

[1] Senate Hansard May 9, 1996 p 624

[2] Senate Hansard, May 21, 1996, p 821

[3] Probe a prescription for social concern, The Australian, 31 January, 2006, p.12

[4] Dr Graham and Ms Halton, Department of Health and Ageing, CA Hansard, 15 December 2005, pages 30-31.

[5] Submission 1012, Southern Cross Bioethics Institute.

[6] Editorial: No excuse for wilful ignorance. The Sydney Morning Herald, 4 January 2006.

[7] Christie Peuker, We will fight for service: senator. Shepparton News, 3 November 2005.

[8] Submission 920, Women's Forum Australia, page 21.

[9] Submission 635, Jenny Madden

[10] Byden-Brown, Sarah, Morning-after pill on sale. The Australian, 1 July 2002.

[11] Submission 920, Women's Forum Australia

[12] Ms Mongan, Australian Federation of Right to Life Associations, CA Hansard, 3 February 2006, page 23.

[13] Submission 920, Women's Forum Australia, page 16.

[14] Submission 1012, Southern Cross Bioethics Institute, page 3.

[15] Dr Tippett, CA Hansard, 15 December 2005, page 39.

[16] Dr Page, CA Hansard, 15 December 2005, page 28.

[17] See discussion with the AMA, the Rural Doctors Association and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists about how a woman aborting at home could dispose of her foetus. CA Hansard, 15 December 2005.

[18] Submission 240, Dr Elvis Seman, page 2.

[19] Bishop Anthony Fisher, CA Hansard, 6 February 2006, page 11, 13.

[20] Dr Graham and Ms Halton, Department of Health and Ageing, CA Hansard, 15 December 2005, pages 30-31.

[21] Franks, CES (2004), Putting accountability and responsibility back into the system of government. Policy Options, October. Page 64.

[22] De Costa, CM (2005) Medical abortion for Australian women: it's time. Medical Journal of Australia, Vol 183(7), pages 378-380.

[23] Submission 901, Dr Sharman Stone.

Melissa Polimeni, Chance of abortion backdown. Herald Sun, 14 October 2005

[24] Christie Peuker, We will fight for service: senator. Shepparton News, 3 November 2005.

[25] RU-486 (Mifepristone) – Medical Abortion. Minute to the Minister. Department of Health and Ageing, November 2005.

[26] Women's Abortion Action Campaign, submission 905, page 10.

[27] Submission 635, Ms Jenny Madden, page 1.

[28] Submission 1, Dr David Gawler, page 1.

[29] Dr Seman, CA Hansard, 3 February 2006, page 51-52.

[30] Dr Graham and Ms Halton, Department of Health and Ageing, CA Hansard, 15 December 2005, pages 30-31.

[31] See:

[32] Probe a prescription for social concern, The Australian, 31st January, 2006, p.12

[33] Submission 920, Women's Forum Australia, page 21.

See also submission 930.

[34] Submission 920, Women's Forum Australia, page 21.

[35] Submission 635, Jenny Madden, page 2.

[36] Byden-Brown, Sarah, Morning-after pill on sale. The Australian, 1 July 2002.

[37] National Drugs and Poisons Schedule Committee (Therapeutic Goods Administration), Record of reasons 38th Meeting 17-19 June 2003 -

[38] Price, Sarah, Morning-after pill sold by a beauty consultant. Sun-Herald, 30 May 2004. Spagnolo, Joe, Morning after pill. The Sunday Times (Perth), 8 January 2006.

[39] Submission 628, Life Office, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, page 5.

[40] Submission 930, Dr Renate Klein, page 7.

[41] Submission 240, Dr Elvis Seman, page 2.

[42] Submission 240, Dr Elvis Seman, page 3.

[43] Patricia Karvelas, Abortion warning by drug's producer. The Australian, 31 January 2006.

[44] Submission 920, Women's Forum Australia, page 13.

[45] Submission 623, Drs Dianne and Stephen Grocott, pages 1 and 2.

[46] Submission 240, Dr Elvis Seman, page 2.

[47] Dr Andrew Pesce, Australian Medical Association, CA Hansard, 15 December 2005, page 9.

[48] Submission 920, Women's Forum Australia, page 15.

[49] The Bill, clause 3.

[50] Appendix A, subsection (d). TGA information on drugs subject to import controls, dated 6.2.06.

[51] Committee Hansard 6 February 2006, p.78 (Dr Weisberg, SHFPA).

[52] Report on the Provisions of the Research Involving Embryos and Prohibition of Human Cloning Bill 2002, October 2002.

[53] Paragraph 1.6 notes that RU486 is just one of the class of medicines defined as restricted goods.

[54] Explanatory memorandum, p.1.

[55] Luke Buckmaster, 'RU486 for Australia?', Research Note, no. 19, Parliamentary Library, 28 November 2005, p.2.

[56] Committee Hansard, 15 December 2005, pp 20-21 (TGA).

[57] Research Note, no. 19, Parliamentary Library, 28 November 2005, pp.3-4.

[58] Committee Hansard , 15 December 2005, p. 4 (AMA); Committee Hansard , 15 December 2005, pp. 54-55 (RANZCOG); Submission 401, p.3 and Attachment 4 (RANZCOG).

[59] Submission 401, p. 3 (RANZCOG).

[60] Submission 401, Attachment 2, p. 16 (RANZCOG).

[61] Committee Hansard , 15 December 2005, pp.3-4 (AMA). Submissions 3, pp.1-3 (Prof de Costa); 930, pp.6-9 (Istar Ltd).

[62] Committee Hansard , 15 December 2005, p.5 (AMA), 37 and 40 (RDAA).

[63] MM Gary and DJ Harrison Analysis of severe adverse events related to the use of Mifepristone as an abortifacient Annals of Pharmacotherapy Vol 40 (February 2006). I.M. Spitz et al. Early Pregnancy Termination with Mifepristone and Misoprostol in the United States New England Journal of Medicine Vol 338 (1998)1241-1247. Submissions 401, Attachment 2, p. 17 (RANZCOG); 930, p. 4 (Dr Renate Klein).

[64] M.F. Greene Fatal infections associated with mifepristone-induced abortion. New England Journal of Medicine Vol 353 (2005)2317-2318.

[65] Committee Hansard 3 February 2006, p.39 (PHAA); Submission 401, p.3 (RANZCOG).

[66] Committee Hansard, 15 December 2005, p. 51 (Rural Doctors Association of Australia).

[67] Committee Hansard , 15 December 2005, p. 4 (AMA).

[68] Submission 907, pp.2-3 (Sexual Health and Family Planning Australia); Committee Hansard, 15 December 2005, p. 2 (AMA).

[69] Committee Hansard, 15 December 2005, p. 2 (AMA); Submission 712 (name withheld); Submission 907, p. 3 (Sexual Health and Family Planning Australia); Submission 1004, p. 2 (RACP Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine); Submission 603, p. 2 (Monash University Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology); 704, p.3 (RCA).

[70] Mifepristone: Drug Information at

[71] The Australian, 31 January 2006, p.3.

[72] Committee Hansard 3 February 2006, p.48 (Dr Seman).

[73] Committee Hansard 6 February 2006, p.72 (Dr Weisberg, SHFPA).

[74] Submission 413, p. 1-2 (Australian Family Association (NSW)); Submission 975, p. 2-3 (Mr Geoffrey Bullock); Submission 1111, p.2-3 (The Australian Catholics Bishops Conference, The Bishops Committee for the Family and for Life (ACT)).

[75] For example, re Claratyne “It may be an unfortunate analogy. I can see your point: I can see that that particular analogy is not a good one” Dr Taft, Public Health Association, Public Hearing, Melbourne, 3 February 2006 CA 39; “Senator BARNETT—Is it a fair comparison? Ms Crozier [Women’ Health NSW]—On the way you are presenting it, I would say no, and I accept that-”, Public Hearing, Sydney, 6 February 2006 CA19.

[76] Mifeprex Product Label at:

[77] M.F. Greene, Fatal infections associated with mifepristone-induced abortion. New England Journal of Medicine Vol 353 (2005)2317-2318.

[78] Submission 701, p.3 (Dr Cockburn).

[79] Submission 919, pp.1-2 (Dr Robyn Seth-Purdie). Also Submission 4, p.1 (NFAW).

[80] Submissions 707, p.1 (PHAA); 1086, p.3 (Liberty Victoria).

[81] Eg Submissions 3, p.2 (Prof de Costa); 601, p.3 (ARHA); 902, p.1 (Dr Wainer); 1004, p.2 (ACSHM).

[82] Submission 905, p.10 (WAAC).

[83] Submission 1004, p.2 (ACSHM).

[84] Submission 202. p.2 (Professors Rogers, Ankeny and Dodds).

[85] Submission 916, p.2 (WHV).

[86] Submission 902, p.1 (Dr Wainer).

[87] Submission 608, p.1 (WCFGP Rich). Also Submission 905, p.9 (WAAC).

[88] Submission 401, p.2 (RANZCOG)

[89] Submission 903, p.2 (RWH, Melbourne).

[90] Submission 1003, p.2 (AMA).

[91] Submission 402, p.2 (WHNSW); 419, p.2 (Hobart WHC); 917, p.5 (Children by Choice); 1000, p.3 (NUS).

[92] Submission 402, p1 (WHNSW). Also Submission 4, p.4 (NFAW); 922, p.1 (WIRE)

[93] Submission 908, p.3 (RACGP).

[94] Submissions 706, p.4 (IFPACA); 708, p.1 (RWH&FPV); 901, p.5 (Dr Stone); 907, p.2 (SH&FPA).

[95] Submission 202, p.1 (Profs Rogers Ankeny and Dodds).

[96] Eg Submissions 701, p.2 (Dr Cockburn); 708, pp.1-3 (RWH&FPV); 907, pp.1-2 (SH&FPA); 916, pp.1-2 (WHV); 1085, p.2 (VCOSS).

[97] Submission 704, p.1 (RCA).

[98] Submission 907, p.1 (SH&FPA). See also Submission 4, p.1 (NFAW); 1004, p.1 (ACSHM).

[99] Submission 907, p.1 (SH&FPA). See also Submission 4, p.1 (NFAW); 1004, p.1 (ACSHM).

[100] Submission 602, p.5 (Istar Ltd).

[101] Submissions 708, p.3 (RWH&FPV); 1085, p.2 (VCOSS).

[102] Submission 701, p.1 (Dr Cockburn).

[103] Submission 907, p.3 (SH&FPA); 1003, p.2 (AMA).

[104] Submission 1004, p.1 (ACSHM).

[105] Submission 603 (Professor David Healy). These trials were referred to in other submissions including 601, p.2 (ARHA)

[106] Submissions 10, p.1 (PHAA); 402, pp.2-4 (WHNSW); 917, p.3 (Children by Choice Association); 1000, p.3 (NUS);

[107] Submissions 10, p.2 (PHAA); 401, p.3 (RANZCOG); 601, p.2 (ARHA); 701, p.2 (Dr Cockburn).

[108] Reproductive Choice Australia noted that RU486 is not the only medicine capable of harming an embryo/fetus or causing miscarriage. Currently, the TGA lists around 55 drugs or categories of drugs that either 'cause, are suspected to have caused or may be expected to cause an increased incidence of human fetal malformations or irreversible damage' (Category D) or have 'a high risk of causing permanent damage to the fetus' (Category X). Submission 704, p.3.

[109] Submission 401, pp.3-4 (RANZCOG).

[110] Green, See also Committee Hansard 15 December 2005, p.38 (RANZCOG).

[111] Slayter EK, Sullivan EA & King JF, Maternal Death in Australia 1997-1999, AIHW Cat. N. PER 24, Sydney 2004: AIHW National Perinatal Statistics Unit, p.xiv.

[112] Submission 1001, pp.4-5 (The Association of Reproductive Health Professionals).

[113] Submission 706, p.3 (Dr Fiala, FIAPAC).

[114] Committee Hansard 6 February 2006, p.76 (Sydney Centre for Reproductive Health Research, Sexual Health and Family Planning Australia). See also Hogan SF, Ireland K, 'Fatal acute spontaneous endometritis resulting from Clostridium sordellii', American Journal of Clinical Pathology 1989; 91:104-106; McGregor JA, Soper DE, Lovell G, Todd JK, 'Maternal deaths associated with Clostridium sordellii infection, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gyneocology 1989; 161:987-995; Abdulla A, Yee L, 'The clinical spectrum of Clostridium sordellii bacteraemia: two case reports and a review of the literature', Journal of Clinical Pathology, 2000; 53:709-12; Omphalitis. Patrick G Gallagher, MD, Samir S Shah, MD <> accessed Jan 2006-02-07; Kainer, MA, Linden, JV, Whaley DN, Holmes, HT, Jarvis, WR, Jernigan, DB Archibald LK, 'Clostridium infections associated with Musculosketetal-Tissue Allografts', New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 350 (25) 2564-2571.

[115] Greene M, 'Fatal Infections Associated with Mifepristone-Induced Abortion', New England Journal of Medicine, 353:22, 2317-2318. See also an interview with Dr Greene at transcript

[116] Research Note, no. 19, Parliamentary Library, 28 November 2005, p.1.

[117] Submission 919,pp.2-3 (Dr Seth-Purdie).

[118] Submission 701, p.5 (Dr Cockburn). Also Submission 901, p.2 (Dr Stone).

[119] Submissions 401, p.3 (RANZCOG); 903, p.3 (RWH Vic); 922, p.1 (WIRE); 1003, p.3 (AMA).

[120] Submissions 1003, p.3 (AMA); 402, p.4 (WHNSW); 917, pp.4-5 (Children by Choice).

[121] Submission 602, p.5 (Istar Ltd).

[122] Eg Submissions 917, p.4 (Children by Choice); 922, p.2 (WIRE).

[123] Submission 908, pp.3-4 (RACGP).

[124] Submission 903, p.3 (RWH).

[125] Submissions 401, p.5 (RANZCOG); 903, p.3 (RWH)

[126] Submissions 602, pp.3-5 (Istar Ltd); 708, p.2 (RWH&FPV).

[127] Submission 204, p.1 (Professor Pettigrew).

[128] Submission 608, p.2 (Women’s Clinic and Family General Practice on Richmond Hill, Vic).

[129] Submission 606, p.1 (Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Service)

[130] Submission 911, p.4 (RDAA). Also Submission 901, p.3 (Dr Stone); 905, p.8 (WAAC).

[131] Submission 921, p.1. (AARN).

[132] Submission 911, p.4 (RDAA).

[133] Submission 905, p.6 (WAAC).

[134] Submission 419, p.2 (Hobart Women's Health Centre).

[135] Submission 3, p.2 (Professor de Costa).

[136] Submission 605, pp.2-3 (FPQ). Also Submission 917, p.2 (Children by Choice Qld).

[137] Submission 703, pp.1-2 (People for Choice Tasmania).

[138] Submission 1085, p.3 (VCOSS).

[139] Submission 606, p.1 (Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Service).

[140] Submission 1003, p.3 (AMA).

[141] Submission 4, p.4 (NFAW).

[142] Submission 207, p.1 (QBC). See also Submission 720, p.1 (RLOCAM.

[143] Submission 421, p.3 (AFRTLA).

[144] Submission 628, p.2 (Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney). Also Submissions 411, p.1 (CWLA); 420, p.1 (FoL); 627, p.4 (RTLA).

[145] Submission 930, p.4 (Dr Klein).

[146] Submissions 931, p.3 (aaRU486); 933, p.5 (CDAV); 1111, pp2-3 (ACBC)

[147] Submission 930, p.12 (Dr Klein).

[148] Submission 628, p.2 (Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney). Also Submissions 720, p.1 (RLOCAM); 938, p.2 (Lutheran Church of Australia).

[149] Submission 931, p.3 (aaRU486). See also Submission 240, p.3 (Dr Seman).

[150] Submission 421, p.5 (AFRTLA).

[151] Submission 1111, p.3 (ACBC).

[152] Submission 420, p.1 (Festival of Light).

[153] Submission 5, p.5 (WFDRHL).

[154] Submission 411, p.3 CWLA).

[155] Submission 421, p.10 (AFRTLA). See also Submissions 636, p.2 (Salt Shakers); 931, p.2 (aaRU486)

[156] Submission 930, pp1-2 (Dr Klein).

[157] Submissions 207, p.1 (QBC); 420, p.5 (FoL); 421, p.9 (AFRTLA).

[158] Submission 1012, p.2 (SCBI).

[159] Submission 930, p.2 (Dr Klein). See also Submission 240, p.1 (Dr Elvis Seman).

[160] Submission 931, p.1 (aaRU486).

[161] Submissions 240, pp.2-3 (Dr Seman); 930, pp.7-11 (Dr Klein)

[162] Committee Hansard 3 February 2006, p. (Mr Richard Egan, Festival of Light).

[163] Committee Hansard 3 February 2006, p.28 (Dr Piercy, RTLA).

[164] Submissions 5, pp.6-7 (WFDRHL); 421, p.8 (AFRTLA); 627, pp.7-8 (RTLA); 628, p.5 (Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney); 636, pp.2-4 (Salt Shakers); 720, p.2 (RLOCAM); 722, pp2-5 (Dr Lennon); 931, p.5 (aaRU486); 933, pp.2-4 (CDAV);

[165] Letter to the U. S. Food and Drug Administration on Mifeprex, aka “RU-486”


[166] Rep. Bartlett Wins Support to Ban Abortion Pill,Thursday, February 02, 2006 By Elissa Petruzzi at:,2933,183520,00.html

[167] The Times (London), 1 February 2006.

[168] Sinave et al Toxic shock syndrome due to Clostridium sordellii Clinical Infectious Diseases Vol 35 (2002) 1441-1443

[169] Committee Hansard 3 February 2006, p.73 (Mr Richard Egan, Festival of Light).

[170] Submission 410, p.3 (CMF).

[171] Submission 623, pp.1-2 (Drs Stephen and Dianne Grocott).

[172] Submissions 420, p.2 (FoL); 720, p.3 (RLOCAM); 934, p.2 (NCC).

[173] Submission 933, p.5 (CDAV).

[174] Submission 930, p.11 (Dr Klein).

[175] Submission 5, p.5 (WFDRHL).

[176] Submission 636, p.5 (Salt Shakers).

[177] Submission 635, p.1 (Ms Jenny Madden).

[178] Committee Hansard 6 February 2006, p.44 (Dr Buist).

[179] Committee Hansard 3 February 2006, p.29 (Dr Piercy, RTLA).

[180] Media release, Minister for Health and Ageing, 15 November 2005, ABB140/05.

[181] Submission 933, p.4 (CDAV). See also Submission 628, pp.4-5 (Catholic Archdioceses of Sydney).

[182] Submissions 5, p.4 (WFDRHL); 207, p.2 (QBC); 627, p.4 (RTLA).

[183] Submission 628, p.3 (Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney).

[184] Submission 920, pp.4-6 (WFA).

[185] Submission 623, p.1 (Drs Stephen and Dianne Grocott).

[186] Submission 628, pp.3-4 (Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney).

[187] Submission 1012, p.2 (SCBI). See also Submissions 628, p.4 (Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney); 722, p.9 (Dr Lennon); 933, p.6 (CDAV).

[188] Submission 1012, p.3 (SCBI).

[189] Submission 725, p.2 (Dr Seman).

[190] Submission 5, p.7 (WFDRHL).

[191] Submission 623, p.2 (Drs Stephen and Dianne Grocott).