Submissions received by the Committee

Low Aromatic Fuel Bill 2012

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1Mr Andrew Stojanovski (PDF 13KB) 
2National Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Committee (PDF 147KB) 
3Office of the Coordinator General for Remote Indigenous Services (PDF 108KB) 
4Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) (PDF 485KB) 
5Aboriginal Peak Organisations Northern Territory  (PDF 322KB) 
6Office of The Children's Commissioner Northern Territory (PDF 3140KB) 
7NPY Women's Council  (PDF 246KB) 
8Central Australian Youth Link Up Service (PDF 1603KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1532KB) Attachment 2(PDF 1673KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 130KB) 
9Barkly Shire Council  (PDF 141KB) 
10Central Land Council (PDF 58KB) 
11Warlpiri Youth Development Aboriginal Corporation (WYDAC) (PDF 402KB) 
12Mr Trevor Edmond (PDF 33KB) 
13Local Government Association of the NT (PDF 30KB) 
14Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning (PDF 586KB) 
15BP Australia Pty Ltd  (PDF 79KB) 
16National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) (PDF 459KB) 
17Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law (PDF 166KB) 
18Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia (PDF 462KB) Attachment 1(PDF 92KB) 
19Australian Government (PDF 158KB) 
20Shell Australia Limited (PDF 52KB) 

Additional Information Received

1Copies of letters from the Hon Warren Snowdon MP, Minister for Indigenous Health, to State and Territory Ministers dated 20 July 2012(PDF 2088KB) 
2Additional Information from Warlpiri Youth Development Aboriginal Corporation, received 29 July 2012(PDF 1123KB) 
3Tabled document from Mr David Hewitt, at Alice Springs public hearing 24 July 2012(PDF 355KB) 
4Tabled document from Central Australian Youth Link Up Service (CAYLUS), at Alice Springs public hearing 24 July 2012(PDF 180KB) 
5Tabled document from Central Australian Youth Link Up Service (CAYLUS), at Alice Springs public hearing 24 July 2012(PDF 160KB) 
6Tabled document from Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, at Canberra public hearing 16 August 2012(PDF 563KB) 
7Correction from the Department of Health and Ageing to evidence given at Canberra public hearing 16 August 2012(PDF 575KB) 


1Correspondence from Warlpiri Youth Development Aboriginal Corporation (WYDAC), received 10 July 2012(PDF 401KB) 
2Correspondence from Mt Dare Hotel, received 13 July 2012(PDF 99KB) 
3Correspondence from Tilmouth Roadhouse Pty Ltd, received 18 July 2012(PDF 42KB) 
4Correspondence from Wycliffe Well Holiday Park, received 18 July 2012(PDF 100KB) 
5Correspondence from South Australian Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse, John Hill, received 27 August 2012(PDF 270KB) 
6Correspondence from Wiluna Traders, received 10 September 2012(PDF 278KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Answers to questions on notice from Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia, received 25 July 2012(PDF 39KB) 
2Answers to questions on notice from the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, received 10 September 2012(PDF 154KB) 
3Answers to questions on notice from the Attorney-General's Department, received 10 September 2012(PDF 23KB) 
4Answers to questions on notice numbers 4,5,6,8,10,13,14,18,19,20,23,24,25,27,29 from the Department of Health and Ageing, received 13 September 2012(PDF 769KB) 
5Answers to questions on notice numbers 17 and 30 from the Department of Health and Ageing, received 14 September 2012(PDF 30KB) 
6Answers to questions on notice numbers 1,2,3,9,11,12,15,21,22,26,28 from the Department of Health and Ageing, received 17 September 2012(PDF 385KB) 
7Answers to questions on notice from Department of Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs, received 18 September 2012(PDF 2945KB) 
8Answers to questions on notice number 16 from the Department of Health and Ageing, received 19 September 2012(PDF 15KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3515
Fax:+61 2 6277 5829