Public Hearing - Hobart, Wednesday 22 November 2006

Inquiry into the funding and operation of the Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement

Public Hearing - Hobart, Wednesday 22 November 2006

Committee Room 1, Parliament House

10.30 am - 11.30 am

Tasmanian Government (Sub 69)
Ms Alison Jacob, Deputy Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services
Mr John Nehrmann, Project Management Office, Disability Services, Department of Health and Human Services

11.30 am - 12.10 am

ACROD Tasmania
Ms Margaret Reyolds, Executive Officer

12.10 am - 12.50 pm

Mr Philip Crouch (Sub 54)
Mr Patrick Eadington

12.50 pm - 1.45 pm


1.45 pm - 2.25 pm

Anglicare Tasmania
Mr Daryl Lamb, State Manager, Community Service
Ms Mandy Clarke, Manager, Disability Support Services
Ms Teresa Hinton, Research and Policy Officer, Social Action and Research Centre

2.25 pm - 3.05 pm

Brain Injury Association of Tasmania (Sub 87)
Deborah Byrne, Executive Officer

3.05 pm - 3.45 pm

HOPES (Sub 103)
Mr David Pearce, President
Mr Matthew Vickers, Committee Member
Ms Ros Geeves, Committee Member

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515
Fax: +61 2 6277 5829