Public Hearing - Canberra, 10 November2005

Inquiry into workplace exposure to toxic dust

Public Hearing - Canberra, 10 November2005

Senate Committee Room 2S1
Parliament House, CANBERRA


4.00pm  - 4.30pm


Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (Sub 11)
Ms Sandra Parker, Group Manager, Office of the Australian Safety and Compensation Council
Mr Wayne Creaser, A/g Assistant Secretary, Standards Branch
Mr Peter Haynes, Director, Chemical Standards

4.30pm  - 5.00pm


Minerals Council of Australia (Sub 23)
Mr Rob Rawson, Director, Safety and Health
Mr Andrew McMahon

5.00pm  - 5.20pm


Mr Gavin Kele (Sub 8)
Via teleconference

5.20pm  - 5.40pm


Professor Haydn Walters (Sub 3)
Via teleconference

5.40pm - 7.00pm


Mr Richard White and Sandblasting Diseases Coalition (Sub 25)
Dr Thomas Faunce
Mr Richard White

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