Public hearing - Brisbane, Tuesday 2 March 2010

Inquiry into Suicide in Australia

Public hearing - Brisbane, Tuesday 2 March 2010

Dandiir Room, Level 5, Parliamentary Annex, Queensland Parliament, Brisbane

9.00 am -

9.45 am

Boystown (Sub 98)
Mr John Dalgleish, Manager
Mr Dean Brunker, Program Manager, Employment, Education and Training

9.45 am -

10.15 am

Queensland Alliance, Peak Body for the Mental Health Community Sector (Sub 122)
Mr Jeff Cheverton, Executive Director
Ms Toni Brearley, Business Director
Ms Georgina Lawson, Sector Development Worker
Ms Jude Bugeja, State Councillor
Mr Jorgen Gullestrup, Queensland OzHelp

10.15 am -

10.30 am


10.30 am -

12.00 pm

Roundtable session
White Wreath Association (Sub 1)
Ms Fanita Clark, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Peter Neame, Research Officer
Community Action for the Prevention of Suicide Inc (CAPS) (Sub 50)
Ms Carla Pearse, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Richard Roberts, President
Mr Peter Annand, President
SOS Survivors of Suicide Bereavement Support Association Inc. (Sub 106)
Ms Myvanwyn Camp, President
Mr Darrin Larney, Executive Officer
Dr Edward Koch Foundation (Sub 94)
Ms Dulcie Bird, Executive Officer

12.00 pm -

12.30 pm

Anti-Depression Association of Australia (sub 232)
Mr David Cameron-Hands
Ms Carol McLaughlin

12.30 pm -

1.30 pm


1.30 pm -

2.15 pm

Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian (Sub 99)
Ms Angela Ritchie, Manager Child Death Review

2.15 pm -

3.00 pm

Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association (Sub 102)
Ms Leda Barnett, Psychologist
Mr Clinton Schultz, Psychologist

3.00 pm -

3.15 pm


3.15 pm -

4.00 pm

Professor Graham Martin (Sub 107)

4.00 pm -

5.00 pm

Queensland Department of Health (Sub 205)
Dr Aaron Groves, Executive Director, Mental Health Directorate


For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Community Affairs References Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515
Fax: +61 2 6277 5829