. Regrettably, the motion has not been brought forward for a vote. Senators Fifield and Boyce moved a similar motion to establish the oversight committee on 27 June 2012. The Government and the Australian Greens combined in the Senate to vote it down.

Mr Abbott reiterated the offer to join in establishing a parliamentary oversight committee in his Press Club Speech on 31 January 2013 saying,

The Coalition is so committed to the National Disability Insurance Scheme, for instance, that we’ve offered to co-chair a bi-partisan parliamentary committee so that support for it doesn’t flag across the three terms of parliament and among the nine different governments needed to make it work.

When the Government has been offered the opportunity to embrace genuine bi-partisanship in relation to the NDIS it has declined to do so.  This legislation gives the Government another opportunity to correct this.

The Coalition intends to give the Government, the Australian Greens and the independent Members and Senators an opportunity to accept the hand of cooperation by moving an amendment to this Bill to establish a non-partisan oversight committee. We urge the Government to accept this offer. The Coalition will move an amendment to this effect in the House (Attachment A).

A joint venture of all Australian Governments

It is important to note that every Government in Australia and every Opposition in Australia supports and wants to see an NDIS.

It was disappointing that the Prime Minister did not treat all jurisdictions as partners at the COAG meeting in July 2012. It was to the credit of the Victorian and New South Wales Governments that they continued to negotiate in the face of misrepresentation by the Federal Government and reached agreement to host launch sites. A cooperative approach is essential. There can be no NDIS without the states and territories. They are partners, not enemies.

The fruits of a constructive approach were evident when Premier O’Farrell of New South Wales and the Prime Minister signed an inter-governmental agreement in December 2013 for a full state-wide NDIS roll out after the Hunter launch project. The Government should continue this constructive approach in discussions with the other jurisdictions to conclude further bilateral agreements. There can be no full NDIS without an inter-governmental agreement with each state and territory.

It is worth making comment in relation to those states that are not hosting launch sites. The Productivity Commission never envisaged every state hosting a launch site and never saw the absence of a launch site as a bar to taking part in a full national rollout. Indeed Premier Newman of Queensland has written to the Prime Minister with a proposal to be part of a full national roll out. Premier Barnett of Western Australia has written to the Prime Minister proposing a joint Western Australia-Commonwealth NDIS.

Questions of funding also need to be cooperatively worked through with the states and territories. Legitimate questions and due diligence should not be portrayed as a lack of commitment to the NDIS. For example, while the Coalition emphatically supported the Government’s commitment of $1 billion to the NDIS in the last Federal Budget, there was some difficulty in reconciling this figure with the $3.9 billion the Productivity Commission said would be necessary over the forward estimates for the first phase of the NDIS. We assume the Government will explain, account for this, and make appropriate provision in the coming budget.

The Coalition will continue to place the NDIS above politics and is prepared to work with State and Commonwealth governments towards a better deal for people with a disability.

The need for full information

This Bill establishes the framework for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the National Disability Insurance Scheme Launch Transition Agency (the Agency).  This will enable the scheme to be launched, and the Agency to operate the launch, in four sites across Australia from July 2013 and five sites from July 2014. The first stage of the Scheme will benefit more than 20,000 people with disability, their families and carers living in South Australia, Tasmania, the Hunter in New South Wales, the Barwon area of Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory.

The Scheme will provide funding to individuals or organisations to help people with disability participate more fully in economic and social life through the provision of an entitlement enabling things such as equipment, supported accommodation or personal attendant care.

The mechanics of the Agency will be established by way of legislative instruments called the NDIS rules.  These regulations, the NDIS rules, will further detail areas such as eligibility and assessment criteria. The Government released a discussion paper about the rules on 1 February 2013. Rather than containing a draft set of rules, the discussion paper was a series of questions.

This is significant as the Bill itself is essentially a framework. It establishes the Agency, the Board, the Chief Executive and a general definition of eligibility. But the mechanics of the scheme will be established by the rules. A recurrent theme in evidence presented by witnesses was that it was hard to offer advice or pose questions or to plan for the launch sites in the absence of the rules.

The Government released seven sets of draft NDIS rules on the final day of hearings of the Senate Community Affairs Committee on Tuesday 5 March. These included draft rules for becoming a participant, draft rules for children, draft rules for privacy, draft rules for nominees, draft rules for supports, draft rules for registered providers and draft rules for plan management. These draft rules are still the subject of consultation with the states and territories and disability stakeholders. The Coalition will study them carefully.

The Government has also indicated that there are potentially dozens of batches of draft rules still to be released. These need to be released quickly and well before passage of the Bill. In her second reading speech, the Prime Minister indicated the Government's intention to bring the final version of the Bill to a vote in the Budget session. The remaining rules need to be released soon to enable proper scrutiny and consultation with stakeholders.

The risk, as always, with this government is in their capacity to competently implement.  The interaction of three components – the NDIS Bill, the NDIS rules and the operating guidelines for the NDIS Launch Transition Agency – will determine how, and how well, the NDIS operates.  The work of the Senate Committee is critical and it should have been afforded the benefit of the full NDIS rules and the operating guidelines for the Agency before concluding its work. Right now, it isn’t possible to develop a complete picture of how the NDIS will unfold because of insufficient information.

A community effort

This legislation to give effect to a National Disability Insurance Scheme is in the Parliament due to a grass roots campaign by carers, Australians with disability and the organisations that support them.  They came together. They decided enough was enough. They spoke with one voice. They declared “We’re as mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore”.

The two main intellectual drivers of the NDIS have been Mr John Walsh AM, a partner at PwC, and Mr Bruce Bonyhady AM, Chair of Yooralla and President of Philanthropy Australia, without whose determination, professional expertise and personal knowledge this legislation would not be before the Parliament.  


This legislation is not perfect. The NDIS is a complex venture. Amendments after introduction of the legislation to the Parliament were inevitable. The Senate Committee process has again proven its worth through this inquiry. The Government has undertaken to carefully consider the work of the Committee. However, in the time available, the Committee was never going to be able to address all design issues. The onus remains on the Government. The prime function of the Committee in the compressed time frame was to seek to ventilate as many issues as possible.

While the Coalition and other parties support the NDIS and the broad architecture outlined by the Productivity Commission, the detailed design of the scheme, the legislative drafting and launch site implementation are the responsibility of the Government. The Coalition had offered to be partners with the Government in the design of the scheme and the drafting of the legislation through the establishment of a joint parliamentary committee to oversee the implementation of the NDIS. This offer was not accepted. Therefore the Coalition has not had the benefit of the information and the opportunity such a Committee would have provided to work with the Government on these issues.  

The Coalition want the NDIS to be a success. The Coalition want the launch sites to run smoothly. The Coalition wants this legislation to achieve the objectives laid out by the Productivity Commission. The Coalition stands ready to work with the Government and all jurisdictions to make the NDIS a reality.


Senator Mitch Fifield Senator Sue Boyce
Senator Dean Smith  Senator Bridget McKenzie
Senator David Fawcett  




The Parliament of the
Commonwealth of Australia



National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2012

(Amendment to be moved by Mr Andrews*)

(1)     Page 80 (after line 17), at the end of Part 6, add:

Part 7—Joint Select Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme

103A  Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme

(1)  As soon as practicable after the commencement of the first session of each Parliament, a joint committee of members of the Parliament, to be known as the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, is to be appointed according to the practice of the Parliament.

(2)  The Committee is to consist of 10 members, made up of the following:

(a)  2 members of the House of Representatives who are Government members;

(b)  2 members of the Senate who are Government members;

(c)  2 members of the House of Representatives who are Opposition members;

(d)  2 members of the Senate who are Opposition members;

(e)  1 member of the House or Representatives or the Senate who is a member of the Australian Greens;

(f)  1 member of the House of Representatives or the Senate who is an independent member.

(3)  A member of the Parliament is not eligible for appointment as a member of the Committee if he or she is:

(a)  a Minister; or

(b)  the President of the Senate; or

(c)  the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

(4)  A member ceases to hold office:

(a)  when the House of Representatives expires by effluxion of time or is dissolved; or

(b)  if he or she becomes the holder of an office specified in any of the paragraphs of subsection (3); or

(c)  if he or she ceases to be a member of the House of the Parliament by which he or she was appointed; or

(d)  if he or she resigns his or her office as provided by subsection (5) or (6).

(5)  A member appointed by the Senate may resign his or her office by writing signed by him or her and delivered to the President of the Senate.

(6)  A member appointed by the House of Representatives may resign his or her office by writing signed by him or her and delivered to the Speaker of that House.

(7)  Subject to the requirements of subsection (2), either House of the Parliament may appoint one of its members to fill a vacancy amongst the members of the Committee appointed by that House.

103B  Powers and proceedings of the Committee

All matters relating to the powers and proceedings of the Committee are to be determined by resolution of both Houses of the Parliament.

103C  Functions of the Committee

(1)  The functions of the Committee are:

(a)  to review the implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme; and

(b)  to review the administration and expenditure of the National Disability Insurance Scheme; and

(c)  to review any matter in relation to the National Disability Insurance Scheme referred to the Committee by:

(i)  the responsible Minister; or


(ii)  a resolution of either House of the Parliament; and

(e)  to report the Committee’s comments and recommendations to each House of the Parliament and to the responsible Minister;

(f)  such functions as agreed to by resolutions of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

103D  Annual report

As soon as practicable after each year ending on 30 June, the Committee must give to the Parliament a report on the activities of the Committee during the year.

[parliamentary joint committee]

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