Public hearing - Canberra, Monday 1 March 2010

Inquiry into Suicide in Australia

Public hearing - Canberra, Monday 1 March 2010

Senate Committee Room 2S1, Parliament House, Canberra

9.00 am -

9.45 am

Lifeline Australia (Sub 129)
Ms Dawn O'Neil, Chief Executive Officer
Ms Susan Beaton, National Advisor Suicide Prevention
Mr Alan Woodward, General Manager, Social Policy, Innovation, Research and Evaluation
Ms Brenda Barber, Lifeline Telephone Counsellor
Ms Madelin Fisher, Suicide Bereavement Support Facilitator

9.45 am -

10.30 am

Mental Health Council of Australia (Sub 212)
Mr David Crosbie, Chief Executive Officer

10.30 am -

10.45 am


10.45 am -

11.30 am

Suicide Prevention Australia (Sub 121)
Dr Michael Dudley, Chairperson
Mr Ryan McGlaughlin, Executive Officer
Ms Sara Maxwell, Research and Policy Development Coordinator
Ms Jo Riley, Board Member

11.30 am -

12.30 pm

Inspire Foundation (Sub 101)
Ms Cheryl Mangan, Research and Policy Manager
OzHelp Foundation (Sub 86)
Mr Keith Todd, Executive Director
Mr Glenn Baird, Manager

12.30 pm -

1.30 pm


1.30 pm -

2.00 pm

Brain and Mind Research Institute
Professor Ian Hickie, Executive Director
Mr Sebastian Rosenberg, Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Policy

2.00 pm -

3.30 pm

Background information session
Department of Health and Ageing (Sub 202)
Ms Rosemary Huxtable, Deputy Secretary
Ms Georgie Harman, First Assistant Secretary, Mental Health and Chronic Disease Division
Ms Collen Krestensen, Assistant Secretary, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Dr Jim Bishop, Chief Medical Officer
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Sub 211)
Ms Deborah Winkler, Branch Manager, Mental Health and Autism

3.30 pm -

4.00 pm


4.00 pm -

4.45 pm

Adjunct Professor John Mendoza, joint submission author (Sub 65)

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Community Affairs References Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515
Fax: +61 2 6277 5829