

[1] Information relating to the content of the bills has been drawn largely from the relevant Explanatory Memorandum, available at, and from Bills Digest 104/2005/06, prepared by the Parliamentary Library, available at

[2] Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Submission 5, p.2.

[3] Minister for Families, Community Affairs and Indigenous Affairs, the Hon. Mal Brough MP, Second Reading Speech, 16 February 2006.

[4] Submission 5, p.2 (FaCSIA).

[5] Submission 5, p.3 (FaCSIA).

[6] Submission 5, p.6 (FaCSIA).

[7] Committee Hansard, 14.3.06, pp.15-22.

[8] See, for example, Vision Australia, Submission 4, p.2; Carers Australia, Submission 7, p.1; National Welfare Rights Network, Submission 8, p.1.

[9] Vision Australia, Submission 4, p.2.

[10] Submission 9, p.3 (AAFCD)

[11] Submission 9, p.3 (AAFCD)

[12] Submission 5, p.7 (FaCSIA).

[13] Submission 5, pp6-7 (FaCSIA).

[14] Submission 5, p.8 (FaCSIA).

[15] Katrina Clark, Submission 1, p.1. See also, for example, Submission 3, p.3 (NCID); Submission 8, p.2 (NWRN).

[16] See, for example, Katrina Clark, Submission 1, p.1; Older Women's Network NSW, Submission 2, p.1; National Welfare Rights Network, Submission 8, pp.2,3.

[17] Committee Hansard, 14.3.06, pp.28-29, (Mr Barson). See also Committee Hansard, 14.3.06, p.8 (Mr Raper).

[18] Committee Hansard, 14.3.06, pp.28-29, (Mr Buston)

[19] Committee Hansard, 14.3.06, p.14, (Mr Simpson)