Appendix 3 - Changes to NHMRC Act

Appendix 3 - Changes to NHMRC Act

Appointments   Minister appoints CEO, all Council and Principal Committee members and Commissioner of Complaints.  Same.   No change needed. 
Establishment of Principal Committees   Minister must establish Research Committee and AHEC and Minister can determine additional functions for these PCs. Minister can establish other Principal Committees and determine their functions.  Same.   No change needed. 
Referral of matters  Minister may refer to Council matters within the scope of its functions.  Same – only Minister may now also refer to CEO and Principal Committees.  The NHMRC now comprises the CEO (and staff), Council and Committees. It is therefore appropriate that the Minister be able to refer matters to any of the arms of the NHMRC. 
Directions  Minister may give written directions to the Council re performance of its functions and exercise of its powers.May not direct on certain matters. Directions must be tabled in Parliament.  Same – only now Minister may also direct CEO and Principal Committees.Same conditions on power (i.e. what Minister can’t direct on) and same requirements for tabling.   As above. 
Delegations  Minister may delegate to Secretary of Department.  Minister may delegate to CEO.  Reflects change in governance arrangements. 
Establishment of NHMRC NHMRC (Council) is a body corporate. NHMRC comprises the CEO, Council, Committees and staff and is proposed to be a prescribed agency under the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997. Council is no longer a body corporate. Currently the Council’s governance structure is a hybrid between models under the FMA Act and CAC Act. The changes make it clear that the NHMRC is an FMA Agency and provide clarity regarding functions of each of the components of the NHMRC, accountabilities and reporting lines.
Functions of CEO CEO is executive officer of Council with responsibility for day to day activities. CEO essentially has the old functions of the Council as well as any other functions conferred by the Minister or legislation. Reflects change in governance arrangements. The CEO will be ultimately responsible to the Minister. The Council (and Committees) will provide expert scientific advice to the CEO to enable the CEO to fulfill his/her statutory functions.
Appointment Appointed by the Minister
Full time – up to 5 years
Remuneration set by the Remuneration Tribunal.
Same. No change needed.
Consultation on appointment No requirements for consultation. Minister must consult appropriately before appointing CEO. Introduces consistency with other appointments – Minister must consult appropriately in relation to all appointments.
Resignation and acting appointment CEO can resign by notice to Minister. Minister may appoint a person to act as CEO. Same. No change needed.
Referral of matters to CEO by Minister Minister can refer matters to Council (but not to the CEO). Minister may refer matters to the CEO as well as Council. Consistent with revised governance arrangements.
Directions to CEO by Minister Minister can direct Council but not CEO (although Council can direct CEO). Minister may direct the CEO as well as Council. Consistent with revised governance arrangements (same limits on powers to direct as previously existed).
Staff and consultants
Staff Staff are appointed under Public Service Act 1999.
Staff made available through arrangements with Secretary to the Department.
CEO and staff are a Statutory Agency for the purposes of the Public Service Act 1999.
CEO will be able to directly engage employees rather than rely on arrangements with the Secretary to the Department.
Consultants Council can arrange with the Secretary of the Department for consultants to be engaged. CEO may engage consultants to perform services related to the CEO’s functions. CEO will be responsible for the budget of the NHMRC and will engage consultants directly rather than via the Department.
Other arrangements Council may arrange for the services of a State or Territory employee. Same – only CEO may arrange for the services of a State or Territory employee rather than Council. CEO will be responsible for all staffing matters including making arrangements for services of State and Territory employees.
Functions of Council - Summary Functions of Council include, for example, issuing guidelines, making recommendations to Commonwealth on expenditure etc.. Functions of the Council are: Consistent with the new governance arrangements, the Council will focus on the provision of expert advice to the CEO who will have overall responsibility for the management of the NHMRC.
Size of Council Minimum 23, maximum 30+ (currently 29). Minimum 19, maximum 24. Reduces size of Council consistent with advice of reviews regarding the size of the Council limiting its effectiveness.
Membership of Council
Chair is a member of Council. Same. No change needed.
CEO is a member of Council. CEO is not a member of Council. Reflects revised governance arrangements – role of Council is to provide advice to the CEO so it is no longer appropriate for the CEO to be on Council.
Each Chairperson of a Principal Committee who is not otherwise a member of the Council. Principal Committee Chairs are drawn from Council membership and not vice versa. Current arrangements mean that the membership of Council continues to expand as more Principal Committees are appointed. New arrangements ensure that Principal Committee (PC) Chairs are Council members without continuing to expand Council membership. If no-one on Council is appropriately qualified to Chair a PC then another person may be appointed provided that a member of Council is on the PC.
Officer of each State and Territory health instrumentality.
An officer of the Department.
The Chief Medical Officer for each State and Territory.
The Chief Medical Officer for the Commonwealth.
Ensures that the most senior medical officer from each jurisdiction is on Council.
A person having knowledge of the health needs of Aboriginal persons or Torres Strait Islanders. A person with expertise in the health needs of Aboriginal persons and Torres Strait Islanders. Minor wording changes only – same expertise required on Council.
A person with a background in, & knowledge of, consumer issues.
A person with a background in, & knowledge of, business.
A person with expertise in consumer issues.
A person with expertise in business.
Minor wording changes only – same expertise required on Council.
A person with expertise in health care training.
A person with knowledge of professional medical standards and expertise in post-graduate medical training.
A person with a background in & knowledge of medical profession.
A person with a background in & knowledge of nursing profession.
An eminent scientist (i) who has knowledge of public health research and medical research issues; and (ii) who has no current connection with the Council.
A person with a background of & knowledge of public health issues.
A person with background in, and knowledge of, the trade union movement.
A person with knowledge of the needs of users of social welfare services.
A person with knowledge of environmental issues.
No more than 2 other persons with expertise relevant to the Council.
At least 6, but not more than 11, persons with expertise in one or more of the following:
(i)                 health care training
(ii)               professional medical standards
(iii)             the medical profession and post-graduate medical training;
(iv)             the nursing profession;
(v)               public health research and medical research issues;
(vi)             public health
(vii)           ethics relating to research involving humans (no equivalent on existing Council but Chair of AHEC must be on Council).
Other members may be appointed as appropriate.
Provides greater flexibility by listing the different types of expertise required (based on current membership of Council), and enabling members to be appointed who are most appropriate to the focus of Council for a particular triennium.
Appointment of Chair of Council Minister appoints. Same. No change needed.
Minister must consult Health Minister of each State/Territory. Minister must consult appropriately. Provides greater flexibility and widens the potential pool of people that the Minister consults with.
Person must have expertise relevant to functions of Council. No express requirement re expertise. Functions of Council are now to advise the CEO – therefore it provides flexibility to appoint the most appropriate person to the position.
Appointment of other Council members Minister appoints Council members. Same. No change needed.
For certain members, nominations must be received from prescribed agencies. Minister must consult appropriately for all members. Rather than prescribing a finite list of people from whom nominations must be sought (which may become dated or change as the need for different expertise on the Council changes) the Minister must consult appropriately. As a matter of administrative practice, it is intended that the CEO of the NHMRC will continue to write to a wide range of organisations seeking input regarding Council members.
Acting appointment If vacancy on Council, Minister can appoint acting person. Same. No change needed.
Remuneration Determined by the Remuneration Tribunal (yearly amount for Chair, sitting fees for others). Same. No change needed.
Leave of absence Minister can grant Chair and other members of Council leave. Now CEO grants leave to Council members. This is an essentially administrative task and does not require the Minister’s involvement.
Resignation and termination Council member can resign by giving notice to Minister.
Minister may/must terminate appointments of Council members in certain circumstances.
Same. No change needed.
Disclosure of interests Must disclose to Minister any interests within 1 month of being appointed.
Re. ongoing issues, must disclose to Minister or Chair, must not be present or take part in decision (unless Minister or Chair otherwise determines).
Must disclose to CEO any interests prior to being appointed.
Must disclose to CEO or Chair, must not be present or take part in decision (unless Chair or Chair otherwise determines).
This is an essentially administrative task and does not require the Minister’s involvement.
Procedures Council establishes procedures for Council and Committees. CEO establishes procedures. Consistent with revised governance arrangements.
Meetings of Council Chair must convene at least one meeting per calendar year or if at least 10 members request one. Provision also details meeting requirements (eg Chair presiding, notice of meetings etc). New provision simply provides that the Chair must convene at least one Council meeting per calendar year. Details regarding meetings will be included in procedures issued by the CEO. Consistent with revised governance arrangements.
Establishment and functions of Principal Committees Minister must establish Research Committee (RC) and Australian Health Ethics Committee (AHEC).
Functions of RC and AHEC are set out in legislation.
Minister can also determine additional functions after seeking advice of Council.
Same – only Minister must consult CEO (rather than Council) re establishment and functions. Consistent with revised governance arrangements.
Minister may establish such other PCs as he wishes and can also abolish them.
Minister must determine name and functions of PCs after consulting Council.
Minister can determine additional functions for RC and AHEC after consulting Council.
Same – only now Minister consults CEO. Consistent with revised governance arrangements.
Chair of Principal Committees Minister appoints on a part time basis. Same. No change needed.
Chairs of Principal Committees are automatically on Council. Chairs of Principal Committees are drawn from Council and if there is no-one with sufficient experience, the Minister may appoint someone else provided that a member of the Principal Committee (other than the Chair) is on the Council. New arrangements ensure that PC Chairs are Council members without continuing to expand Council membership.
Appointment of members of Principal Committees Minister appoints on part time basis for up to 3 years. Same. No change needed.
Australian Health Ethics Committee (AHEC) Minister must consult State and Territory Health Ministers before appointing Chair.
Minister must seek nominations from prescribed bodies before appointing members.
Minister now appoints all members (including Chair) after consulting appropriately. Changes are consistent with changes to appointment of Council and other PCs.
Rather than prescribing a finite list of people from whom nominations must be sought (which may become dated or change as the need for different expertise on the Council changes) the Minister must consult appropriately. As a matter of administrative practice, it is intended that the CEO of the NHMRC will continue to write to a wide range of organisations seeking input regarding Council members.
Embryo Research Licensing Committee (ERLC) Established under separate Act. Same. No change needed.
Establishment and functions Council or a Principal Committee may establish working committees and may also determine functions and procedures. CEO responsible for establishing and determining functions and procedures. Consistent with revised governance arrangements. CEO is responsible for the resources of the NHMRC and it is therefore appropriate that the CEO make the ultimate decision regarding whether money will be expended on the establishment of a working committee (based on advice from Council and principal Committees).
Appointment of members Appointed by Council or Principal Committee. Appointed by CEO. Consistent with revised governance arrangements.
Remuneration Determined by Remuneration Tribunal. Same. No change needed.
Procedures, leave of absence, resignation, termination etc Chair of Council generally responsible. CEO responsible. Consistent with revised governance arrangements.
Abolition of Working Committee Council or a Principal Committee may abolish Working Committees. CEO responsible for abolishing. CEO responsible for establishing Working Committees and is therefore also responsible for abolishing.
Executive Committee Council may establish Executive Committee to act as its executive arm. References to Executive Committee removed. NHMRC hasn’t had an Executive Committee for many years and as such it was no longer considered necessary. However it is proposed that a Management Advisory Committee be established administratively.
Appointment Minister must appoint after consulting with Council. Same – only Minister appoints after consulting with CEO. Consistent with revised governance arrangements.
Expertise Commissioner must have expertise in scientific research, medical research or public health research. Commissioner must have appropriate expertise. Currently Minister can only appoint a person who has expertise in scientific research, medical research or public health research. However, it may be just as appropriate for a Commissioner to have experience in, for example, mediation or dispute resolution. This provides greater flexibility and ensures that the best person for the position can be appointed based on appropriate expertise.
Functions Investigate complaints, perform other functions conferred on Commissioner. Same in substance. References to Council have been replaced with references to CEO consistent with governance changes.
Appointment, term, terms and conditions, leave, disclosures acting appointments Minister must appoint, determine terms and conditions and period of appointment.
Minister may appoint a person to act as Commissioner.
Minister may grant leave and may terminate appointment on certain grounds.
Commissioner must disclose interests to Minister.
Same. No change needed.
Staff and facilities Commissioner may make arrangements with Council for staff and facilities. Commissioner may make arrangements with CEO for staff and facilities. Consistent with revised governance arrangements.
Who may complain, grounds of complaint, making a complaint, investigation of complaints, procedures and powers Detailed in legislation. Substantially the same. References to Council have been replaced with references to CEO consistent with governance changes.
Annual report of the Commissioner Reports to the Council after the end of the calendar year. Reports to the CEO after the end of the financial year. Aligns with change to reporting timeframe for CEO’s report to the Minister (this has also been changed to financial year).
Protection of personal information and protection from civil actions Detailed in the legislation. Same. No change needed.
Making of regulatory recommendations and issuing of guidelines Council makes regulatory recommendations and issues guidelines. CEO makes regulatory recommendations and issues guidelines precisely as developed by Council and provided to the CEO (in the case of human research guidelines, they must be issued as developed by AHEC and provided to Council). Consistent with the changed governance arrangements, the CEO is responsible for actually making recommendations and issuing guidelines in the name of the NHMRC. The CEO does so on the basis of advice from Council (who may, in turn, base their advice on advice from a Principal Committee).
Consultation prior to making recommendations or issuing guidelines Council must publish a notice, prepare a draft, invite submissions, have regard to submissions etc. Same. Same consultation process is retained.
Interim recommendations and guidelines Council may issue interim recommendations or guidelines as a matter of urgency. After issuing them, Council must publish a notice setting out reasons for decision, decision and inviting submissions, Council may affirm, vary or revoke interim recommendations or guidelines within 30 days. After 30 days they are automatically revoked. CEO may issue interim recommendations or guidelines as a matter of urgency. Same process is retained for consultation only now Council must advise CEO within 30 days of the end of the consultation period re whether to affirm or revoke and CEO has another 15 days to consider. After 45 days they are automatically revoked.
Council can also initiate the making or urgent interim recommendations and guidelines by providing advice to the CEO.
Revocation of Guidelines No express mechanism to revoke. AIA requires that same process be employed for revoking as was employed for making. CEO has the power to revoke guidelines on the advice of Council. A new section has been included providing that the Council may, without undertaking consultation, advise the CEO to revoke guidelines other than human research guidelines. In relation to human research guidelines, AHEC may, without undertaking consultation, advise the Council to advise the CEO to revoke human research guidelines. This is a new section establishing a process for revoking guidelines, where no specified process previously existed.
Approval of third party guidelines Council may approve guidelines developed by third parties. Legislation describes process for this. Same – only CEO may approve guidelines developed by third parties. Consistent with revised governance arrangements. Process essentially remains the same.
Dispensing with consultation Council may dispense with consultation if matter is of minor significance only. Same. No change needed.
Procedures to assist people to make submissions Council must develop and publish procedures. Same – only CEO must develop and publish procedures. Consistent with revised governance arrangements.
Prescribed activities Council may engage in prescribed activities. Provisions for prescribing activities have been removed. In the life of the NHMRC no activities have ever been prescribed. These provisions were not, therefore considered necessary to be retained.
Establishment, Credits, purpose of account, gifts or bequests etc Details set out in Act. Same. No change needed.
Timetables Council must publish a timetable and procedures to assist Council to make recommendations on the application of the Account. Same – only now CEO must publish a timetable and procedures. Consistent with revised governance arrangements.
Notification of outcome of grants CEO had to notify by date set out in published timetable. Legislation no longer requires this. This addresses practical difficulties experienced by NHMRC in providing advice on a set date when the length of the decision making process by Committees is uncertain. It is intended that the NHMRC will continue to articulate in guidelines when recipients may expect to be notified.
Transitional provisions Old transitional provision for when old Medical Research Endowment Act 1937 was repealed. Provision deleted. No longer relevant. Relevant new provisions have been added to the Bill.
Strategic plans. Council must develop a strategic plan and consult Minister. Same – only now the CEO must develop the plan and consult Minister. Minor change to reflect revised governance arrangements.
Council must give Minister written review re success in implementing plan. Same – only now CEO must give Minister written review. Minor change to reflect revised governance arrangements.
Minister can request Council to give a variation of the plan. Same – only now Minister can request CEO to vary plan. Minor change to reflect revised governance arrangements.
Annual reports of NHMRC Council must give written report to Minister after the end of each calendar year.
Contents of Report are detailed in legislation.
CEO must give written report to Minister after the end of each financial year.
Contents of report remain the same (minor changes to wording to reflect changed governance arrangements).
Currently Council reports on a calendar year basis yet Health reports, in relation to the NHMRC, on a financial year basis. This amendment resolves this difficulty by the CEO reporting to the Minister on a financial year basis.
Confidential commercial information Requirements detailed in legislation. Essentially the same. Minor changes reflect new governance arrangements (including replacement of references to Council with references to CEO).
Exemption from taxation Council exempt from tax. Provision deleted. No longer necessary as NHMRC will be part of Commonwealth.
Protection from civil actions No civil proceedings may be bought against Council, CEO etc. Provision deleted. NHMRC will now be legally part of the Commonwealth and this diminishes the need for legislation protection. E.g. Commonwealth can indemnify, insure etc..
Delegations Council can delegate to Chair, Principal Committee, Executive Committee, Working Committee, CEO.
Principal Committee may delegate to working committee.
Minister can delegate to CEO
CEO can delegate to Council, Committees, staff. Council can delegate to the Chair of the Council or a Committee (other than Licensing Committee). Principal Committee may delegate to working committee. Delegate must act in accordance with any directions issued.
Ensures that delegations can be put in place where needed.
Consequential amendments to other Acts Acts such as the AIHW Act, the FSANZ Act, the FOI Act, the Privacy Act and the RIHE Act currently reference the NHMRC. References to the NHMRC are replaced with references to the CEO. Changes are made where appropriate and where this is necessary to reflect the new governance arrangements.


Assets and Liabilities of old NHMRC Transfer to the new NHMRC.
Legal proceedings If NHMRC is a party to legal proceedings then the Commonwealth is substituted for the NHMRC.
NHMRC Records Custody of records transfer from old NHMRC to new NHMRC.
References in documents References in documents to the old NHMRC are changed to the new NHMRC or Commonwealth (whichever is appropriate).
Operation of laws Things done by the old NHMRC are taken to be things done by the new NHMRC (unless the Minister or Regulations determine otherwise).
Principal Committees A Principal Committee established under the old Act continues to exist under the new Act (including determinations in relation to the functions and name of each Principal Committee). Previous appointments do not carry over as new members will be appointed to the Principal Committees.
Working Committees A Working Committee established under the old Act continues to exist under the new Act. Working Committee members are also carried over under new Act (this allows, for example, work on grants to continue without interruption).
Commissioner The Commissioner continues to hold office under the new Act.

Source: Submission 2, pp.5-15 (DoHA).

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