Public Hearing - Perth, Thursday 5 October 2006

Inquiry into the funding and operation of the Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement

Public Hearing - Perth, Thursday 5 October 2006

Duxton 2, Duxton Hotel,
No 1 St Georges Terrace, Perth

9.00 am - 10.00 am

WA Government (Sub 3)

The Hon Tony McRae, Minister for Disability Services

10.00 am - 11.00 am

National Council on Intellectual Disability (Sub 50)

Ms Sue Harris, Acting Chief Executive Officer

Ms Mary-Louise Allen, NCID Executive

11.00 am - 11.15 am


11.15 am - 12.00 pm

Brightwater Care Group (Sub 22)

Dr Penny Flett, Chief Executive Officer

12.00 pm - 12.45 pm

Independent Living Centre of WA Inc (Sub 38)

Ms Gerri Clay, Chair

12.45 pm - 1.30 pm


1.30 pm - 2.15 pm

Cerebral Palsy Australia (Sub 37)

Ms Anita Ghose, General Manager, Cerebral Palsy WA

2.15 pm - 2.45 pm

Ms Deidre Croft (Sub 101)

2.45 pm - 3.00 pm


3.00 pm - 5.00 pm

Disability Coalition WA (Sub 60)

Development Disability Council of WA (Sub 64)

Ms Su- Hsien Lee, Joint Chief Executive DDC of WA

Committed About Securing Accommodation for People with Disabilities (CASA) (Sub 66)

Ms Carol Franklin, Founder

Ms Amanda Simes

Mr Geoff Bridger

Mr Richard Diermajer

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515
Fax: +61 2 6277 5829