Public hearing - Canberra, Thursday 11 June 2009

Inquiry into Health Workforce Australia Bill 2009

Public hearing - Canberra, Thursday 11 June 2009

9:00am – 2:00pm
Senate Committee Room 2S3, Parliament House
Canberra ACT

Time Witness

9:00am – 10:00am

Universities Australia (Sub 1)
Professor Richard Larkins, Immediate Past President and Vice Chancellor Monash University
Professor Jill White, Dean of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Sydney
Ms Angela Magarry
Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand (Sub 5)
Professor Michael Hensley, Executive Member & Head of School, School of Medicine & Public Health & Dean of Medicine, Joint Medical Program, Newcastle University.
Australian Council of Pro-Vice-Chancellors and Deans of Health Science (Sub 8) - via teleconference
Professor Ian Wronski, Chair
Ms Pam Stronach

10:00am – 10:45am

Committee of Presidents of Medical Colleges (Sub 6)
via teleconference
Professor Russell Stitz AM RFD, Chairman
Professor Geoffrey Metz AM, President College of Physicians

10:45am – 11:00am


11:00am – 11:30am

Catholic Health Australia (Sub 7)
Mr Martin Laverty, Chief Executive Officer

11:30am – 12:15pm

Australian Medical Council (Sub 9)
Ms Drew Menzies-McVey, Research and Policy Analyst

12:15pm – 12:45pm

Australian Nursing Federation (Sub 19)
Ms Ged Kearney, Federal Secretary
Royal College of Nursing (Sub 11)
Ms Debra Cerasa, Chief Executive Officer
Ms Kathleen McLaughlin

12:45pm – 1:15pm

Australian Medical Association (Sub 3)
Mr Warwick Hough, Senior Manager, General Practice, Legal Services & Workplace Policy

1:15pm – 2:00pm

Department of Health and Ageing (Sub 14)
Ms Natasha Cole, Assistant Secretary, Workforce Development Branch
Mr Craig Winfield, Director

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515
Fax: +61 2 6277 5829