Appendix 2 - Witnesses who appeared before the Committee at public hearings

Appendix 2 - Witnesses who appeared before the Committee at public hearings

Friday, 10 August 2007
Parliament House, Canberra

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Gary Humphries (Chair)
Senator Claire Moore (Deputy Chair)
Senator Lyn Allison
Senator the Hon Kay Patterson
Senator Ruth Webber

The Committee held a public hearing in the form of a Roundtable discussion. Participants at the Roundtable were:

Professor Helen Christiansen, Director, Centre for Mental Health Research

Mr David Crosbie, Chief Executive Officer, Mental Health Council of Australia

Professor Lyndel Kay Littlefield, Executive Director, Australian Psychological Society

Mr Harry Lovelock, Director of Policy, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

Ms Janne Christine McMahon, Independent Chair, Private Mental Health Consumer Carer Network (Australia)

Professor Alan Rosen, Secretary, Comprehensive Area Service Psychiatrists Network

Mr Sebastian Rosenberg, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Mental Health Council of Australia

Ms Jennifer Anne Speed, Deputy Director, Australian Mental Health Consumer Network

Ms Margaret Springgay, Executive Director, Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia

Ms Leanne Wells, Manager, Policy and Development, Australian General Practice Network

Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Undumbi Room, Parliament House, Brisbane

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Claire Moore (Chair)
Senator Gary Humphries (Deputy Chair)
Senator Lyn Allison
Senator Kate Lundy
Senator Ruth Webber


Queensland Alliance Mental Illness and Disability Groups

Mr Jeff Cheverton, Executive Director

Mr Noel Muller, President Queensland Alliance State Council

Ms Melody Edwardson, Queensland Alliance State Councillor

Australian Mental Health Consumer Network

Ms Helen Connor, Executive Director

Ms Jennifer Speed, Deputy Director

Australian Counselling Association

Mr Philip Armstrong, Chief Executive Officer

Open Minds

Mr Bernard Wilson, Chief Executive Officer

Ms Suzanne Desailly, Personal Helpers and Mentors Program Coordinator

Sisters Inside

Ms Debbie Kilroy, Director

The Brook Recovery, Empowerment and Development Centre

Ms Jude Bugeja, Manager

Ms Brenda McLaren, Peer Support Worker


Thursday, 27 March 2008
Jubilee Room, Parliament House, Sydney

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Claire Moore (Chair)
Senator Gary Humphries (Deputy Chair)
Senator Lyn Allison
Senator Kate Lundy
Senator Ruth Webber


Service for the Treatment & Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors

Mr Lachlan Murdoch, Deputy Director

Ms Debbie Gould, Clinical Supervisor and General Services Counsellor

Multicultural Mental Health Australia

Associate Professor  Abd Malak AM, MMHA Chair

Transcultural Mental Health Centre

Ms Maria Cassaniti, NSW TMHC Coordinator

Mr Phil Sandford, TMHC

Mental Health Coordinating Council

Ms Jenna Bateman, Chief Executive Officer

Ms Corinne Henderson, Senior Policy Officer

NSW Consumer Advisory Group – Mental Health Inc

Ms Karen Oakley, Acting Executive Officer

Comprehensive Area Service Psychiatrists' Network of NSW

Dr Alan Rosen, Secretary

Dr Roger Gurr, Policy Committee Chair

NSW Mental Health Review Tribunal

The Hon Greg James QC, President

Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council

Ms Di Lawson, Chief Executive Officer

Mr Robin Flynn, Research and Policy Manager

Ms Donna Bestic, Project Coordinator


Monday, 31 March 2008
J Churchill Room, Salamanca Inn, Hobart

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Claire Moore (Chair)
Senator Gary Humphries (Deputy Chair)
Senator Lyn Allison
Senator Sue Boyce
Senator Carol Brown
Senator Helen Polley


Mental Health Council of Tasmania

Ms Michelle Swallow, Executive Officer

Mr David Asten

Department of Health and Human Services

Ms Mary Bent, Deputy Secretary, Community Health Services

Dr John Crawshaw, Manager, Mental Health Services

Anglicare - Tasmania

Ms Jane Carlson, Manager, Mental Health Services

Mr Daryl Lamb, Manager, Community Services

Advocacy Tasmania

Ms Valerie Williams, Mental Health Advocate

Tasmanian Community Advisory Group on Mental Health (TasCAG)

Ms Dot Boxhall, Executive Member


Tuesday, 1 April 2008
St James Court Conference Centre, Melbourne

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Claire Moore (Chair)
Senator Gary Humphries (Deputy Chair)
Senator Judith Adams
Senator Lyn Allison
Senator Sue Boyce


SANE Australia

Ms Barbara Hocking, Executive Director

Network for Carers of people with a mental Illness

Ms Sandra Genovesi, Project Co-ordinator

Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council

Ms Isabell Collins, Director

Royal Women's Hospital

Dr Dennis Handrinis, Psychiatrist

Dr Chris Bayly, Associate Director

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

Dr Julian Freidin, Former President

Ms Sarah Gafforini, Manager of Policy and Practice Standards

Australian Psychological Society

Professor Lyn Littlefield, Executive Director

Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia

Professor Margot Schofield, Director of Research

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Dr Caroline Johnson, College Member

Ms Jane, London, Project Officer, Quality Care

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Signatures Room, Crowne Plaza, Darwin
Committee Members in attendance

Senator Claire Moore (Chair)
Senator Judith Adams
Senator Lyn Allison
Senator Sue Boyce
Senator Ruth Webber


Northern Territory Mental Health Coalition

Mr Phil Dempster, Project Officer

Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT)

Ms Stephanie Bell, Acting Chair, Board of Directors

Dr John Boffa, Public Health Medical Adviser

Top End Association for Mental Health Inc

Ms Melissa Heywood, Services Manager and Acting Chief Executive Officer

Ms Lorraine Davies, Respite Team Leader

Ms Erin Evans, Family and Youth Services Team Leader

Mr Anthony Willits, Personal Helpers and Mentors Team Leader and Acting Services Manager

Department of Health and Community Services, Northern Territory

Dr David Ashbridge, Chief Executive Officer

Ms Penny Fielding, Acting Assistant Secretary

Ms Bronwyn Hendry, Director Mental Health


Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Emerald Hotel, Perth

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Claire Moore (Chair)
Senator Gary Humphries (Deputy Chair)
Senator Lyn Allison
Senator Helen Polley
Senator Ruth Webber


Western Australian Association for Mental Health

Ms Ann White, Executive Officer

Mrs Pamela Gardner, Chairperson, Bay of Isles Community Outreach Inc

Ms Sandra Vidot, Executive Director, Mental Illness Fellowship of WA

Women's Healthworks

Ms Mandy Stringer, Manager

Ms Madeleine Sewell, Coordinator, Body Esteem Program

Ruah Community Services

Ms Sheryl Carmody, Executive Manager Ruah Mental Health

Ms Simone Hosgood, Team Coordinator Ruah Armadale Personal Helpers and Mentors

Richmond Fellowship

Mr Joe Calleja, Chief Executive Officer

Mr Alastair Miller, Mental Health Consumer

Western Australian Mental Illness Awareness Council

Ms Lorraine Powell, Secretary

Council of Official Visitors

Ms Debora Colvin, Head of Council

Ms Val O'Toole, Deputy Head of Council

Health Consumers' Council

Ms Maxine Drake, Deputy Director

Western Australian Government

Dr Steve Patchett, Executive Director, Mental Health, Department of Health

Mr Michael Thorn, Director, Crime and Justice, Policy Division, Department of the Premier and Cabinet


Thursday, 8 May 2008
Stamford Grand, Glenelg, Adelaide

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Claire Moore (Chair)
Senator Gary Humphries (Deputy Chair)
Senator Lyn Allison
Senator Helen Polley
Senator Ruth Webber
Senator Dana Wortley


Mental Health Coalition of South Australia (MHCSA)

Mr Paul Senior, Acting President

Mr Geoff Harris, Executive Director

South Australian Network of Drug and Alcohol Services

Mr Trevor Bignell, Chairperson

Ms Lesley Edwards, Executive Officer

Mr Andris Banders, Comorbidity Project

Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia

Ms Margaret Springgay, Executive Director

Ms Natasha Miliotis, Executive Director

Private Mental Health Consumer Carer Network (Australia)

Ms Janne McMahon, Independent Chair

Mental Health Coalition of South Australia panel

Survivors of Torture and Trauma Assistance and Rehabilitation Service (STTARS)

Ms Bernadette McGrath , Director

UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide

Mr Peter Warner, Manager, Community Mental Health Programs

Ms Karen Bradbury, Acting PhAM Manager

Carers SA

Ms Karen Richardson, Manager, Community Services

Ms Jan Wallent, Board President

Health Consumer's Alliance

Ms Emma Willoughby, Project Officer, Mental Health

South Australian Government

Mr Derek Wright, Director Mental Health Operations

Mr Mark Leggett, Deputy Director, Mental Health


Friday, 16 May 2008
Parliament House, Canberra

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Claire Moore (Chair)
Senator Gary Humphries (Deputy Chair)
Senator Judith Adams
Senator Lyn Allison


Australian General Practice Network

Ms Leanne Wells, Manager, Policy and Development

Dr Chris McAuliffe, Mental Health Advisor

Mental Health Community Coalition ACT

Dr Leanne Craze, Consultant, Policy and Pojects

Mr David Plant, Senior Policy Consultant

ACT Government

Dr Peggy Brown, Director of Mental Health, ACT Mental Health

Mr Richard Bromhead, Manager, Mental Health Policy Unit, ACT Mental Health

Government of Queensland

Dr Aaron Groves, Director of Mental Health, Queensland Health

Catholic Social Services Australia

Mr Frank Quinlan, Executive Director

Mrs Jackie Brady, Manager of Strategic and Network Communications

Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

Mr Evan Lewis, Group Manager, Mental Health, Autism and Community Support Group

Mr Ian Boyson, Acting Branch Manager, Mental Health Branch

Department of Health and Ageing

Professor Rosemary Calder, First Assistant Secretary, Mental Health and Workforce Division

Ms Megan Morris, First Assistant Secretary, Primary and Ambulatory Care Division

Ms Colleen Krestensen, Assistant Secretary, Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Program Branch

Professor Harvey Whiteford, Principal Medical Advisor, Mental Health and Workforce Division

Mr Nathan Smyth, Assistant Secretary, Mental Health Reform Branch

Ms Lana Racic, A/g Assistant Secretary, Mental Health Reform Branch

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations

Ms Sharon Rose, Branch Manager, Disability and Mature Age Policy Branch

Ms Gaylene Smith, Team Leader, Policy and Future Development Team


Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Parliament House, Canberra

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Claire Moore (Chair)
Senator Gary Humphries (Deputy Chair)
Senator Judith Adams
Senator Lyn Allison
Senator Sue Boyce
Senator Barnaby Joyce
Senator Ruth Webber


Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation

Mr Chris Tanti, Chief Executive Officer

Mr Peter Orchard, Director Service Reform and Policy, Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Mr Nathan Frick, Chairperson, Headspace Youth National Reference Group

Professor Patrick McGorry, Chair, Executive Committee

Centre for Mental Health Research

Professor Helen Christensen, Director, Centre for Mental Health Research

Professor Ian Hickie, Director, Brain and Mind Research Institute

Australian Association of Social Workers

Ms Liz Sommerville, Mental Health Policy Officer

Dr Valerie Gerrand, Member

Australian College of Mental Health Nurses

Mr Peter Santangelo, President

Ms Sharon Olsson, SA Branch President

Carers Australia

Ms Joan Hughes, Chief Executive Officer

Ms Susan Aiesi, Polcy and Research Manager

National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum

Mr David Lovegrove, Deputy Consumer Co-Chair

Ms Kate Shipway, Carer Co-Chair

Ms Liz Ruck, Executive Officer

Mental Health Council of Australia

Mr David Crosbie, Chief Executive Officer

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