

Report on Administration of Indigenous Business Australia in relation to certain evidence given to the Senate Community Affairs Committee

[1]        Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Committee Hansard, 17 February 2012, pp. 57–58.

[2]        Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs: Independent investigation into anonymous allegations – Final Report, 13 April 2012 (hereafter 'Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu report'), (accessed 7 June 2012)

[3]        Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu report, p. 5.

[4]        Mr Fry, CEO, IBA, Proof Committee Hansard, 11 May 2012, p. 1.

[5]        Mr Fry, CEO, IBA, Proof Committee Hansard, 11 May 2012, p. 2.

[6]        Mr Fry, CEO, IBA, Proof Committee Hansard, 11 May 2012, p. 8.

[7]        Ms Kirsty Gowans, General Counsel, IBA, Proof Committee Hansard, 11 May 2012, p. 10; IBA, Answer to Question on Notice #3, received 31 May 2012.

[8]        Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu report, p. 26.

[9]        Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu report, Appendix F.

[10]      Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu report p. 26 and Appendix G.

[11]      Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu report, p. 5.

[12]      Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu report, p. 1.

[13]      2011–12 Budget Additional Estimates, Answer to Question on Notice #321.

[14]      2011–12 Budget Additional Estimates, Answers to Questions on Notice #322 – #325.

[15]      Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu report, p. 1.

[16]      See Appendix 1.

[17]      See Appendix 2.

[18]      See Appendix 3.

[19]      See Appendix 4.

[20]      See Appendix 5.

[21]      Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu report, pp. 7, 9.

[22]      Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu report, p. 26; Appendices T and U.

[23]      Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu report, p. 26; Appendix G.

[24]      Mr Fry, CEO, IBA, Proof Committee Hansard, 11 May 2012, p. 3.