Dissenting Report by Coalition Minority

Dissenting Report by Coalition Minority

Coalition Senators agree with the committee conclusion that the national registration and accreditation scheme, of which this legislation forms a part, will provide significant advantages to the healthcare sector – providers and consumers.

However the scope of the changes required is substantial and despite extensive consultations over a long period of time, issues with the changes continue to arise.

The Australian Nursing Federation, Australian Medical Association and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners have all raised legitimate concerns in the hearings before the committee.

The committee’s response to the issues raised has been to note them and accept that the Department of Health was willing to work with these groups to overcome their objections to sections of this Bill.

Coalition Senators consider the Government should remove anomalies raised by these groups by firmly committing to amend the legislation.


Senator Judith Adams
Senator for Western Australia

May 2010

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