Interim Report: Inquiry into the Social and Economic Impacts of Rural Wind Farms

Interim Report: Inquiry into the Social and Economic Impacts of Rural Wind Farms

14 April 2011

© Commonwealth of Australia 2011

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13 April 2011

Senator the Hon John Hogg
President of the Senate


Inquiry into the Social and Economic Impacts of Rural Wind Farms

Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 38(7), I present to you an interim report of the Senate Community Affairs References Committee on the Social and Economic Impacts of Rural Wind Farms.

On 27 October 2010, the Senate referred this matter to the Committee for inquiry and report by 30 April 2011. The terms of reference are as follows:

The social and economic impacts of rural wind farms and, and in particular:

  1. Any adverse health effects for people living in close proximity to wind farms;
  2. Concerns over the excessive noise and vibrations emitted by wind farms, which are in close proximity to people's homes;
  3. The impact of rural wind farms on property values, employment opportunities and farm income;
  4. The interface between Commonwealth, state and local planning laws as they  pertain to wind farms; and
  5. Any other relevant matters.

To date, the committee has received more than 900 submissions and significant amounts of correspondence in relation to this inquiry. Four public hearings have been held in Canberra, Ballarat, Melbourne and Perth.

Given the level of public interest in the inquiry, the time needed to give proper consideration to the evidence received, the Committee has resolved to present this interim report to the Senate and, after further inquiry, intends to table a final report by 1 June 2011.


Senator Rachel Siewert
Community Affairs References Committee

For further information, contact:

Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515
Fax: +61 2 6277 5829