

Chapter 4

Recommendation 1

4.21        The Committee supports the introduction of the excise increase on spirit based RTDs, and does so in acknowledgement that it is one in the context of a range of measures undertaken or to be considered to address harmful alcohol consumption by young people.

Recommendation 2

4.22        The Committee notes that some of the additional measures suggested to the Committee will be included in the work being undertaken for COAG but strongly supports the whole range being considered as part of the review.

Recommendation 3

4.43        The Committee notes the potential for alcohol substitution to occur and supports the government's commitment to evaluate the effectiveness of the measure increasing the excise on spirit-based RTDs and all components of the binge drinking strategy.

Recommendation 4

4.74        The Committee supports the call for a review of alcohol taxation and notes that an examination of alcohol taxation will be included in the comprehensive review of the tax system currently underway (the Henry Review).

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