Monday, 30 March 2009

St James Court Conference Centre, West Melbourne

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Claire Moore (Chair)
Senator Rachel Siewert (Deputy Chair)
Senator Catryna Bilyk
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator Gary Humphries


Ms Angela Sdrinis, Ryan Carlisle Thomas Lawyers
Mr Frank Golding, National Vice-President of Care Leavers of Australia Network (CLAN)
Alfred Felton Research Program

Professor Cathy Humphreys, Alfred Felton Chair of Child and Family Welfare
Professor Shurlee Swain, Honours/postgraduate co-ordinator, School of Arts and Sciences (Vic), Australian Catholic University
Mr Gavan McCarthy, Director, University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre
Ms Rachel Tropea, Archivist, eScholarship Research Centre, University of Melbourne

Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare

Ms Coleen Clare, Chief Executive Officer

Wings for Survivors

Ms Deborah Findlay, Member
Ms Michele Greaves, Member
Mr Mark Kelly, Member
Ms Susan Treweek, Member

Broken Rites (Australia) Collective Inc

Dr Wayne Chamley, Treasurer

Alliance for Forgotten Australians

Ms Caroline Caroll, Chair

Vanish Inc

Ms Maureen Cleary, Manager

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

The Marque Hotel, Perth

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Claire Moore (Chair)
Senator Rachel Siewert (Deputy Chair)
Senator Gary Humphries


CBERS Consultancy

Dr Philippa White, Coordinator
Dr Deborah Rosser, Consultant

Mr Andrew Murray, former Senator
Alliance for Forgotten Australians

Associate Professor Maria Harries, Associate Member and private capacity
Mr Laurie Humphreys, Representative

Western Australian Department for Communities

Ms Stephanie Withers, Executive Director, Redress WA
Dr Marilyn Rock, Senior Redress Officer, Redress WA
Ms Eileen O’Reilly, Senior Redress Officer, Redress WA
Mr Peter Bayman, Senior Legal Officer

Monday, 6 April 2009

The Greek Club and Conference Centre, South Brisbane

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Claire Moore (Chair)
Senator Sue Boyce
Senator Mark Furner
Senator Gary Humphries


Forde Foundation Board of Advice

Mr Terry Sullivan, Former Chair
Mr Errol Evans, Deputy Chair

Historical Abuse Network (HAN)

Ms Grace Hegarty
Ms Gloria Lovely
Ms Colleen Stevenson
Ms Lana Syed-Wassdorp
Ms Diane Tronc
Ms Karen Walsh

Esther Centre

Ms Karyn Walsh, Coordinator

Aftercare Resource Centre, Relationships Australia

Ms Rebecca Ketton, Manager
Ms Susan Kelly, Counsellor
Mr Barry Walton, Director of State Funded Programs

Mr Jim Luthy
Mr Wayne Bradwell
Ms Sue Treweek
Mr Michael Collins
Queensland Government, Department of Communities

Mr Mark Francis, Executive Director
Ms Robyn Etherington, Forde Officer

Short personal statements were provided by:

Ms Lee Ekeberg
Mrs Lana Syed-Waasdorp
Ms Diane Tronc
Ms Marlene Wilson

The hearing concluded with a song performed by Ms Jacinta Burr

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Bankstown Sports and Event Centre, Bankstown

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Claire Moore (Chair)
Senator Don Farrell
Senator Mitch Fifield


Positive Justice Centre

Mr John Murray, Founding Member

The Healing Way for Forgotten Australians

Ms Mary Brownlee, Founding Member
Mr Lawrie Higgins, Founding Member

Round table session:

Association of Child Welfare Agencies

Mr Andrew McCallum, Chairman

Benevolent Society

Ms Annette Michaux, General Manager Social Policy and Research
Ms Janet Henegan, Manager, Post Adoption Resource Centre

United Protestant Association of NSW

Mr Graham Hercus, Aftercare Support

Barnardos Australia

Mr Bill Hoyles, Senior Manager, Youth Affairs and Aftercare

The Fairbridge Foundation

Mr John Kennedy, Chairman of Council

Care Leavers of Australia Network (CLAN)

Ms Leonie Sheedy, President
Dr Joanna Penglase, Co-founder

Aftercare Resource Centre (ARC)

Ms Wendy Scollay, Coordinator
Ms Julie Holt, Counsellor

Catholic Social Services Australia

Mr Frank Quinlan, Executive Director

New South Wales Government

Ms Linda Mallett, A/Deputy Director-General, Department of Community Services
Ms Danielle Woolley, Director, Out-of-Home Care Policy, Department of Community Services

Wednesday,8 April 2009

Parliament House, Canberra

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Claire Moore (Chair)
Senator Sue Boyce
Senator Gary Humphries


The International Association of Former Child Migrants And Their Families

Mr Norman Johnston, President
Mr Harold Haig, Secretary

Child Migrants Trust

Ms Margaret Humphreys OAM, International Director
Mr Ian Thwaites, Service Manager

Mr Ted Mullighan QC, Former South Australian Commissioner of Inquiry (via teleconference)
South Australian Government (via teleconference)

Mr Steve Ramsey, Executive Director, Families SA
Ms Julie Petersen, Manager, Policy and Strategy, Guardianship and Alternative Care Directorate, Department for Families and Communities

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Mr Peter Templeton, Assistant Secretary, Settlement Branch
Ms Sophie Montgomery, Director, Settlement Planning and Information

Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

Ms Cate McKenzie, Group Manager, Women and Children’s Policy
Ms Allyson Essex, Branch Manager

Tasmanian Government (via teleconference)

Ms Alison Jacob, Deputy Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services
Ms Leica Wagner, Manager Abuse of Children in State Care
Ms Una Hobday, Manager, Adoption & Permanency Services



Monday, 6 April 2009

The Committee visited Lotus Place which provides a drop in centre and houses HAN, the Esther Centre, ARC and the Forde Foundation Board of Advice in the one premises.


Tuesday, 7 April 2009

The Committee visited the CLAN office in Chapel Road, Bankstown, and inspected the National Orphanage Museum and CLAN Library.

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